In My Dreams

1 Chapter 1

I woke up in the middle of the night to find my window open and I knew I had closed it, and locked it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Then when I opened my eyes to my surprise I saw a boy climbing in through my window. He had long black hair that reached his chin and his hair was an odd copper color. He looked very pale...almost as pale as a vampire. His eyes were a greenish blue almost the color of dried sea kelp. He was skinny and was wearing a white T-shirt with a black hoodie along with black skinny jeans and black and white converse. I quickly stood up and off of the bed. I could see his face better now that I was standing up, his facial features looked so, so perfect. He stepped towards me, startled by his movements I stepped backwards and fell back onto the bed. I could hear his footsteps vibrate the floor as he came closer and closer towards me then finally he got on top of the bed...and on top of me. He stared at me straight in the eyes so I stared right back at him and his kelp colored eyes. I watches at his face got closer and closer, inch by inch. now I could recognize him "Lucas?" I said as I grinned a devilish smile.

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