In My Dreams

2 Chapter 2

He smiled, wrapped his arms around me, pulled me towards him and kissed me. It scared me how much I enjoyed this...this wonderfully terrible sin I had to at least have committed a million times. His lips felt like I could just melt into them. They tasted like bitter sweet honey with sugar in between. I tried to pull away but he just held me tighter then finally he pulled away, letting me free. God! I hated him for letting go. I wanted to feel the soft gentle touch of his hands again, the sweet ecstasy of his lips on mine. "So...are you finally willing to let me do this?" he asked trying to make his voice sound melodic but instead ended up making it sound like a dying peacock. "Maybe" I said trying to mimic his peacock voice. I slid out from under him and escaped his grasp then sat up on the edge of the bed, he did the same...well without the sliding part.

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