
After failing to join a club and being somewhat isolated in my relationships during my high school years, my hobbies were part-time work and strength training.

Well, if you ask me if I liked my part-time job enough to make it a hobby, in the first place, I’m not sure if it counts as a hobby; but I did like strength training.

Strength training is similar to endurance running, but the advantage of strength training is that it can be done at home, the weather does not affect it.

In the morning, I ran until I collapsed from lack of oxygen and my father would pick me up and tell me I was grounded, so I decided to do some strength training.

I heard that squats are the most efficient way to train 70% of your body’s major muscles, but I personally prefer push-ups.

In any case, I’m going to do squats, push-ups, and sit-ups all the time.

“Huh, 30……!”

Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats. 

I was out of breath just from doing 30 push-ups, sit-ups, and squats each with two minutes of cool time in between.

This is the body of a six-year-old. It’s immature.

When I was a student, I could do a hundred times each. I haven’t been able to do it since I started working. I didn’t have time to do so and maybe that’s just a part of it.


Name: Yasushi Sashima ▼ Lv 1

Level: 1

Occupation: None

Skills: “Appraisal Lv2”, “Agility Correction Lv3”, “HP Correction Lv4”, “Muscle Strength Correction Lv3”

Unique Skill: Repeated Attempt

“Yay, more skills!”

And I level up as well!

My father said, “Do you know why I grounded you? If so, then, be quiet.” 

I’m worried about the icy stare he’s giving me, but I’m more concerned about the skills now.

The reason the level of Muscle Strength Correction is also high from the start is probably because I never missed a muscle training session as a student in my previous life.

Is this instantaneous increase in strength due to the experience in previous life? I don’t know if it’s because of that or if it’s because of my inherent unique skill of Repetitive Attempt.

As I stared at my palm during a break in my muscle training, I suddenly found something that caught my attention.

The “▼” next to my name. I didn’t notice it earlier, but now that my Appraisal level has increased, I can view it now?

I looked at the “▼” carefully.


Name: Yasushi Sashima

HP: 7/12

Muscle Strength: 5

Magic Power: 1

Agility: 5

Level 1

I found something like a status.

I somehow understood that physical strength is like HP and agility is like speed. If that’s the case, Muscle Strength is a status that combines attack…no, but it doesn’t have defense. And if that’s the case, magic power might be a combination of magic attack power and magic defense.

I can’t think of a way to find out for sure, so I’m just guessing.

But magic power 1?

The magic power is, well, not that big of a deal compared to the surprise and unreality of this window when it appeared. If you have the skill, you probably have the magic power.

The only thing that bothered me was the number 1.

I understand one is a small number. But it’s not zero. Yes, it’s not zero.

Then it exists. The magic power exists.

When I saw the existence of magic, I had two major hypotheses.

The first is that this world is a parallel world with a different pattern than the one I know. Therefore, if this magical power exists, then there is a possibility that there is a technology that uses magical power, like magic, in this world.

If that’s the case, I’m really thrilled!

In my previous life, I even liked to play games. There’s no way I wouldn’t love playing such a simple game.

Every gamer dreams of magic!

But I’m going with this hypothesis.

It’s a pattern that I didn’t know about, purely because I had magic in my previous life.

And, more importantly, it’s a pattern where there is no such thing as magic applied to magic.

We live in a world of smartphones and the Internet. If there are people who can use magic, it would not be surprising if one or more of them posted a video.

Even if not, it would be impossible to completely hide information- even magical information that many people would be curious about- in that Internet Society.

Even so, its existence has not been confirmed. So, it’s better to assume that it doesn’t exist.

In fact, I read a long time ago that most of the universe comprises unobservable so-called “dark matter,” and magic might be one of them.

So, I’m not sure if magic exists or not, and it may not.

But this much is certain.

Magic is real.

It’s only 1, numerically, but it’s real.

If that’s the case, at least you can observe the magic power, move it, and train it!

I “appraised” the sliding doors, chest of drawers and tatami mats in front of me. Then, I tried to find out if there was any kind of magical power by sitting in seiza.

I got bored doing so as it came with no results. So, I resume my muscle training. Tired from training, I went back to searching for magical powers again.

The first day as a six-year-old again, I went to bed repeating the routine, except for the meal and bath in the middle of the day.

And the next day.

I don’t know if it was the fact that I did too much strength training yesterday, or the fact that I ran until I ran out of breath. But I was tormented by tremendous muscle pains all over my body.

“Ow, ow, ow!”

In spite of this, out of habit, or perhaps because of the excess energy of a child’s body, I woke up at six o’clock and went for a run in the park. I ran while enduring the pain of sore muscles.

Today, I took advantage of yesterday’s experience and ran for about two hours, then went home and ate breakfast.

Next thing I did was push-ups, sit-ups, and squats 30 times each. I did all of these strenuous activities while enduring the intense muscle pain.

I knew it was overwork. It would be more efficient to rest from muscle training, but the fun and pleasure of becoming more skilled and increasing my level of strength made me dance. Before I knew it, I ignored the muscle pain, and I kept on repeating it.

When I finally beat tired,I would take breaks and spend those by trying to find some magic power. 

I tried meditating, lying on my back, and going outside to get covered in sand, but I couldn’t find anything that could increase my magic.

In case you were wondering, my mom got mad at me when I came home covered in sand and slapped me.

As the sun set and the moon rose, I stared into my palm to see the culmination of the past two days.

Name: Yasushi Sashima ▼ Lv 1

Level: 1

Occupation: None

Skills: “Appraise Lv2” , “Agility Correction Lv4”, “HP Correction Lv4”, “Muscle Strength Correction Lv4”, “Super Recovery Lv1”

Unique Skill: “Repeated Attempt”

As a result of overworking my muscles, I gained Super Recovery. Besides, my Agility and Strength Compensation levels went up one by one.


“This is not it! What I want is some kind of magic power manipulation!”

“Shut up! Just go to bed already!””

My mother slapped me again. Reluctantly, lying on the futon, whether it was because of my child’s body or it was simply because I was tired, I was sucked into a sea of sound sleep in a matter of seconds.

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