Magic Power

What do you think magic power is?

Is it like air, present and essential yet unrecognizable? Or is it like a ghost, which is non-existent if you can’t see it, but once you do, you can’t help but notice it? Or is it something else?

It is my first day of kindergarten since I turned six.

I am isolated in a corner of the nursery where I can hear the high-pitched voice and screams of children from all directions. Amidst this,I am absent mindedly thinking about my magic.

If anything, I am escaping reality from the pain of mixing with the children.

No, seriously, I don’t understand preschoolers.

When I was alone in the corner doing push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, they said, “Sensei, Yasushi-kun is doing something weird.”

Someone also said, “Shoma-kun wants to play with Yasushi-kun.”

And when I replied, “No, I don’t want to play with you because I’m busy.”

He shouted, “No, you can’t!”

Nonetheless, kindergarten is really a magical place. I can train my muscles and improve my skills here!

The teacher is going to spank me if I don’t play. As I don’t want to experience that, I have no choice but to suggest a game I used to play when I was a kid.

“Sensei, do you have any cards?”

“Cards? Do you play cards?

“No, we’re going to play a math game.”

A calculation game.

Four playing cards are dealt to each person, and if the card on the field is, for example number 7, four cards will be added, subtracted, multiplied, or divided to make 7. That’s how it goes.

When I was in kindergarten or elementary school, I asked my father if we could play cards, and he suggested this game.

Now that I think about it, it may have been a distant way of saying “I don’t want to play with you” to my father, who was a pain in the ass. However, I got hooked on the game and started to play it by myself.

When I explained the rules of the game, Shomakko and the others argued that they haven’t learned math yet, and the teacher made a blatantly annoyed face.

The teacher looked annoyed. So, I didn’t say a word and just dealt out four cards each including the teacher’s.

“Well, if you don’t want to, I’ll play by myself.”

I told Shouma-kun, who didn’t seem to want to play, to get lost. It may sound immature, but I’m not very good with kids.

“Then, if I win, Yasushi-kun will play tag outside with Shoma-kun.”

But the teacher came up with a more foolish suggestion.

A game of calculation speed against a kindergartener? I was a little taken aback by this lack of maturity (I put myself aside), but still I am confident in my calculation speed.


At the same time, I turned over a card from the deck of cards.

The card that came up was A — should I make one? I look at my four cards: 9,7,3,4…

“Oh, I got it, 9-7=2, so 4-2 is 2, and 2 subtracted from 3 is 1!”

“… Guh.”

I looked at the teacher’s card, whose face crumpled as if it conflicted her. I saw K, J, 4, 2. 

“You make it to 2 if you add K and J, then divide it by 4. You didn’t get it so, I win and I can play by myself, right?”

I don’t know if it frustrated her that she lost to a kindergartener or annoyed that I was so cocky, but the teacher spanked me so hard.

It seemed like I woke up to be punished by a woman who looks younger than 26 years old.

If I hadn’t gotten “Arithmetic Lv3” I might have done something wrong.

So, after learning that others would judge me if I stayed in the classroom, I did some muscle training outside the nursery, did some mental arithmetic during story time to raise the level of “Arithmetic,” and explored magical powers.

I woke up early in the morning and went out for a run in the park.

I put up with sore muscles as I did some strength training and running.I also ate a lot of food, and before I knew it, my “Super Recovery” was already at Lv2.

If, like me, your teacher repeatedly spanks you, you’ll level up your “Mental Resistance” to Lv5.

I must have inherited the Mental Resistance from a previous life, right? You couldn’t possibly just wake up and have it, right? 

I am in a hurry.

While I was enjoying such a fulfilling kindergarten life, the winter vacation soon came.

Well, I turned six years old in mid-December, so in terms of my mood, the vacation came in an instant. I am quite happy. And I have more exciting news.

Yes. I finally…

“This is the magic power!”

I had succeeded in observing magic power.

What is magic power? It’s like the light of life that dwells deep within the body. It’s similar to the white light you see when you meditate deeply.

The results of my Appraisal earlier showed that it was “magical power”. There’s no doubt about it. This is indeed a magic power.

I exhaled deeply and folded my legs in the full lotus position. My hands are in the same position as what you can usually see from people doing meditation..

As I move my consciousness, I feel a strange sensation that makes the tips of my hair tingle all over my body. Still, I concentrated deeply and profoundly to pursue that white light, and it moved flickering.

It swayed like the flickering of a candle.

I was able to move it slightly with my consciousness. It was as if I was blowing weakly on the flickering fire. But it was definitely my will.

I had been watching that magic for hours.

Morning passed by and it was soon noon. 

My mom looked really creeped out by the fact that I, who was usually making a lot of noise with my running and weight training, kept quietly and noiselessly doing meditation.

In the end, the meditation continued until I was pulled away and was told, “It’s dinner time. Quit it!”

This is me now, by the way.

Name: Yasushi Sashima 

HP: 12/15

Muscle Strength: 9

Magic Power 3

Agility: 9 ▲

Level: 1

Occupation: None


“Appraisal Lv3” , “Agility Lv5” , “HP Correction Lv6″ , ” Muscle Strength Correction Lv5″ , “Super Recovery Lv2″ , ” Arithmetic Lv3″ , “Mental Resistance Lv5” , “Magic Correction Lv1”

Unique skill: Repeated Attempt

There’s an added Magic Correction to the skill and the amount of magic power has tripled!

The increase in correction for agility, strength, and muscle power is probably thanks to the strength training and running, but the increase in the level of appraisal was unexpected.

Is it because I used a lot of it, or does it have something to do with the fact that I appraised magic?

And I’m also curious about the “▼” that appeared in the skills section.

For now, I’ve decided to formally incorporate magic power training into my usual menu of strength training and running.

Fufufu. I may not be able to use magic, but I’ll use mysterious powers with magic!

My heart was filled with excitement.

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