Chapter 102 The State Strikes Out and Gives Generous Rewards to the People Around Lin Xueming!!

Hudan University campus.

Lin Xueming accompanied his girlfriend Wen Qingxuan on the trail, reminiscing about the campus time.

Wen Qingxuan introduced: “This lake is called Mingfei Lake, here is the holy place for school students to fall in love, no matter day or night, a couple will talk about love by this lake!” ”


Lin Xueming showed a proud expression,

“Qing Xuan, you see, in the four years of college, none of the students in this school have chased you down.”

“On the contrary, I, a specialist student, was stunned to pick your Hudan flower.”

If I say this, your male classmates in Hudan must not tear me up.

“You stink poor…”

Wen Qingxuan said with disgust.

The two men followed the trail toward the teacher’s office.


Knock on the door of the finance teacher’s office,

Wen Qingxuan shouted at the female teacher who was writing the information with her head bowed.

“Sister Li, I’ve come to see you!”

Wen Qingxuan had a very good relationship with the tutor, did not call the more formal title of Mentor Li, and usually called Sister Li.

“Qing…… Qingxuan? ”

Teacher Li stood up suddenly, and Wen Qingxuan walked over.

“It’s really you!” When did you come back from abroad? ”

Teacher Li was also surprised to see the appearance of this child.

“Hee-hee… I have graduated from Harford, and I have to thank Sister Li for helping me go abroad! ”

At the beginning, Teacher Li especially liked Wen Qingxuan, a girl, who is not only beautiful, but also smart and capable!

She almost treated Wen Qingxuan as a daughter,

Wen Qingxuan went abroad to study, and many things were done after Teacher Li helped to run before and after.

Wen Qingxuan handed out the gift box in his hand: “Sister Li, this is some small gifts I brought from the United States, for you!” ”

“Brought me a gift!”

Teacher Li smiled, and without too much prevarication, he accepted it.

Teacher Li looked at Lin Xueming beside him and asked, “Qing Xuan, who is this?” ”

Wen Qingxuan generously introduced: “This is my boyfriend Lin Xueming!” ”

“Hello Teacher Li!”

Lin Xueming said hello.

Teacher Li had a joking expression, “Hello, haha… Qing Xuan has found a boyfriend! ”

“You young man is definitely not simple, even Qingxuan, who has such a high vision, has caught up with him!”

Talk for a while.

Teacher Li remembered the principal’s instructions,

She made a quick excuse and went outside to make a call.

“Headmaster, Wen Qingxuan has returned to school.”

“Did she come back alone?”

“No, there was also a person with her, saying it was her boyfriend! Name Lin Xueming! Hear the name,”

The headmaster’s voice over there was excited, “Okay, I see, you greet them first, and I’ll come right over.” ”

Teacher Li hung up the phone.

She wondered why Principal Yu had personally told her to report to him as soon as Wen Qingxuan returned to school.

Unable to understand the reason, Teacher Li returned to the office and continued to chat with Wen Qingxuan.


A slightly chubby figure rushed into the office.

A breathless look.

“Yu… Principal Yu?! ”

Wen Qingxuan was astonished, isn’t this the stern President Yu of Hudan University?

But Principal Yu, who has always been steady and measured,

Actually run out of breath embarrassment? What’s going on here?!

Principal Yu eased up, first took a deep look at Lin Xueming, this young man was too familiar to him!

Single-handedly developed controlled nuclear fusion!

Appointed by the state as the chief engineer of the controlled nuclear fusion project,

It also proposed the great plan of global live broadcast controlled nuclear fusion to light up the Dragon Kingdom, and personally led the team to turn this miracle that has entered the annals of history into reality! Such a national treasure-level genius scientist,

Future achievements are unlimited,

Fortunately, he is now also a student at Hudan University.

Right now

Love me, love my dog

For the sake of Lin Zong’s designer, we must take good care of the people around him! This is beneficial to Hudan University without any harm.

The identity of Lin Zong’s designer cannot be exposed.

Principal Yu could only pretend not to know Lin Xueming,

He went straight to Wen Qingxuan’s side and said gently, “Classmate Wen Qingxuan, we are very welcome to visit you back to your alma mater!” ”

“I would like to take the liberty of asking you, have your work problems been solved after you return to China?”

As soon as the principal came up, he asked her about her work, which made Wen Qingxuan a little confused and confused, and she shook her head, “Not yet!” ”

Principal Yu exhaled in surprise and almost clapped his hands in applause.

“No job, that’s great!”

A series of question marks appeared on Wen Qingxuan’s head,

Isn’t it an honor that she doesn’t have a job? Principal Yu is so happy? Seems to perceive that I am emotional, over-enthusiastic,

President Yu quickly explained: “It is like this, Wen Qingxuan, you are a doctor of finance from Harford University, which is very much in line with the talent introduction requirements of our Hudan University!” ”

“So… I solemnly invite you to teach in our school, do you think you are willing? ”

Teaching at Hudan University?

This is the dream of many students studying abroad! But it’s not easy.

The general academic requirements for registration must be doctors,

After a strict qualification review, then a group of people compete in the written test, and those who have passed the written test will be interviewed.

Round by round screening,

I want to become a teacher at Hudan University,

That’s definitely a real one.

Wen Qingxuan said frankly: “Principal Yu, I am personally very willing to teach at my alma mater. ”

“But there are also written exams, interviews… I have to prepare for these aspects in order to compete with good competitors. ”

Principal Yu waved his hand, “Eh, there is no need for a written examination, you can bring your certificate materials with you tomorrow and come to the Academic Affairs Center to handle the entry procedures!” ”

“Ahhh… Direct reporting?! ”

Wen Qingxuan was completely dumbfounded! Teacher Li next to him was also blindfolded.

Although Wen Qingxuan is excellent enough, he was directly admitted as a teacher of Hudan University without passing the examination, which is the first time in the history of Hudan.

Wen Qingxuan was confused,

But Lin Xueming knows the reason,

Hudan University takes care of Wen Qingxuan in this way, probably because of his identity as a chief designer.

“Okay, that’s it, you’ll bring the information to report tomorrow!”

Yu Principal hammered out,

He smiled and nodded at Lin Xueming, before he said, “I still have something to do, so I’ll go get busy first!” ”

Finally, he did not forget to remind him.

“Classmate Wen Qingxuan, don’t forget to apply for employment as soon as possible!”

Wen Qingxuan came out of Teacher Li’s office,

It’s still a no-brainer along the way.

This is to visit the tutor, to visit the teacher of the Shanghai Dan University? You know,

This is not an ordinary position! It is the official teacher of 985 University Hudan University!

Wen Qingxuan tugged at Lin Xueming’s arm.

“Xueming, you think for me, is this a pie in the sky?”

Lin Xueming comforted: “It is the pie that is dropped, but this pie is because you are good enough, so it fell on you.” ”

Wen Qingxuan still looked incredulous,

“The main thing is that it all came so suddenly, I felt like I was dreaming.”


“If I go home and tell my parents about this, they will most likely think I’m talking nonsense.”

Lin Xueming hugged her tightly, “Tomorrow I will accompany you to bring information to apply for employment, and the principal of such a large school can still deceive people.” ”

After Lin Xueming returned home,

Seeing Lin Mu sitting on the sofa was also excited.

As soon as he entered the room, Mother Lin stood up and said excitedly: “Son, tell you the good news, your mother and I have been officially transferred by the Beijing University High School and become an official teacher in the organization!” ”

Lin Mu was originally just a private school teacher, not an iron rice bowl job.

When you transfer to a public school and retire later, you will have a considerable guarantee of five social insurances and one gold.

Lin Xueming was happy for his mother.

“Mom, congratulations, you’re finally in public school!”

However, if his mother can enter, eight or nine is also a preferential treatment given by the state to his relatives.

“Yes, it is really lucky that your mother and I can still be transferred to the Beijing University High School at this age!”

After a while, Father Lin rushed in from outside.

As soon as he came in, he shouted with a red face: “I want to tell you the good news, my hardware company has signed several big orders, and the company has also been officially rated as an excellent company representative and enjoys a tax exemption policy.” ”

Lin Xueming knew in his heart, he got it!

Dad has also been ‘taken care of’ by the state!

Lin Xueming smiled: “Dad, our family is a good thing, my mother has also transferred from a private school to teach in this public school of Beijing University Affiliated High School!” ”

“Ahhh… Really?! ”

Father Lin’s eyes widened with disbelief.

“Yes, I was transferred away by the Beijing University Annex.”

The excitement on Lin Mu’s face was hard to hide.

“This… This Yumei you were transferred away by the Beijing University Annex, my company talked about a big order, how do you feel a little wrong! ”

See Daddy’s wild thoughts,

Lin Xueming hurriedly reassured him of his doubts.

“Dad, what do you think, our family’s good things are not good!” Can anyone still use such a good thing to harm our family? ”

“Right, right, I was blind!”

Father Lin pounded his head.

“Since our family has a good couple today, I suggest that our family go to the restaurant outside to celebrate.”

Father Lin happily suggested.

“I agree!”

Lin Xueming raised his hand in approval.

“Let’s go!”

In the face of the good things that have fallen from the pie in the sky,

Lin Xueming’s family of three went outside to have a good meal to celebrate!

In the next few days, the establishment of Wen Qingxuan and Lin Mu was officially completed.

Father Lin’s hardware company large order also officially began production.

Lin Xueming followed the rest time of the majority of students, ended the holiday, and returned to the small building of the Dragon Science Institute.

He had just gone back for the night, and the next morning,

A military car was parked under his small building.

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