Chapter 103 Navy Coming! Please Lin Xueming to help! The first appearance of the Sky Mothership!!

The trolley stopped outside the house.

Several men in white naval uniforms stepped out of the car.

Among them, Fang Wenxing, president of the Dragon Science Academy, is also among them.

The leading man in military uniform looked up at the small building,

There was excitement in his expression, “Dean Fang, the designer you mentioned Lin lives in this building.” ”

Dean Fang replied, “Yes, Chief Designer Lin lives here, let’s go, let’s go up, it is estimated that Mr. Lin has not gotten up yet.” ”

Jingle Bells.

The white commander reached out and rang the doorbell.

Taking advantage of the gap, he quickly dressed up,

They came this time for this great scientific giant.

When I see this chief designer Lin later, I must be polite.


The door opens,

The white army commander immediately held out his hand enthusiastically and shook it: “Hello Mr. Lin, I dare to disturb you!” But when he looked up, he was dumbfounded. ”

The object of his handshake was a young boy, so young is definitely not Chief Designer Lin! He hurriedly withdrew his hand awkwardly.

“I’m sorry, I recognize 220 as the wrong person, is Mr. Lin here?”

Mr. Lin?

Lin Xueming listened to this claim and looked at the man in military uniform in front of him with an unclear look, a confused face.

Then he looked at General Dean Fang Wenxing behind him.

Fang Wenxing supported his forehead, suddenly feeling speechless, this really made a big oolong ah.

He hurriedly said, “The White Army Commander went to the house, and the specific things inside the house said.” Lin Xueming poured water on several people. ”

Commander Bai was also an acute son, and as soon as he sat down, he was impatient, and he said to Fang Wenxing: “Dean Fang, first introduce us to Chief Designer Lin, you also know that we have important things to do this time, and we can’t afford to delay.” ”

Fang Wenxing stood up, pointed to the young man in front of him, and introduced: “Commander Bai, I will formally introduce you, this is the chief designer of controlled nuclear fusion, Mr. Lin Xueming.” ”


The White Commander and the navy were dumbfounded, they heard it right.

The young man who developed controlled nuclear fusion was in front of him?! How is this possible?!

Absurd… It’s a ridiculous fallacy!!!

The white army commander was anxious, “Dean Fang, don’t joke with us.”

can be studied for controlled nuclear fusion,

That must be an old predecessor engaged in scientific research, how can it be so young?!

Just introduce us to each other.

Dean Fang is also helpless, Lin Xueming at this age always makes people hard to believe that he is the developer of controlled nuclear fusion.

He introduced again: “Guys, some geniuses are often difficult to judge with common sense, and this is how this designer Lin is a genius. ”

President Fang pointed to several people and introduced: “Mr. Lin, this is the commander of the White Army, and several of them are leaders of the Navy. ”

Lin Xueming held out his hand, “Hello White Army Commander, I am Lin Xueming, if there is no accident, it is the controllable nuclear fusion chief engineer in your mouth!” ”

The White Army Commander was stunned, and Dean Fang would not deceive people.

He quickly held out his hand and said apologetically: “Chief Designer Lin, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

But I really didn’t expect the chief engineer of controlled nuclear fusion to be so young.

The White Commander praised:

Mr. Lin is really young and promising.

At a young age, he developed controlled nuclear fusion with his own efforts,

It has also single-handedly planned a great plan for controlled nuclear fusion technology to light up the country

You should also see that our navy has dispatched the aircraft carrier battle group when it cooperated with your plan.

Four of the aircraft carrier clusters shocked the world and greatly enhanced the prestige of our Dragon Navy.

And unlike many people, after seeing Lin Zong’s designers break through controlled nuclear fusion technology. Many of us in the Navy were overjoyed, and we couldn’t sleep with excitement these days! ”

“Can’t sleep?”

Lin Xueming did not react for a while.

The white army commander patted his thigh, “Yes, our navy looks at controlled nuclear fusion technology and is equivalent to seeing treasure.” ”

Commander Bai paused and explained, “Chief Designer Lin, you may not quite understand!” ”

In fact, controlled nuclear fusion is not only used in power generation,

For our navy’s aircraft carriers, that was simply tailor-made.

“Like the aircraft carriers that have been commissioned in the United States, most of them are powered by nuclear power, and China has been conducting research in this field, but in the end it has not been studied.”

And this time is different, controlled nuclear fusion has been realized, then we dragon country can achieve nuclear-powered aircraft carriers,

Moreover, this time the technology is more advanced than the nuclear fission of the United States, using controlled nuclear fusion power.

So our navy wants to ask General Designer Lin to see if this controllable nuclear fusion can be optimized and used on aircraft carriers, if successful, it is of epoch-making significance for the improvement of China’s military strength.

Lin Xueming understood the Navy’s intentions,

The idea is to let the chief designer conceive a look at whether controlled fusion technology can be used on aircraft carriers.

In fact, when Lin Xueming watched the naval exercises, he thought that in the future, the Dragon Kingdom would have better aircraft carriers.

Of course

Strictly speaking, it should not be called an aircraft carrier, but it should be called an aerospace carrier.

He’s going to build.

It can fly in the sky, run on land, and swim on water.

Air, land and air three-purpose airship airship!

The various drawing technologies and materials of the space mothership are stored in their own [scientific research system]. Just copy it out for integration and optimization. Of course, there are a lot of new technologies involved,

He needs to understand it well, so that he can apply it to practice.

The construction of space carriers is particularly demanding for a country, and the specialties involved include almost all engineering majors.

It doesn’t stop there, it also requires a country with a complete industrial system.

Such a huge construction difficulty,

At present, only the Dragon Kingdom and the United States on the other side of the ocean in the world have the ability to build

Lin Xueming thought about it,

Speaking to several members of the Navy, he said: “Commander White, I will first design a specific plan, and in a few days I will personally contact you to discuss the feasibility of controlled nuclear fusion on the aircraft carrier!” ”

The white army commander excitedly shook Lin Xueming’s hand,

“Chief Designer Lin, then please, on behalf of all the members of the Navy, I thank you and wait for your good news!”

“After Lin Xueming sent away a few people,”

Sitting down at the computer, I created a document:

【Future overlord of the sea, land and air field: air and space mothership! 】 】

China’s third aircraft carrier Fu ship is coming! Electromagnetic Ejection: Cow Boom! (Broken tone)

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