Chapter 104 Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carriers No! I want to build an air and space mothership that can fly in the sky!!

Lin Xueming’s mind moved,

The scientific research system in my mind jumped out of a sci-fi model of the space mothership.

Lin Xueming stared at this advanced space carrier, and then thought of the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

In contrast, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

That kind of world difference made Lin Xueming laugh involuntarily.

When the time comes, this real space carrier will be built and the true face will be revealed in front of the world.

That would have shocked the whole world! Putting away those overly rambling thoughts, Lin Xueming focused on the document.

He based on the information in his mind,

Knock on the next paragraph of professional knowledge about the space mothership,

Among them, the ‘main bone’ part, as well as the design drawings of other various parts… All of them were recorded in detail and orderly.

It took a total of two days in this way, and Lin Xueming finally completed all the technical information of the space mothership.

The next morning,

Lin Xueming will pack all technical drawings, materials, etc. in the U disk with good,

Downstairs, I got into the Flying Dragon Squad’s bulletproof vehicle and rushed to a secret naval base.


A secret naval base, in a conference room.

The White Commander and several technical experts on aircraft carriers have been waiting for them for more than an hour.

Finally someone could not sit still and asked, “Commander White, when will the mysterious expert sent by the state you said came to help us?!” ”

“Yeah… You summoned us all here early in the morning and waited for more than an hour, but you did not see the great expert you said. ”

“If I don’t come, I’ll have to go back, and today our group has to conduct an important experiment.”

“Controlled nuclear fusion technology has made a breakthrough, but it is not something that can be completed in a day or two when used on an aircraft carrier, and we have to go through scientific discussion and demonstration to make it shine on the aircraft carrier!”

The White Commander stretched out his hand,

“Don’t be impatient, the experts I invited will arrive soon, and today will not disappoint you.”

His voice just dropped, click, click!

There was a sound of footsteps at the door.


The crowd saw a young man, protected by several soldiers armed with nuclear bombs, enter the conference room.

This………… What’s going on here? The experts in the conference room were a little confused,

Who is this young man? The position is so big!

Don’t………… Is he the mysterious expert of the White Army?

It seems to answer the doubts in the minds of experts,

Only to see the white army commander stepped forward, shook the hand of the teenager in front of him, and excitedly said: “Chief Designer Lin, welcome to your arrival!” ”

Forest………… Chief Designer Lin? What is the chief designer? Could it be…… The crowd thought of that possibility, and shook their heads.

So young, is the chief designer of controlled nuclear fusion? Not at all!!

The White Commander introduced himself to the crowd below, “Everyone!. This is the chief designer of controlled nuclear fusion in our country! It is also the commander-in-chief of this great plan to light up the country! Mr. Lin Xueming! ”

“He came here to help our navy achieve nuclear powertrain of aircraft carriers.”

“Everyone applauds and welcomes!”

The applause below is Sissoso’s,

Every expert had a look of disbelief on his face.

Commander Bai said, “Guys, don’t be suspicious, Chief Designer Lin is young and promising, and the identity of the chief designer of controlled nuclear fusion is beyond doubt!” ”

Lin Xueming is also a person who has led a super project such as controlled nuclear fusion, and he is naturally not worried about this pile of experts.

He said directly: “Everyone, I am Lin Xueming, and I have been invited to help the Navy solve the problem of aircraft carrier nuclear power this time!” ”

“I would like to ask the experts here on the relevant aspects, what are your thoughts on nuclear power?”

The experts looked at each other,

Finally a thin expert stood up.

“Mr. Lin, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers have always been at the forefront of international research and development, and our country has invested a lot of money in it, but there has been no breakthrough. What makes our country feel urgent is that the United States has mastered the technology of nuclear power for decades, and we cannot catch up for a long time, for fear that the distance will be pulled farther and farther. ”

“Fortunately, your controlled nuclear fusion technology this time has brought us the dawn and is expected to completely overtake the United States!”

“As long as we miniaturize the controlled fusion reactor, then the fusion nuclear-powered aircraft carrier can become a reality!”

Lin Xueming nodded,

“I already have a way to miniaturize controlled nuclear fusion!”

This sentence directly made the experts tremble.

“Is there a way to miniaturize controlled nuclear fusion?”

“Chief Designer Lin, this… Is this true? ”

“Hahaha, doesn’t that mean our fusion nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is about to become a reality?”

“Oh my God, the miniaturization of controlled nuclear fusion, this technology will definitely bring earth-shaking changes to Dragon Country, many industries around the world.”

Lin Xueming looked at the crowd and said again: “However, my suggestion is not to build a nuclear fusion reactor on the aircraft carrier, but to build a nuclear fusion engine!” ”

Nuclear fusion engines? Crazy, huh?!

Controlled nuclear fusion reactor power generation drive, no matter how bad it can also boil water vapor to drive the aircraft carrier!

And the nuclear fusion engine,

That’s not something that can be done overnight.

And it requires huge funds, as well as technical support, and the most important thing is that I don’t know if it will succeed in the end! Some experts stand up and exhort,

“Mr. Lin, the fusion engine is too far away from us, or the controlled nuclear fusion reactor is more realistic!”

Lin Xueming did not have a specific answer,

Instead, he asked a question that puzzled everyone.

“Can I see the design drawings of your aircraft carrier?”

Aircraft carrier design drawings? What does the designer want to see it do?

A bunch of experts are a little funny, this kind of laughter is not contempt,

It’s the so-called interlaced like a mountain,

Although Chief Designer Lin is a genius in controlled nuclear fusion, when he arrives at an aircraft carrier in another field, he is afraid that he will catch the blind.

“Chief Designer Lin, this is the design drawing of our army’s new aircraft carrier.”

The white commander called up the drawings on the encrypted computer, and he had already received instructions from the highest level before to do everything possible to cooperate with the designer Lin Zong!

As for confidentiality, then don’t worry, the chief designer of the research of controlled nuclear fusion leaks?!

If he wants to leak secrets, controlled nuclear fusion is much more valuable than an aircraft carrier.

Lin Xueming looked at the drawings,

After absorbing the knowledge of the scientific research system,

These drawings were not difficult at all in his eyes.

The experts below are full of pride,

These aircraft carrier drawings are their own design, representing a 100,000-ton super aircraft carrier.

And it is equipped with advanced technologies such as electromagnetic catapult.

It is the real weight of the country.

A group of experts watched Lin Zongshi close the drawing layer, one by one very confident,

Waiting for the chief designer to praise them.


What the crowd was waiting for was a word that made them dumbfounded.

“This aircraft carrier is average! Very basic! ”

100,000 tons of drainage capacity!

All kinds of high-tech technology is used on it,

The world’s aircraft carriers, in addition to the nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the United States, belong to its most cattle this…… In your eyes the evaluation is average?!

The experts were not convinced! Just thought of theory!

Chief Designer Lin’s earth-shattering words completely made them dumbfounded.

“In my opinion!”

“The next aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom will not build a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!”

“To be made! Just build an air and space mothership that can go to the sky! ”

The author of the previous chapter was confused and accidentally repeated last night, has been corrected, very sorry B!

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