Chapter 110 Engine Run! Mutation Emergence! Something went wrong with the engine!!

Controlled fusion engine construction complete!

Hearing the reports of the comers,

Lin Xueming suddenly stood up from his seat.

Although he has been following up on the construction progress of the engine,

But at this moment, after really hearing the sound of the engine, he still couldn’t help but feel his whole body trembling.


Lin Xueming hurried towards the test center.

Weapons R&D Center,

A spacious building.

A group of experts are watching an incomparably beautiful installation.

“Wow: this thing looks so pretty!”

“Looking at this appearance, it is really full of mechanical and technological beauty!”

“Oh well… You don’t want to think about it, I don’t know how many kinds of new materials are used, of course, it looks beautiful. ”

“Beautiful is beautiful, I just don’t know if it can work!”

“Oh, look at what your crow’s mouth said, such an advanced engine must work!”

While they were discussing, a loud cheer came.

“Let it go! Let’s all let go! Mr. Lin is here! ”

The crowd immediately gave way to a path.

“Hello Lin Zongjie!”

“Mr. Lin, you are here!”

“Chief Designer Lin, we have finally made a controlled nuclear fusion engine!”

One by one, the experts involved in research and development looked at the designer Lin Zong, and the eyes showed enthusiasm and excitement.

The drawings of this controllable nuclear fusion engine were provided by Chief Designer Lin, and this advanced controlled nuclear fusion engine can be built in such a short time.

The credit is mainly to Lin Zong’s designer, relying on his drawing materials and guidance.

Of course, this is also inseparable from all the scientific researchers they are involved in.

The Emperor pays off,

Under the leadership of Mr. Lin,

They finally developed this sci-fi controlled nuclear fusion engine.

It was completely turned into a real thing and placed in front of the eyes.

“Guys! You’ve worked hard! ”

“Thank you for your efforts! Finally let this engine come out! ”

As the chief designer, Lin Xueming affirmed the efforts of the R&D personnel for the first time.


Only then did he set his sights on the engine in the middle.

He was greeted by an engine unit that exuded the beauty of technology.

Lin Xueming’s first impression was not much different from the model in his scientific and technological system.

And this engine is due to the miniaturization of controlled nuclear fusion.

In terms of volume, the engine of a large rocket is much smaller than that of a large transport aircraft.

In the family of large thrust engines, it is the only ‘small and exquisite’

Although the volume looks relatively ‘petite’, but the theoretical data point of view, the same volume of the engine, this controllable nuclear fusion engine thrust is dozens of times or even hundreds of times the fighter engine.

Theory is such a thing, but the actual thrust, only after testing to know Lin Xueming staring at this engine,

With a thoughtful look in his eyes,

Once the controlled fusion engine is running stably and can explode thrust within range,

That means that the controlled fusion engine engine is officially a reality, which represents far-reaching and significant significance.

For now, the most direct, the space mothership will really fly into the sky.

Future fighter jets, large rockets, spacecraft, and the International Space Station all have the potential to become a reality.

There are also civil aviation planes, trains, cars… A series of changes will also take place dramatically.

In a word………… The realization of controlled nuclear fusion engines will affect all aspects of society.

Lin Xueming took a deep breath.

The order began: “The departments return to their posts and immediately conduct thrust experiments on controlled nuclear fusion engines!” ”

Under the command of Lin Xueming,

Departments sprang into action.

“Controlled fusion engine monitoring intact! Fixed Done! ”

“The controlled fusion engine is connected to the thrust tester!”

“The thrust data model diagram has been created!”

“All data monitoring is complete!”

“Eligible for experimentation! Experiments can be started! ”

Lin Xueming listened to the feedback information from various departments.0 issued a final order: “Start the experiment!” ”

With the command of the chief designer of the forest, the operator pressed the experimental switch.

The fixed, controlled fusion engine was up and running instantaneously.


A noise came from inside the engine.

The sound is unique, not roaring like other engines, but rather a deep and restrained sound.

Lin Xueming knew that extraordinary power was erupting inside the engine.

As the rear of the engine sprays a ghostly glow.

Changes in the data began to appear on the thrust detection instruments.

The monitor reported excitedly: “Thrust generation detected! ”

“The current engine produces 1,000 tons of thrust!”

“The thrust continues to rise! Current thrust 5000 tons! ”

The experts almost jumped up in excitement.

The thrust of the controlled nuclear fusion engine is steadily increased,

As long as you stick to it and steadily reach the thrust range, it means that the controlled nuclear fusion engine has been completely developed!

One by one, they clenched their fists and continued to listen carefully to the change in thrust!

“Thrust up to ten thousand tons!”

“Fifty thousand tons of thrust!”

Just when the crowd was full of joy and ready to put down the hanging heart.

Mutation Emergence!

The detector showed a cliff-like drop in engine thrust.

The sound of panic from the monitors sounded.

“Not good!”

“Engine thrust dropped back to ten thousand tons!”

“Engine thrust to zero!”

The mood of one expert after another rises and falls in an instant,

One by one, he looked blankly at the controlled fusion engine.

The whole experimental center fell into a silent, solemn atmosphere!

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