Chapter 111 Chief Designer Lin shows his might! Controlled nuclear fusion engine successfully developed!!

Failed! Failed?!

The hearts of everyone in the experimental building sank to the bottom.

A number of experts in related fields are extremely ugly at the moment.

One by one, I felt that there was no light on my face, and even some fiery pain,

They are so many of the country’s top experts, after the designer Lin gave detailed drawings, the construction of the engine still failed!

Looking at the machine, there was a puzzled look between their brows.

How did it fail?

Obviously, they have carefully implemented each step according to the drawings given by Chief Designer Lin.

But………… How did something go wrong?! One by one, experts whispered.

“Strangely, we tested every step, there was no problem with the theory, but there was a problem with the thrust of the actual engine.”

“Alas, sure enough, the research and development of this engine will not be smooth sailing after all, that is, I don’t know whether the problem is serious or not.”

“Hopefully lighten, find out sooner rather than later, and make a good and effective engine a reality as soon as possible!”

Lin Xueming stared at the engine tightly.

His mood at the moment is also relatively low, but his current identity is the chief designer, the backbone of the entire team,

Anyone can mess around, and he absolutely can’t mess around! And he has to stabilize the hearts of the army!

Lin Xueming turned his head to the crowd and said, “It is a common thing that the real 10 test fails, everyone should not mess up, since there is a problem, then we will find out and solve it.” ”

Lin Xueming finished speaking, and went directly to the monitoring instrument,

He called up a real-time model of thrust, which, graphically, fell off a cliff in the final stages.

He looked at the monitoring data from other aspects again, and there were no abnormal conditions.

“Turn off the engine switch!”

Lin Xueming ordered the internal reaction of the engine to be cut off,

Then he walked to the engine, called up the scanning mode in the scientific research system, and scanned the controlled nuclear fusion engine.

At this time, the whole building fell silent again, and an expert did not dare to make a sound to affect the inspection of Lin Zong’s designer.

One by one, they prayed in their hearts that Chief Designer Lin would find out what the problem was.

As time passed, ten minutes passed, and a smile broke out on Lin Xueming’s face.

He loudly announced, “Find the problem.” ”


One by one, the experts were stunned on the spot.


Found it so quickly? You know,

This is not to put the problem on the surface, but to find and judge!


Mr. Lin reached out and touched it to find out?

Moreover, it seems to have taken less than twenty minutes before and after.

It’s also incredible!

“Chief Designer Lin, what is wrong?”

Lin Xueming pointed out the problem: “After the fusion reaction inside the generator, independent neutrons will be emitted in all directions, causing damage to the surrounding area. Moreover, helium-4 will be trapped in the magnetic field and will not fully release the thrust. As a result, the thrust generated after the engine has been working for a while is rapidly reduced until it reaches zero. ”

One by one, the experts suddenly realized.

“Is there a solution?”

Problems are identified, and how to solve them is even more critical.

Lin Xueming naturally has a solution.

“To solve this problem, we need to use lithium metal liners to constrain these plasmas. Lithium metal liners have two roles in the engine. The first is as a shielding chamber for absorbing high-energy neutrons. Second, as a magnetic blanket, after fusion occurs, the wrapped neutrons interact directionally with the confinement magnetic field. Ionized lithium plus fuel after fusion. Through the magnetic confinement nozzle, it can be ejected backwards, providing a powerful thrust. ”

Listen to the designer Lin said.

The experts erupted in enthusiastic applause.

“Chief Designer Lin, you are also too powerful, not only quickly find out the problem, but also figure out all the principles.”

“If you want to change my words, it is estimated that it will take ten days and half a month just to find problems.”

Lin Xueming smiled,

“This is not surprising, after all, the drawing is from me, and once there is a problem, I am also the easiest to detect.”

Well, without further ado, the material team quickly made some lithium metal liners, and then embedded them immediately after the experiment to see if such problems would occur in the follow-up

Several material experts took the drawings given by Lin Zong’s designer and immediately went to manufacture lithium metal liners.

Half an hour passed,

The lithium metal padding is mounted on the engine.

Lin Xueming issued the order again.

“Start experimenting!”

After the order was given, the experts present sweated in their palms.

After all, they had already failed once, and if they failed again this time, it would have a major blow to their confidence in the scientific research team.

“Don’t succeed, you can’t fail.”

“God forbid you to get the improved engine up and running.”

“I believe that Mr. Lin has made a move, and this time it is impossible to fail.”

Experts are praying.

As the rear of the engine spews out a ghostly glow.

Changes in the data began to appear on the thrust detection instruments.

The monitor looked solemn and reported again: “The generation of thrust was detected!” ”

“The current engine produces 1,000 tons of thrust!”

“The thrust continues to rise! Current thrust 5000 tons! ”

The experts were equally serious.

The thrust of the controlled nuclear fusion engine is steadily increased,

One by one, they clenched their fists and continued to listen carefully to the change in thrust!

“Thrust up to ten thousand tons!”

“Fifty thousand tons of thrust!”

“The thrust continues to rise, reaching eighty thousand tons!”

The experts were giggled in their hearts, and there were some surprises,

The previous engine thrust fell back suddenly when it reached 50,000 tons.

And this time it changed significantly, and after fifty thousand tons, there was no decline as before, but a steady rise.

Still, the hearts of the people were hanging in mid-air.

Until the last deliberate, no one knows whether that situation will still occur.

“The motor reaches the theoretical maximum thrust of 100,000 tons and remains stable!”

Lin Xueming breathed a sigh of relief, and a group of experts gradually smiled.

This time it should be stable!

Lin Xueming ordered again: “Continue to observe for half an hour. Time passes by minute by minute,”

It tugged at the heartstrings of everyone present.

However, the thrust of the engine this time is very powerful,

Has been stable at 100,000 tons of thrust, no abnormalities! Half an hour has arrived.

The monitors stood up excitedly.

“Report to the chief designer, the engine runs smoothly, the expected thrust is reached, and the experiment is successful!”

Lin Xueming announced to all the members: “Everyone, the controlled nuclear fusion engine has been built successfully! ”

“Hahahahaha……… We did it! ”

“We finally built a controlled fusion engine!”

“100,000 tons of thrust, that’s just too great!”

“Proper super black technology has become a reality!”

A group of experts shouted loudly and hugged excitedly, venting the excitement and excitement in their hearts.

Lin Xueming waved a big hand and said: “Tonight, let the canteen in the ministry get some good dishes and good meals, even if it is a celebration banquet to celebrate the success of the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion engines!” ”

Night falls,

Hundreds of people enjoyed the delicious meal and the atmosphere was warm!

Lin Xueming stood on the stage and announced: “Everyone has worked hard during this time, eat well and drink well tonight!” ”

“But time is pressing, and we can’t stop.”

“Tomorrow! Start the Space Mothership Project today! ”

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