Chapter 116 Dragon Kingdom Shout Out to the Rice Country and Witness a Miracle!!

“Let’s witness the style of the Kunpeng aircraft carrier together!”

All the people in the live broadcast room didn’t know what the Dragon Commander meant, but most of them immediately associated it with the aircraft carrier of the United States.

Dragon Kingdom is ready to touch it! See the real chapter under your hands?!

Longguo netizens were excited and at the same time very worried.

After all, the Volta-class aircraft carrier of the United States has occupied the world’s first position for many years.

That powerful deterrent is deeply rooted in people’s minds.

Although the Kunpeng aircraft carrier of their Dragon Kingdom is huge, its actual combat capability is really difficult to assess: it may not be comparable to the smaller Vold-class aircraft carriers.

With such an incomparably complicated feeling, everyone watched the Kunpeng aircraft carrier sail to Nan Minmin.

The Kunpeng aircraft carrier is surprisingly fast! Soon arrived at Nan Min Min Domain!

At this time, a shocking scene appeared on the surface of the sea, only to see the sea,

Not just one, not just two, more than three,

Instead, four ships, a full four aircraft carriers slowly approached the Kunpeng.

Only five aircraft carriers were successfully assembled.

Four smaller aircraft carriers, all of which are conventionally powered ski-off carriers, with their own escort formations,

Each aircraft carrier is accompanied by 3 anti-aircraft cruisers, 2 destroyers.

3 anti-submarine destroyers, 2 offensive nuclear submarines, and 2 logistics support ships were reorganized into a wing.

At this time, the four aircraft carriers with their respective formations presented the posture of encircling the Kunpeng aircraft carrier in the middle.

That picture.

The feeling to the crowd is incomparably shocking, but at the same time more funny! That’s right, it’s funny!

Originally, the audience saw that the Kunpeng was already very large, but it was still in the absence of a reference.

At this moment, other conventionally powered aircraft carriers escorted around the Kunpeng, and that sense of difference was suddenly reflected.

The conventional powered aircraft carrier that was originally not small in size is simply pitifully small in front of the Kunpeng at this moment.

It looks about a quarter the size of the Kunpeng.

The conventional power is still like this,

Not to mention those destroyers and the like, even more small!

Netizens were happy one by one: “Hahaha……… I didn’t want to laugh at such a serious occasion, but I couldn’t help it! ”

“This conventionally powered aircraft carrier is also too small in front of the Kunpeng!”

“I am also served, the once incomparably domineering nearly 100,000 tons of conventionally powered aircraft carriers, at this moment into an escort ship!!!”

“Eh… Even the aircraft carriers have become escorts, and the development of our Dragon State Navy is indeed a little fast! ”

Because of the addition of the Kunpeng,

Dragon Kingdom’s lineup of aircraft carriers has become incomparably stronger,

Watching such a luxurious lineup of aircraft carriers sail in the middle of the ocean, the Dragon Country audience was proud inside.

“If the Kunpeng’s combat effectiveness and volume are equal, then our Dragon State aircraft carrier formation can go sideways on the sea.”

“Hey, although it looks quite domineering, the Kunpeng is definitely a sacrifice in terms of combat effectiveness when it is built so big, and the winning chance against more than a dozen nuclear-powered aircraft carriers in the United States is still small!”

“Yes, if the Kunpeng aircraft carrier has the same combat power as its own size, it will really be reborn, but alas… The current technology is simply impossible, so let’s not think that the Kunpeng joined, and the Longguo aircraft carrier formation can have a battle with the US aircraft carrier formation. ”

While the audience is discussing.

The reorganized aircraft carrier battle skirt sailed at a steady speed toward the southern waters of the Dragon Kingdom.

See clearly the movement of the aircraft carrier formation,

Everyone in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

“Lying in the gutter, the Kunpeng really led the aircraft carrier formation in the direction of the defense of the United States.”

“This… Our country will not really want to compete with the United States! ”

“Support the country’s decision, this time the United States is also too arrogant!” I’ve wanted to beat him up for a long time! ”

“Anyway, I am not afraid, and when I confront the United States, I will donate money and donate to others, so I will not be instigated!”

“Fourteen million people in the Dragon Kingdom work together, what demons and ghosts can’t be defeated?” Under such a great cohesion, the aircraft carrier formation of the United States is only a paper tiger! ”

And watching the Kunpeng behemoth in the video come to itself.

The personnel on the aircraft carrier of the United States were also a little frightened.

“What does Dragon Kingdom really want to do?”

“Are they coming at us?” I really take my Kunpeng seriously, right? ”

“We don’t need to panic at all, the Dragon Kingdom is just creating momentum, and I don’t believe that with their few broken aircraft carriers, they really dare to do something to our aircraft carrier battle skirt!”

“I am looking forward to the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom being able to move, and then we will definitely let them come and go, so that all their aircraft carrier ships will be buried in the sea, so that we will become the national heroes of the United States!”

Although many soldiers of the United States are denigrating the Dragon Kingdom, they show that the Dragon Kingdom is not afraid.

But many soldiers have solemn faces,

At this moment, the power of this Eastern Dragon Kingdom had already shocked them.

Dragon Country’s aircraft carrier formation skirt quickly sailed towards the United States.


In the presence of audiences all over the world, the two sides met.

In the screen of the live broadcast room.

You can see it clearly.

Rao is always invincible assets of the Mi 203 national volt special class aircraft carrier in front of the Dragon Kunpeng is only “little brother! ”


At this point,

The soldiers on the decks of the aircraft carriers in the United States were pale.

In contrast,

The huge body of the Kunpeng instantly formed a shadow in their hearts.

Before he even played, he had already lost in terms of momentum.

The White Commander took out his horn.

With full momentum, he shouted to the US military: “Over the past few months, the United States has continuously seized dozens of merchant ships of our Dragon Country, seriously damaging the trade exchanges between our Dragon Country and all countries in the world!” ”

“This is the performance of the rogue!”

“Not only did it damage the economic interests of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“It has also harmed the economic interests of many countries in the world!”

“And today, we in the Dragon Kingdom will first teach you bandits like the United States a lesson, what is true cooperation and win-win results!”

The white army’s long voice just fell,

The picture in the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room turned,

Jump straight to a strange place.

That’s a couple of other countries.

The country of Bayang, the country of Cyprus, the territory of the state of Stan.

At this time, the audience finally saw a scene that was extremely familiar: a controlled nuclear fusion reactor!

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