Chapter 117 Controlled Nuclear Fusion Reproduction! Dragon National Grid flag planted all over the world!!

Controlled nuclear fusion reactor!

Yes! That stuff is all too familiar to them!

A few months ago, the Dragon Kingdom staged a miracle of controlled nuclear fusion lighting up the whole country to the world.

Now they have brought this miracle to several well-connected countries.

“What is the situation of building controlled nuclear fusion reactors abroad?”

“Yeah, what’s going on here?” Completely confused me. ”

“Is the Dragon Kingdom ready to clone the whole territory of controlled nuclear fusion to these countries?”

“No, it’s impossible, the Dragon Kingdom’s advance speed is probably too fast.”

At this point, everything that happened in the live broadcast room had subverted everyone’s cognition, but within a few minutes, someone came out to answer for them.

Within the territory of the country of Bayang.

Controlled nuclear fusion reactor base.

Minister Ding came out,

He introduced himself to the audience in the live broadcast room: “Everyone, I am the person in charge of this Longguo and foreign controlled nuclear fusion cooperation project! ”

“This time, the Dragon Kingdom has conducted many rounds of negotiations with the Bayang Country, the Sai Pressure Country, the Stan Country and other countries, and finally reached a consensus on controlled nuclear fusion cooperation!”

“It was agreed as follows: We will produce technology and talents to help countries build controlled nuclear fusion reactors, so that controlled nuclear fusion power generation can enter every household in the local area.”

With Minister Ding’s introduction.

The audience was suddenly not calm.

Longguo netizens were full of pride.

“Lying in the groove, the cattle batch, the country is simply a stroke of God.”

“This time there was no news at all, and when everyone knew, the controlled nuclear fusion reactors were built, and such a fast speed directly caught other countries by surprise!”

“Hahaha……… Our country must have gained a lot of benefits, but I don’t know what it is?! ”

“I don’t know more, anyway, in the future, our Dragon Kingdom’s right to speak in these countries will definitely increase greatly, and it is estimated that the United States will already jump to its feet at this time!”

The people of several countries that have been taken care of by Dragon Kingdom’s controlled nuclear fusion are excited.

“Oh my God, our country of Bayang is also about to use controlled nuclear fusion to generate electricity, thanks to the help of Big Brother Longguo!”

“Controlled nuclear fusion power generation, at that time I was envious of the people of the Dragon Country, I didn’t expect that it would be our turn after only a few months, long live the friendship between the people of Sai Pressure and Dragon Country!”

Netizens couldn’t sit still.

“Among our countries in the continent, such a small country as Sai Pressure Country has taken the lead in using controlled nuclear fusion power generation, which is simply unbelievable, what is the leader of our country doing, why not cooperate with the Dragon Country first?!”

“Protest! Since the country of the United States followed behind and fell out with the country of bears, the people of the country of the United States have never cared about our situation, and now that the country of bears has stopped supplying natural gas, how should we spend this cold winter? ”

“We should hurry to show goodwill to the Dragon Kingdom and introduce controlled nuclear fusion technology into the island as soon as possible, so that the continent will not be abandoned in the era of controlled nuclear fusion.”

Curry country netizens are even more angry.

“Look, even the Bayang country has used controlled nuclear fusion power generation for the whole people, and at least hundreds of millions of people in our country have not used electricity!”

“We in the curry country have a population of 1.5 billion, and only controlled nuclear fusion technology can solve our energy crisis!”

“Indeed, there are already countries that have introduced controlled nuclear fusion technology one step ahead, and our country should also lower its posture and take the initiative to cooperate with the Dragon Kingdom, otherwise if it misses controlled nuclear fusion, it will make the curry country backward!”

At this moment, a country, a nation,

All are talking about controlled nuclear fusion.

For the countries of Bayang, Sai, and Stan, which have introduced controlled nuclear fusion technology,

Their eyes were red with envy!

At this moment, they wish their own countries were also within the scope of this cooperation.

Then they will enjoy the welfare!

After discussing with the heads of several countries, Minister Ding announced to the live broadcast room: “Friends from all over the world, next, the controllable nuclear fusion power generation of the Dragon Kingdom will enter thousands of households in the Bayang Country, the Cypriot Country, and the Stan Country!” ”

“Please witness this moment of miracle!”

Minister Ding took a deep breath and issued an order: “Close the gate, send electricity!” ”


Several controlled fusion reactor bases pressed the switch.

Streams of pure energy are transported along the grid into thousands of households! The Internet instantly ushered in the feedback of local people.

“Aaaah, the southwest of our country is lit up!” The lights in the home are really on! ”

“I am so happy that our Biganda region of the Cypriot country has also received controlled nuclear fusion power!”

“The light of controlled nuclear fusion is really beautiful and beautiful! No wonder the Dragon Country people were so crazy on the night of New Year’s Eve, I can fully understand their mood now! ”

“Haha, I’m from Bayang country, here to call the curry country people next door, when will you be able to use electricity?!”

“Thank you to the leaders of the Bayang country, thank you to the dragon country!”

Voices came from the live broadcast room.

“Up to now, controlled nuclear fusion power generation has been stably transported to the whole territory of Bayang country!”

“Controlled nuclear fusion power generation has been stably delivered to the entire territory of the Stan country!”

“Controlled nuclear fusion power generation has been stably delivered to the whole territory of Sai Press!”

“The power transmission in the cooperation agreement between Longguo and the three countries has been completed!”


The audience in front of the screen spontaneously clapped.

“Applaud the great strategy of the country!”

“Congratulations to the people of the country of Bayang, the country of Stan, and the country of Sai Pressure on using controlled nuclear fusion power!”

“I hope that controlled nuclear fusion can become a link between several countries and make progress together!”

Minister Ding’s voice sounded again.


“Our country, unlike some countries that only plunder, our purpose is to lead the world into the era of controlled nuclear fusion!”

“At present, the first batch of controlled nuclear fusion reactors built abroad are signed by Longguo State Grid, and these reactors will be managed by Longguo technicians to provide electricity to local countries.”

“Of course, Dragon Kingdom has made a commitment that after a fifteen-year period, Dragon Country’s technical team will withdraw from the controlled nuclear fusion reactor base, hand over management to local countries, and teach them controlled nuclear fusion technology!”

“Next, Dragon Kingdom will soon launch the second batch of controlled nuclear fusion cooperation projects, and welcome all countries to come and cooperate!”

“Of course, the management period of the second batch will be extended to twenty years! By analogy, the third batch will be extended to twenty-five years! ”

Minister Ding released the heavy news and left.

But the information he revealed made the whole world not calm! Longguo netizens were excited.

“Ness, there are already three countries labeled as the Dragon State Grid, and maybe soon the flag of the Dragon State Grid will fill the world!”

“Hey hey hey… I don’t know how much money the state collects from here, but now our controlled nuclear fusion power generation can finally cut foreigners’ wool. ”

“The most absolute thing is that the state has grasped the management of controlled nuclear fusion reactors, and promised to hand over the management and teach technology after fifteen years, and after more than ten years, we don’t know how far it has developed!”

“Eh, wouldn’t that be nice?” We should share controlled nuclear fusion technology with the world for free, so as to show the great power style of our Dragon Kingdom! ”

“Upstairs cerebral palsy, but also free to share, your brain into the water, holding the controlled nuclear fusion of this trump card, is to play the deserved king explosion effect, as soon as possible layout of the world, so that the Dragon Kingdom to get more right to speak!”

“In short, the country yyds, the rise of the Dragon Kingdom has become unstoppable, and the Dragon Kingdom is about to become the first superpower of the Blue Star!”

And at this time,

Many countries are in a state of entanglement.

If we reach cooperation with Dragon Kingdom on controlled nuclear fusion. That would be tantamount to putting the fate of the power side into the hands of the Dragon Kingdom.

But if you don’t cooperate, you will miss the dividends of controlled nuclear fusion in vain.

At that time, we can only watch other countries enter the era of controlled nuclear fusion.

And he is still using those backward, polluting oil and coal energy.

in time

Your own country is destined to lose more! The other side.

The United States, the Black House.

The Grand Commander looked at the picture in the video and sat in a chair somewhat weakly.

At the moment, he only felt that there was no light ahead.

The Dragon Kingdom played the trump card of controlled nuclear fusion so quickly, and the United States no longer had the power to fight back.

He’s already imagined it.

Dragon Kingdom’s controlled nuclear fusion reactor is built all over the world.

At that time, the flag of the Dragon State Grid was planted all over the world, and the Dragon Kingdom was destined to become the leader of this world.


“What should I do?”

“What can be done to save the face of the United States?”

The Grand Commander thought bitterly.

For a long time, he thought of a solution that was not a solution.

“Then find some face in the Navy.”

He immediately dialed the head of the naval carrier formation.

Command Road:

“Immediately carry out formation changes to force the Dragon Kingdom back to Nan Min Minyu.”

“Remember! Don’t engage in a head-on exchange of fire with the Dragon Kingdom, just force the Dragon Country aircraft carrier formation back! ”

The Grand Commander repeatedly advised,

Because once there is a conflict with the Dragon Kingdom in the sea,

The firepower of the Dragon Continent will soon cover the aircraft carrier battle skirt of the United States, in that case,

The United States continent is far away from the combat site, and the support will certainly not catch up.

Therefore, the aircraft carrier skirts accumulated by the United States for decades are likely to be buried in the sea.

That kind of loss is beyond the capacity of the United States.

“Received! Mission accomplished! ”

The head of the aircraft carrier formation issued a military order.

Hang up the phone,

The person in charge immediately called the whole army.


“Immediately turn around and take a fighting posture of encirclement, forcing the Dragon State Navy back to Nan Min Minyu!”

“Remember, there must be no misfire!”


Under the witness of the whole world.

More than a dozen aircraft carriers in the United States have adjusted their posture,

It began to encircle the Dragon Country aircraft carrier formation skirt in a semi-encircled posture.

Things are tense!


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Next, the ‘aircraft carrier’ flew up to the sky to become an air and space carrier, making the Mi Army dumbfounded! Dumb the world! Stay tuned!

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