Chapter 118 is moving! Moved! Kunpeng aircraft carrier is in the sky!!

In the live broadcast screen,

Only to see the aircraft carrier formation of the United States move in unison, and soon besieged the aircraft carrier formation of the Dragon Kingdom.

This scene directly stunned the audience.

“Suffered, the aircraft carrier of the United States is going to move!”

“The Dragon Kingdom has annoyed the United States, and this is to let the Dragon Country aircraft carrier formation be completely buried in the sea!”

“Sleeper, it will not cause world turmoil, I think the two countries still have to keep their sanity, don’t go up!”

“The United States is already a dog jumping off the wall, and the mad dog is ready to bite at any time, so let’s take a step back in the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Yes, now is not the best time for confrontation, in a few years, then naturally it will be our world.”

“However, the United States is surrounded and is not ready to release the Dragon Kingdom.”

“Take a good look at it, the siege of the United States left a gap, which proves that the United States does not want to break the fish dead net, just to force the Dragon Kingdom back from the gap.”


Everyone looked at the instructions of this netizen.

Although the aircraft carrier skirt of the United States presents a siege posture, it is obvious that there is a gap,

That direction is the Nan Min Min Domain of the Dragon Kingdom! At this point,

The White Commander on board the Kunpeng of the Dragon Kingdom was talking to the top brass and asking for instructions

A deep voice came from the other end of the phone.

“In that case…… Let the U.S. Navy let the world see the style of the world’s first space mothership! ”

“Okay! I understand! ”

The White Commander hung up the phone,

The highest level of instructions echoed in my mind! Let the world see the style of Kunpeng! His heart couldn’t help but stir.

This moment is finally coming!!!

The White Commander walked up to the deck and looked down at the tiny aircraft carrier of the United States.

My heart was filled with passion,

Not long since

The United States also looked at the naval ships of the Dragon Kingdom with such a downward look.

Fortune is fickle

Now the roles are finally reversed.

And this Kunpeng aircraft carrier is far more than the people of the world see, it is not only a super-large aircraft carrier!

It is also an air and space mothership that can fly to the sky! When the White Commander imagined,

The leader of the US aircraft carrier formation shouted.

“Dragon Country Aircraft Carrier Formation, now warn you to quickly retreat to the Nan Min Min Domain.”

“Responsible for the consequences!”

The White Commander listened to the other side’s shouts and knew that they were warnings,

It is another way to regain face after seeing the global inability of Dragon Kingdom to cope with the global layout with controlled nuclear fusion.

The cry of the United States,

Nature is also spread to the world through the live broadcast room.

“Sigh… The United States is in a hurry, it is in a hurry! ”

“The United States really doesn’t want to face it!” All the aircraft carriers are out here to persecute the Dragon Kingdom! ”

“I don’t know how the Dragon Congress chooses, whether to harden the bar in the end, or to take a soft and retreat to the Nan Min Minyu?”

“Hey! However, once the Dragon Kingdom retreated to the Nan Min Min Domain, the prestige that had been so hard to build up in the world would lose a lot! ”

“I want to say that anyway, the Dragon Kingdom has already won the global piece of controlled nuclear fusion layout, it is better to temporarily avoid the mad dog Mi Guo’s sharp edge, wait for a few years, the United States will no longer be an opponent!”

People of the Dragon Kingdom,

People all over the world are staring at the two sides of the picture.

Waiting for their next move.

Under the eyes of everyone, the white army commander said: “You Mi Fang are quite good at finding face!” ”

“What if my Dragon Carrier doesn’t retreat?”


The head of the Mi Fang narrowed his eyes.

“If the Dragon Fang does not retreat, then our Vold-class aircraft carrier does not recommend sending the Kunpeng to the Western Heavens!”

The person in charge of the Mi Fang looked very determined.

This is the self-confidence given to him by the volt-class aircraft carrier that has dominated the ocean for decades.

He warned again: “You still have to retreat quickly, don’t think that building a big guy with a watch in the air is blindly confident!” ”

“The aircraft carrier competes for combat capability, frigate combat capability, not bigger than anyone’s head!”

The white army commander had a funny expression.

“Oh, do you think the Kunpeng aircraft carrier is as simple as it seems?”


The person in charge of the Mi Fang laughed dismissively.

“Hahaha……… How……… Can the Kunpeng of the Dragon Kingdom still ascend to heaven? ”

“Yes, it can really go to heaven!”

The White Commander muttered, but the voice was so small that only he could hear it.

He walked from the deck back to the command room.

He coughed a little, calmed the excitement in his heart, and ordered: “I order, start the Kunpeng space mothership full power engine!” ”

The sound of staff reporting sounded.

“Engine No. 1 engine starts!”

“Engine 2 starts!”

“Engine 6 starts!”

In the live broadcast room,

Everyone in the Guan people saw the sea below the Longguo Kunpeng aircraft carrier swing more and more ripples.

“Moved, the Longguo Kunpeng aircraft carrier moved!”

“Sure enough, Dragon Kingdom still has to compromise?!”

“Alas, although I know that the Dragon Kingdom compromise is good, it is a bit difficult to reconcile after all!” I also want to watch him and Mi Guogang go to the end. ”

The person in charge of the United States saw that the Kunpeng of the Dragon Kingdom had moved, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

After all, the Dragon Kingdom was still afraid of the United States and chose to compromise!

“The Kunpeng began to rise slowly!”

Under the command of the White Army Commander.

People all over the world saw a scene that will never be forgotten!

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