Chapter 119 This is not an aircraft carrier! It’s an air mothership! Mikoku was so frightened that he couldn’t turn his head back!!

Sparkling sea.

The castle-like giant aircraft carrier, the Kunpeng, actually took off, and it was already a distance of one or two meters from the water.

“Sleeper! Sleeper! I’m dripping hemp! What happened?! ”

“I… I… Is there something wrong with my eyes? I actually saw the Kunpeng flying……… Fly! ”

“Whew… You read that right, the Kunpeng really flew up! ”

“I dripped obediently, and the aircraft carrier actually flew from the surface of the water?!”

“This is a miracle! This is the miracle created by the Dragon Kingdom! ”

“What kind of black technology are we engaged in in Dragon Country?” I even got the aircraft carrier into the sky! ”

The audience in the live broadcast room was crazy, looking at the incredible picture one by one, full of disbelief!

And this scene,

The biggest impact on the people on the scene is the greatest.

Members of the aircraft carrier fleet of the US Army, one counts one,

At this moment all stunned in place, at this moment,

Their worldview has collapsed! The aircraft carrier actually flew?! Play it?!

What’s the fuss?!

Their aircraft carriers are the most advanced in the world, and none of them have this capability.

Is it a special point that the aircraft carrier made by the Dragon Kingdom can fly?!

This gap-like gap slammed into the hearts of everyone in the rice and shook their hearts!

A soldier on the deck of the U.S. Volta aircraft carrier swallowed his saliva and asked the leader next to him: “Colonel! Dragon……… Dragon Kingdom’s aircraft carrier flies……… Flying, what should we do?! ”

“Also… Still attacking?! ”


The Colonel murmured in a low voice, his face looking incomparably pale at the moment.

The Kunpeng of the Dragon Kingdom is not at all as simple as it seems on the surface! To attack it at this moment is tantamount to finding death!

“All on standby, remember! Can’t fire! Don’t open fire! ”

The colonel’s leader carefully instructed several times.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead,

Since the aircraft carrier of the Dragon Kingdom can fly,

The ghost knows that there are more than imagination weapons on it, and he feels,

It is a joke that several aircraft carriers of the United States besieged the aircraft carrier formation of the Dragon Country and forced them to retreat.


Dragon Kingdom slightly shows the power of the Kunpeng aircraft carrier,

They can let the entire aircraft carrier formation of their country be buried in the sea! meanwhile

The white commander stood on the deck, looking at the American aircraft carrier formation below that did not dare to move,

The heart is full of joy,

The Kunpeng aircraft carrier that took off this time must have scared the personnel of the aircraft carrier of the United States.

“But that’s not enough!”

The White Commander’s eyes shot out a domineering look.

His loud voice sounded again.

“The Kunpeng continues to climb to a height of one thousand meters!”

With the operation of the operator.

Six controllable nuclear fusion engine engines instantly increased power, and the Kunpeng aircraft carrier moved.

Slowly rise upwards.


It stopped steadily in the air a thousand meters above the sea.

This scene,

Directly let the audience in front of the screen take a breath of cool air.

“Sizzle… Awesome Classire! The Kunpeng is simply divine! ”

“Brothers, do you have any science fiction lovers, I thought of a terrible possibility:”

In the future, there will be an air and space fighter that can fight in space and sail on the sea.

It is a large aircraft with carrier-based aircraft, kinetic energy weapons, laser weapons, etc. as the main weapons and as its air activity base.

Its name is Aerospace Mothership!

Do you think there is such a possibility: “This Kunpeng aircraft carrier is actually an air and space carrier!” ”

“Sleeper! Upstairs, this said that my goosebumps are up, you dare to think about it, don’t scare me! ”

“Science fiction vehicles that exist in the future…… Kunpeng such a huge volume, can also fly to the sky, and the description in science fiction is really like ah! I will go for it, it can’t be true, right?! ”


The news that Kunpeng is an air-space mothership spread ten times and ten hundred times, and soon it was on the hot search of major media around the world.

A description of an air-space mothership was re-emerged.

At this point,

In the command room of the aircraft carrier formation.

The colonel’s leader held the information related to the space mothership in his hand and compared it with the Kunpeng he saw in front of him.

After some comparison, his eyebrows wrinkled deeper,

Even the body is trembling slightly!

With the performance of the Kunpeng at present, it is obvious that it has been separated from the category of aircraft carriers, as to whether it is an air and space carrier,

That’s really hard to decide, but,

Even if Kunpeng is not the real space mothership in the legend, it must be an air and space mothership that has begun to take shape! Such a warship wants to destroy the aircraft carrier formation of the United States,

That doesn’t take much effort.

Thinking of this,

The colonel’s legs and feet were weak, and he fell directly to the ground.


He felt a feeling of powerlessness that he had never felt before! After a while,

Dragon Kingdom’s official media.

The Dragon State Military Department released a message:

【Apologies to the people of the world!】 The previous definition error of the Kunpeng in the Dragon Kingdom is corrected at this moment, and the true attribute of the Kunpeng is the space mothership! 】

【Warmly celebrate the unveiling of the Kunpeng space mothership today!】 】

As soon as the news was sent, it immediately caused an uproar.

“The big news of the century, the Dragon Kingdom officially admitted that Kunpeng is not an aircraft carrier, but an air-space carrier that only exists in science fiction!”

“I was completely convinced!” It turned out that the official was also the old sixth, first of all, to cover up the news that the Kunpeng was an air carrier, saying that it was an aircraft carrier, which made the United States a big ugly in public! ”

“Hahaha……… I just said, the state can’t let the United States want to be rogue, you see this is an epic punch in the face, this way of punching the face is simply a god! ”

“It’s too bullish beer, the country quietly built the legendary space mothership!” It’s just magical! ”

“Really, I just thought that the No. 5 aircraft carrier is a controllable nuclear fusion power aircraft carrier this time, and I didn’t expect that the country directly came to a super leap forward and built us an air and space carrier out, I just want to say, Thetme cow beep!”

Foreign netizens are not calm.

“Oh God! Flying space mothership, Dragon Kingdom has once again refreshed the world’s cognition! ”

“This Oriental Dragon Kingdom is creating a world miracle!”

“We must have a good relationship with the Dragon Kingdom in the future, so that we can live a better life!”

“The Dragon Kingdom has surpassed the United States and re-emerged as the leader of this world, and a new world pattern is taking shape!”

And at this time, the really nervous,

It is a member of the skirt of many aircraft carrier formations in the United States.

Their siege strategy against the Dragon Kingdom,

Surrounded by loneliness!

The Kunpeng of the Dragon Kingdom is a legendary air-space mothership, an advanced aircraft that can go into the sky and enter the sea!

They are equivalent to a child speaking harshly to an adult.

It’s like death!

When all the aircraft carrier personnel were trembling, the Black Palace of the United States came to call!


Just one simple word!

But let the colonel leaders like a spring breeze,

He felt that the air at this moment was smooth, and the world was much brighter.

He took a deep breath and gave the order at the first time: “Everyone return to their posts immediately!” ”

Wait until everyone is in place!

Without hesitation, he ordered: “The teams immediately turn around and evacuate as quickly as possible!” ”

The personnel in the command room seemed to hear the sound of nature.

One by one, the orders were quickly executed! In the live broadcast room,

An unbelievable scene occurred.

Only to see that the US aircraft carrier formation skirt, which was originally in a siege posture, quickly reversed course with lightning speed.

Then full of horsepower, quickly evacuated!

The warships that withdrew called a loveless one, afraid that they would be gone one step slower!

The audience around the world was dumbfounded!

The mighty aircraft carrier formation skirt of the United States was so frightened that it slipped away?! The head slipped away without looking back?!!!

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