Chapter 120 Countries Rush to Cooperate! Kunpeng space carrier flies around the world!!

Just a few tens of seconds passed,

The figure of the US aircraft carrier fleet can no longer be seen in the live broadcast room.

The previous domineering toughness of the aircraft carrier formation of the United States,

It is a funny contrast with the first run at this moment, which is a funny contrast.

It makes the audience in the live room happy!

“Hahaha… The military quality of the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States is high, and it runs so fast! Sure enough! ”

“Laugh at me, little brother of the United States, your previous domineering arrogance, how did you see the Kunpeng spread its wings and fly high into the sky, and then run away with a weak heart?!”

“To be honest, I run away from me!” The United States originally held that it was holding an iron rod, and the Dragon Kingdom was holding a wooden stick, and it was randomly crushed when fighting, who knew that the Dragon Kingdom had a gun! ”

“Oh hey, the United States has also fallen behind on the proud aircraft carrier this time, even if it has lost its old face, what face will it have in the world in the future?”

“Regardless of whether he is alive or dead, anyway, our Dragon Kingdom already has an air and space mothership, and after that, it is really proud of the world!”

At this point,

Through the live broadcast room,

People around the world look up at the Kunpeng flying machine suspended in the sky!

The eyes are full of awe and admiration.

Especially the people of the Dragon Kingdom,

One by one, the waist poles are straight, and they are extremely proud at this moment,

I can’t wait to shout to the world: Look!

This is our Dragon Kingdom’s Aerospace Mothership!

Dragon Kingdom has a protector artifact known as ‘Kunpeng’!

And at this time on the Kunpeng,

The entire space carrier and the aircraft carrier personnel below were celebrating, and they finally raised their eyebrows.

For so many years,

The navy of the United States is running amok with advanced aircraft carriers, and it does not pay attention to the dragon country at all.

Even did a lot of things to humiliate the Dragon Nation’s navy.

But. Just today,

In the case of the aircraft carrier of the United States,

The Dragon Kingdom did not spend a single soldier, a single shot, and only the momentum of the Kunpeng scared away the aircraft carrier fleet of the United States!



One by one, the fleet members burst into tears and wept with joy! And the White Commander stood on the deck, his body trembling!


He commanded the Kunpeng space mothership,

It stabbed a knife into the heart of the U.S. Navy.

Their navy is not ashamed of its predecessors, ashamed of the motherland, and finally stood up strongly!

At the same time,

A captain on the aircraft carrier below frowned.

The deputy next to him saw that the captain looked unhappy, and asked, “Captain, we have scared away the Miguoyan, why are you not happy?” ”

The captain smiled bitterly:

“It is naturally gratifying that our navy can scare away the aircraft carrier formation of the United States.”

The captain paused, shook his head, and said, “But I think about the fate of our aircraft carriers, and it may not be long before our aircraft carrier fleet is decommissioned early.” ”


The deputy immediately reacted to the captain’s meaning.

Yes, once the space carrier is unveiled, it will not be long before the equipment is upgraded, and in contrast, these aircraft carriers with average performance will have to be retired.

He asked, “Captain, our aircraft carrier has just been in service for a long time, and it is still new, so we can’t just retire it like this.” ”

The captain thought for a moment and shook his head, “There is a high probability that decommissioning will not be decommissioned, but there will be new tasks.” ”

“Task. What task? ”

The deputy had a curious look on his face.

The captain’s helpless voice sounded.

“We may send aircraft carriers to escort us, and our people will go to sea to fish!”

“Cough cough cough…!”

The deputy was escorted out to sea by the.0 aircraft carrier to go fishing?!

This… The aircraft carrier has fallen to this point! But he thought about it for a moment, but it was really possible!

After all, the task of defending the country will be entrusted to the Kunpeng space carrier, and it is logical for these aircraft carriers to idle and have nothing to protect the fishermen!

After this momentous thing happened.

The official phone of the Dragon Kingdom was about to be broken.

The countries of the world actively linked to the leadership of the Dragon Kingdom.

Want to enter the second batch of controlled nuclear fusion projects.

In order to show sincerity, the principals of many countries took experts to the Dragon Kingdom for the first time.

Visit the leaders of Dragon Kingdom in person and strive to give priority to participating in controlled nuclear fusion projects.

Seeing this scene, the netizens of the Dragon Kingdom were happy.

“Hands are fast, hands are slow!”

“I think countries that want to get involved should know something, like getting some gifts or something!”

“Yes, like Xiong Guo will present a drawing of Figure 60, Lan He Guo will contribute a 3nm lithography machine manufacturing technology, Benzi Guo will burn that toilet, but if it burns, you don’t want to participate!”

“This time, it is the whole world rushing to cooperate with our country, and this cooperation is down, and the electricity of Blue Star has to be surnamed [Longguo National Grid]!”

“Controllable nuclear fusion + space mothership, this is simply a combination of king explosions, which country still dares to disagree!”

The world was silent at a time when Dragon Nation was cooperating with controlled nuclear fusion reactors in various countries.

Dragon Kingdom officially released a message.

【Kunpeng space mothership is about to fly around the world: with the permission of the countries passing along the way, it can land for friendly exchanges!] 】

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