It feels like something big will happen! !
Jinling Bieyuan,
room on the second floor,
Sitting at the table, Wu Shaoying looked at the lyrics and songs that took nearly half a year to write, with a satisfied look on her face, and she kept humming a long-familiar melody that could no longer be familiar.
“I painted you as a flower, a blooming flower…”
The beautiful tune and lyrics were sung by Wu Shaoying’s unique voice, which added a dreamy feeling to the room…
After a long time,
The contented Wu Shaoying jumped and buried herself on the soft bed.
Then I saw her take out her mobile phone, with a tangled look on her face, and after a long while, she made up her mind,
Immediately, the light and delicate fingers began to slide on the screen. After finding the avatar that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, he sent a message.
“Do you have time? ”
Then she was ready to wait for a long reply, but to her surprise, she was rarely in sync with Tang Zhenli at this time.
I saw Tang Zhenli replied impressively,
18 Under the joy in her heart, Wu Shaoying’s expression on her face was also flexible and vivid. After editing the information, she hurriedly went to Tang Zhen for a haircut,
“How about the old place tomorrow afternoon?”
Planetary Engine Laboratory,
In Tang Zhenli’s office,
I saw him resting his head on the cushion of the seat at this time, holding a mobile phone in his hand, and slowly typed a word,
“it is good.”
It has been nearly a month since I returned from the space base, and I have been squatting in the laboratory during this time.
Rao is Tang Zhenli, and he can’t help but feel a little chest tightness and shortness of breath.
Tang Zhenli’s expression was slightly relaxed, and there was a relaxed smile on his face. The planetary engine concept is proceeding in an orderly manner, which is undoubtedly the best incentive for him.
“After a while, the actual experiment may be carried out…”
Tang Zhenli muttered as he looked at the new design drawings after the re-demolition.
The next afternoon,
Jinling Bieyuan,
“How about this one?”
Wu Shaoying took a standing posture and showed it to the other people. At this time, she was wearing a pure white thin casual jacket, and she was simply wearing a pair of skinny jeans underneath, stretching her slender thighs. more straight.
“The pants are okay, the clothes are bad, the color doesn’t match the season…”
Sister Xia made a pertinent comment, Wu Shaoying’s face tightened when she heard the words, and then she walked towards the room again.
Now is the time to change the season, and since I haven’t seen each other for a long time, it is natural for Tang Zhenli to see a different self. . . .
After Wu Shaoying returned to the room, Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at each other and could see the helplessness in each other’s eyes.
“You don’t have to guess what happened…”
Sister Xia reluctantly muttered something, her expression inexplicable.
After that, Wu Shaoying changed several pieces to show them, and finally chose an emerald green coat.
After the change, Wu Shaoying’s face became even more excited. After putting on the mask, she muttered,
“Sister Xia, this afternoon, I’ll take a leave of absence…”
After speaking, Wu Shaoying walked out of the villa in a hurry.
I saw that Sister Xia and the little assistant each had a speechless expression on their faces, looked at each other and sighed at the same time.
Now they really have no way to take Wu Shaoying…
On the other side, Ye Yingxin’s eyes remained at the door, wondering what she was thinking of.Well, she bit her lip lightly, her fist clenched slightly.
Just after Wu Shaoying, who was dressed in a fairy-like appearance, walked out of the villa,
In a hidden corner, the two paparazzi looked intently at the DSLR in front of them, and then the dark and reflective lens directly pointed at Wu Shaoying and blanked out dozens of close-ups.
Ever since the news of Wu Shaoying’s study at the Dragon Country Academy of Drama was announced, paparazzi are waiting in the school every day, just for Wu Shaoying’s first-hand information.
Most Cui also argued that the school officials came forward and banned secret photography on campus, and this trend was put to an end.
However, some paparazzi used special channels to inquire about Wu Shaoying’s basic situation, such as the two who were taking pictures secretly at this time.
“How is it, did you take a picture clearly?”
At this time, a paparazzi asked, and the accomplice who was asked nodded immediately.
At this time, they found something unusual again, only to see that Wu Shaoying did not want to walk towards the Dragon Country Academy of Drama as usual at this time, but another aspect.
“Hey, why doesn’t she go to class?”
—The paparazzi looked surprised and looked at the paparazzi beside him.
Almost instantly, their eyes lit up, Wu Shaoying didn’t go to school?
Out of professional sensitivity, they instinctively told them that Wu Shaoying’s trip must be unusual.
Perhaps, there may be some surprises next…
“follow up”
The paparazzi patted the companion next to him, and gestured with his eyes.
Afterwards, the two followed Wu Shaoying quietly, just keeping the distance in a safe position.
After a while,
The two paparazzi turned to look at Wu Shaoying in front of them, and walked directly towards the gate of Longke University.
“Longke University? What is Wu Shaoying doing here?”
“Never mind, I feel like something big must happen!”
The two pondered for a while, and their hearts became more and more excited. Wu Shaoying’s behavior is so abnormal, it must be not simple behind it, maybe tomorrow’s entertainment headlines will be written by the two of them!
Then the two looked at each other, and they saw the expectation in each other’s eyes, and then quickly caught up.
With the speed of footsteps quickening, the two paparazzi also came to the gate of Longke University. They looked inside but did not see any trace of Wu Shaoying.
In a hurry, he immediately stepped into the campus of Longke University. The security guard at the door thought it was a student and did not stop him.
Inside the huge campus, the two of them were anxious in their hearts, and they looked around anxiously, but still couldn’t find it
“What about people?”
A paparazzi said angrily, if they miss the big event, they may regret it for the rest of their lives. This is a great opportunity to gain fame and fortune!
Naturally, it was impossible for the two to give up so early, and they glanced sharply at the campus in all directions.
At this moment, a paparazzi exclaimed in a low voice, pointing to the artificial lake in the distance.
His accomplice’s eyes lit up and immediately followed the direction of his fingers.
After seeing that scene, my breathing instinctively quickened a lot,
I don’t know if I don’t see it, I’m shocked when I see it, and I can’t think of it if I kill them.
Wu Shaoying actually…

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