The exclusive news that caused a sensation in the entertainment industry! !
On the campus of Longke University,
When all kinds of plants came to life, the willow tree beside the artificial lake also quietly pulled out its new buds.
A warm breeze blew across the lake, causing waves and ripples.
But this peaceful atmosphere could not appease the hearts of the two paparazzi who had already set off a stormy sea.
I saw Wu Shaoying and a boy sitting next to each other on a stone bench under the willow tree beside the artificial lake.
It’s unbelievable right?
If this is to be sent out, it must be the kind that will shock other people’s eyeballs!
“Quick, quick, don’t stand still, take pictures!”
At this time, the paparazzi patted his companion’s head vigorously, with an extremely anxious tone.
After all, the person sitting next to the boy in front was none other than Wu Shaoying! ! ! ! ! Wu Shaoying, known as the goddess of the nation and sister of Tianxian! ! ! ! !
In broad daylight, I’m currently having a tryst with a boy! ! !
Just thinking about it, he felt that his heart was already surging.
If it is sent out tomorrow, the two of them can be regarded as truly famous.
This kind of exclusive news that is enough to cause a sensation in the entertainment industry may never be encountered by ordinary paparazzi.
After the thoughts were over, the two paparazzi were still unable to calm down for a long time. The two looked at each other and immediately got busy. The paparazzi must not only be able to take pictures, but most importantly, be patient and learn to hide themselves.
Obviously these two paparazzi are worthy of being professional, they quickly found a hidden corner, the camera secretly aimed at Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying, and kept shooting…
at the same time,
Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying sat on the bench, sometimes chatting a few times, and more often they silently stared at the lake in a daze.
But even so, the two felt very satisfied.
Tang Zhenli came out completely with a breathable mood, breathing the warm air, and watching the scene of the recovery of all things on the campus, it is hard not to make people feel relaxed and happy.
As for Wu Shaoying… I just feel satisfied with Tang Zhenli.
However, after being silent for a long time, Wu Shaoying always felt a little bit at a loss. After all, it was difficult to ask him out. If he just sat there, how would he promote emotional communication without chatting.
Immediately, Wu Shaoying’s heart was a little anxious, and her little head turned around, as if she was looking for a common topic to talk about,
“By the way, your Dragon University has sixteen large laboratories, which one are you in…”
Unexpectedly speakingAfter exiting, Wu Shaoying immediately regretted it, and immediately wanted to slap herself,
As a confidential officer, Tang Zhenli always asks these confidential questions when he has something to do. What does this make people think?
As soon as he thought of this, his eyes rolled around, and then he looked at Tang Zhenli cautiously.
But Tang Zhenli obviously didn’t think so much, he was just a little surprised, then he turned his head and asked Wu Shaoying,
“How do you know that there are sixteen laboratories in Longke University? I don’t even know…”
“Ah… I read it online…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s expression loosened, and she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that Tang Zhenli didn’t think about that place, but she seemed to be guilty, she then added,
“I am also interested in high-tech… So I often look at your school’s official website and forum…”
Of course, the so-called interest in technology was made up by her temporarily, just to change the topic.
As for looking at the official and forum of Longke University, it is true, but whether it is like technology or something else, it is not necessarily.
Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up when he saw this, he turned his head, looked at Wu Shaoying in a novel way, and said.
“I didn’t expect you to be interested in this area, what do you usually watch…”
Wu Shaoying was a little guilty when she was seen by Tang Zhenli, but she felt even more guilty after hearing Tang Zhenli’s question, but Tang Zhenli had already asked this. Wouldn’t it be too insincere not to answer.
The little head turned quickly, thinking of some academic language I saw when visiting the official website and forum of Longke University, I opened my mouth without thinking.
“Recently…the recent focus on photovoltaics…”
“Photovoltaic? Coincidentally, I also know a little about it.”
Tang Zhenli’s expression changed, and there was a slight smile on his lips. He taught himself a lot of knowledge in the field of photovoltaics when he was at the space base. Unlike the knowledge in textbooks, these are theories that are at the forefront of scientific research.
With enthusiasm, Tang Zhenli also let go of himself a little bit. He added some theories he had learned in the space base before, and added his own understanding.
Wu Shaoying was stunned when she heard it, and her dazed expression looked surprisingly cute.
She didn’t expect that she casually mentioned a photovoltaic, and Tang Zhenli explained it to her from the origin of photovoltaics to the current theoretical level. Therefore, the two of them looked like a normal couple dating, but when they got closer, they found that Tang Zhenli was talking, and Wu Shaoying was talking about a lot of esoteric academic terms.
But both of them have a ‘relish’ look.
We chatted like this for a long time, and the time also came from the afternoon to the evening,
It seemed that Tang Zhenli’s chatterbox had been completely opened, making Wu Shaoying feel that Tang Zhenli had such a talkative side for the first time.
At this moment, Tang Zhenli suddenly stood up, a relaxed smile appeared on his face, and said to Wu Shaoying,
It’s getting late…! ”
Wu Shaoying also reacted quickly, got up and nodded towards Tang Zhenli,
“I’m glad you could explain PV to me…”
“Small things, I can talk about it next time when I have a chance.”
Tang Zhenli had a freehand smile on his face when he heard the words. After speaking, he turned his head and walked towards the laboratory.
“Goodbye (get it)!”
Looking at Tang Zhenli’s back, Wu Shaoying also whispered, she was in a strange mood at this time.
It was not until the back disappeared from his field of vision that Wu Shaoying started to walk towards the house, recalling the relationship just now while walking.
“Maybe this is him…”
Unexpectedly, when we talk about scientific research, Tang Zhenli will also have a day when he will lose his words…
And I seem to be more enthusiastic about myself. . .
Is it because I also like high-tech? ? ?
Wu Shaoying frowned, thinking back carefully, it seemed that Tang Zhenli’s attitude changed after she said that.
°It seems that visiting the official website and forum is really useful…
As soon as she thought of this, Wu Shaoying’s eyes lit up slightly, and her steps became a little brisk. Inadvertently, she seems to have found a way to get along with Tang Zhenli!

Wu Shaoying frowned, thinking back carefully, it seemed that Tang Zhenli’s attitude changed after she said those words.
°It seems that visiting the official website and forum is really useful…
As soon as she thought of this, Wu Shaoying’s eyes lit up slightly, and her steps became a little brisk.
Inadvertently, she seems to have found a way to get along with Tang Zhenli!
reward share
Looking at Wu Shaoying with no makeup, even if Sister Xia and Xiao Yin saw more than 100 people, their eyes couldn’t help but flash a moment of surprise. At this time, Xiao Yin directly handed over a mobile phone and motioned to Wu Shaoying,
“Well, Sister Yingying, see for yourself”
Wu Shaoying took the phone and glanced at the two of them suspiciously, then looked down at the phone screen.
As far as the eye can see, there are several amazing hot searches.
“Exploding! The dating photos of the national goddess are out!”
“Boom! Sister Tianxian’s famous flower has an owner?”
“There are pictures and the truth, Wu Shaoying dating a boy is exposed!”
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When I clicked on these hot searches, it was obvious that the pictures were of Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli sitting and chatting on the stone chair next to the artificial lake yesterday. Fans who are familiar with Wu Shaoying can see at a glance that this is Wu Shaoying.
At this time, Wu Shaoying could not have reacted. Someone must have secretly followed him yesterday. The way of taking pictures is professional.
And whether it is from the angle or the color tone, it is very misleading, making people consciously take the two people in the picture as a couple.
“Damn paparazzi!”
Seeing the end, no matter how good-tempered Rao was, Wu Shaoying couldn’t help but said bitterly.
“Yingying, leave the paparazzi alone and think about what to do next.”
At this time, Sister Xia also looked helpless, but she also felt helpless in her heart.No worries.
In fact, after Wu Shaoying revealed that she liked Tang Zhenli, she was ready for public relations.
“What can I do? Judging from the results of the previous exposures, I believe the popularity will drop soon…”
Wu Shaoying calmed down and recalled carefully that the first two times were fine, and then said calmly.
“you sure? ”
Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at her suspiciously, while Wu Shaoying nodded and said.
“Just wait and see what happens!”
“That’s fine too…”
On the Internet, with the outflow of this group of photos, the popularity this time did not drop as quickly as Wu Shaoying expected.
Because a group of netizens with sharp eyes found that by comparing the photos of the male protagonists with the previous two scandals.
Surprisingly, it was discovered that the male protagonists of these three times were the same person, and the next group of netizens suddenly exploded.
Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times… it may be true!
That is to say, the rumored boyfriend in the legend is very likely to be the real boyfriend!
After realizing this, not only fans, but also passers-by who eat melons are waiting for Wu Shaoying to come out again.
But in the end, it didn’t wait, so a group of active netizens began to turn their attention to the male protagonist of the incident… A few days later, as Wu Shaoying expected a longer time, Wu (biei) Shaoying’s popularity dropped slightly It’s a little bit more, but anyone with a heart can find that there is an undercurrent quietly surging on the Internet.
the other side,
Ye Yingxin held her mobile phone and stared at the hot searches on the Internet. Her eyes flashed inexplicably, and she couldn’t help but mutter to herself,
“That scumbag repeatedly forced Sister Yingying to express her position in public first. Why don’t you take this opportunity to expose this dead scumbag… Let Sister Yingying wake up a little…”
Obviously, “Ye Yingxin at this time obviously thinks that these photos are arranged by Tang Zhenli, creating a cold personality that she is being chased back.
In order to better ‘into the bag’ of Sister Yingying, it must be like this!
Even though she wanted to really expose her identity as a scumbag, a post on the Internet made her eyes shine.
Sure enough, netizens are omnipotent… don’t have to expose yourself…
Within a few short hours,
A post on the scarf titled ‘Explore Wu Shaoying’s identity of the male protagonist in three incidents’ was instantly topped the hot search.
On the post is some basic information of Tang Zhenli, including name, age, and relationship with Wu Shaoying’s high school classmates, and then the most important revelations.
“Tang Zhenli claims that he is currently a sophomore student at Dragon University of Science and Technology.”
And under the various embellishments, this post is like a mountain of iron evidence, which makes many netizens believe it.
Because the content in this post does not carry any subjective emotion, it seems that it is simply stating the facts. in a short time,
On the scarf, the number of clicks on the three-word topic of Tang Zhenli quickly exceeded 100 million, and in addition, millions of people discussed it. It can be said that Tang Zhenli, who has never stepped into the entertainment industry, has become the first person in Long Kingdom to come out of the circle under the influence of Wu Shaoying. At this time, the heat on the scarf was no less than that of Wu Shaoying.
It can also be said that where Wu Shaoying is discussed on the Internet, there must also be a place for Tang Zhenli!
And all of this on the Internet,
For the time being, Tang Zhenli will not be able to affect the research he is currently concentrating on.
Generally speaking, when Tang Zhenli was immersed in his research, his mobile phone was always on standby.
For a long time, Tang Zhenli was thrown everywhere in an unknown corner.
Otherwise, the “tragedy” of chatting with Wu Shaoying for a month would not have appeared in the first place!
After a little arrogance, it happens to be Tang Zhenli’s ‘window period’. Tang Zhenli will still take a little time to make himself appear less isolated from the world as much as possible.
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