Wu Shaoying’s Song!
morning please
Shang Keli, Planetary Engine Laboratory,
Assistant Office.
Qi Lu leaned over on his desk, with a little tiredness on his face, as if he would fall asleep in the next second.
The same is true for the other four people next to them, and some of them have even fallen asleep on the table.
And they haven’t closed their eyes for two days and two nights.
Everyone’s table was filled with piles of data, which were all the data that Tang Zhenli had handed to them about the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle engine.
Only then did they know that in the months when Tang Gong disappeared, he was actually working on the rumored ‘Strong Eight’ project at the space base!
The two days and two nights were just to check one of the dozens of modules of the ‘Zhuangba’ engine. Since then, they have completed the calculation of nearly ten modules.
You must know that the R&D period of the engine of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket is strictly calculated, at least nearly ten years, plus the previous theoretical foreshadowing, ten years is not “one hundred and zero”. Yes, still professionalunder the premise of the team.
And they completed one of the modules in two days and two nights. Although it was only a verification calculation, it was quite remarkable.
After all, they are the darlings who can be admitted to Dragon University. Through the verification of these basic theoretical and practical materials, they have a specific concept of aerospace engines in their hearts.
This is also the reason why Tang Zhenli wants them to verify the calculation. This is actually to cultivate them intentionally, and the five people naturally have a faint feeling in their hearts.
Feel it, so you will be extra diligent.
In Tang Zhenli’s example, the living habits of the five people gradually changed under the condition of subjective and deliberate. At present, there are a total of six people in the laboratory, and most of them eat and live in the laboratory.
Fortunately, there are all the living facilities in the laboratory. Although it is definitely not as good as a student apartment, it can barely meet the needs of life.
Only with such a progressive attitude can they be qualified to become Tang Zhenli’s team in the future.
in the office,
In front of the computer, there was a hand-painting board, and Tang Zhenli was drawing something on the hand-painting board with an electronic stylus. From time to time, I also manipulate the mouse to adjust some precise details, and at the same time mark a mark.
On the computer screen, the prototype of a newly constructed planetary engine is on the list.
Only now there is only a rough framework.
Under the premise of a scientific research system, at this time, it is just copying the complete framework of the planetary engine in his mind to the computer. After a while, Tang Zhenli, who was also busy all night, seemed a little tired.
He yawned involuntarily, rubbed his eyebrows with his right hand, leaned his head back slightly, and closed his eyes.
Although the eyelids are heavy, but the mind still retains a trace of ideas, thinking about the next process in my mind, and then muttering to myself – a sentence,
“According to this process, after a period of time, you can really practice…”
And not long after he finished speaking, a steady breathing sound came from the office.
Jinling Bieyuan, inside Wu Shaoying’s room,
A group of four people are sitting in front of the table in unison, all of them looking at the computer screen with a focused expression, watching the syllables and characters beating, and then there are bursts of beautiful melody…
“Yingying, is this really a song you wrote yourself?”
There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of Sister Xia and the other three, and then Sister Xia turned her head and said to Wu Shaoying, with a little surprise on her face.
“Yeah, what do you think…”
Wu Shaoying’s pretty face was tight, so she looked at the three of them with a hint of tension and hope.
This is the first time she has written a song, and she hopes to hear fair comments from the three of them.
“It’s not bad, but… this is a love song! Don’t you think about the possible impact of the follow-up? ” Compared with the assistant and Ye Yingxin, Sister Xia obviously thought more.
“Yeah, if the level of the song alone is enough, it’s obviously enough… But now the fishing reels on the Internet have not subsided, sister Yingying, you are going to explode with such a whole again.”
‘ Xiao Yin couldn’t help but glanced at Sister Xia after hearing this, and then she reacted and said to Wu Shaoying.
On the other hand, when Wu Shaoying heard the comments of Sister Xia and the little assistant, her eyes lit up, and a sweet smile appeared on her face. It seems that she didn’t hear the sound of their words, or she really had other thoughts in her heart.
Under the strange eyes of several people, Wu Shaoying glanced at the corner of her mouth, glanced at a few people, and said a little excitedly,
“I’ve decided to sing tomorrow!!!”
rm rm.
A trace of confusion flashed across Sister Xia’s face, she was about to open her mouth to persuade her, but when she saw Wu Shaoying’s expression, she hesitated, and finally sighed inwardly.
Forget it, she… just be happy.
On the other side watching the whole process, Ye Yingxin, who had not spoken all the time, squinted her eyes, and then she clenched her fists tightly, gritted her teeth in her heart. hateful! This feeling of watching idols sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire but can’t stop it is simply torture!
At this juncture, Wu Shaoying decided to release a song, and it was a love song, or it was written for someone personally, the meaning of which is self-evident.
Even if netizens don’t know that this is written for Tang Zhenli, but after a little pondering, they will definitely be able to figure out the taste from it.
—- —|—
brother – day
“Xiao Yin, have all the platforms been arranged? It’s a big deal to release a song for the first time!”
Inside the villa, Sister Xia was looking at the little assistant with a serious face.
“Don’t worry, Sister Xia, everything is arranged!”
The little assistant also looked solemn and nodded…
Generally speaking, the first work of transformation is crucial, which determines whether Wu Shaoying’s transformation can be successful.
– A bad thing, Wu Shaoying’s popularity may plummet.
However, given the current popularity of Wu Shaoying, this possibility is very low.
After that, Wu Shaoying’s new song was released on major music platforms, although it did not build momentum in advance,
But in less than ten minutes, it was instantly topped the top search list.
The popularity of the national goddess is so terrifying!
Only then did all the fans know that their goddess and sister Tianxian had actually transformed into singers.
However, it is obvious that the attention of all the netizens is crooked. Now Wu Shaoying is plagued by scandals and has not made a positive response, but only sent a love song…
The meaning of this is self-evident, so in the comments of Wu Shaoying’s new song, there is very little discussion of the song itself, and most of them are still obsessed with speculating on the meaning of Wu Shaoying’s move.
For a while, netizens were discussing,
“I’m sure that the goddess was deceived by a scumbag before, so she didn’t respond. Can’t you hear the meaning of this “Painting”? This implies that everything is fake and deceitful (3.418 million awesome)
“Sister Tianxian directlyIf it is exposed, we will help you get revenge, directly human flesh him, scumbag biss!!!” (2.458 million likes)
“Why do I feel like there’s something wrong…I’m cheated and will I send love songs. 48…” (1.234 million likes)
“The same upstairs, I also feel weird…” (317,000 likes)
u H
As more and more people listened to the new song released by Wu Shaoying, the brain circuit suddenly opened up.
The fermentation of all kinds of heat, all kinds of rumors have been flying all over the sky, and netizens have their own opinions.
Although there are still a small number of people who remain rational about this, some fanatical fans cannot resist forcibly distorting the meaning of Wu Shaoying’s move, and spread it through various marketing accounts and self-media.
But in the end, when everyone wanted to continue digging into the true face of the ‘scumbag’, they found that apart from the original post, it was difficult to find an alternative revelation.
– Grid-connected 2 can only secretly regret that they could not satisfy their desire to eat melons, so they can only secretly wait for the day when the news is finally revealed…

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