Really, the first machine,? Test eve!
a cafe,
As the head of Wu Shaoying’s fan group, Liu Ling is naturally Wu Shaoying’s number one fan girl.
At this time, she was wearing headphones. Since Wu Shaoying’s new song was released, she has been in this state, and the single is looping.
From time to time, she would beat the beat to the melody, but suddenly she took off her earphones and said to her boyfriend, Su Ran, who was sitting across from her.
“Why do I think there is love hidden in idol’s songs?
“Huh? What?”
When Su Ran saw Liu Ling talking to him, he quickly took off his headphones. In fact, he also had a single for a long time.
“I said, Wu Shaoying’s new song seems to hide a trace of love!”
Su Ran’s heart moved when he heard the words, but in fact he also had a faint feeling.
Suddenly, the couple looked startled, they looked at each other and could see a hint of surprise in each other’s eyes.
Is it possible..really in love???
Originally, those true fans of Wu Shaoying did not believe in those scandals, but at this critical moment, they released such a reverie song, such words, they have to think deeply…
On the Internet, many netizens seem to feel that Tang Zhenli’s melon is hopeless after digging deep.
Then I couldn’t help but focus on the song itself,
After all, apart from a few scandals, Wu Shaoying is a well-deserved top player in the Dragon Kingdom entertainment circle!
If there is a traffic rating, the queen of topics on the Internet in the past two years must be Wu Shaoying 18!
What followed was Wu Shaoying’s temporary retirement.
And the transformation immediately sparked a heated discussion,

I painted you as a flower, a blooming flower’, the lyrics are matched with the melody, love love…”
“My Ying Bao is not only great in acting, but also in transformation and singing. He is an all-around artist!” “Yes, please pay more attention to Ying Bao’s works, not Other things!!” “Sister Tianxian is the only one who wrote lyrics, composes and sings. This ‘rookie’ singer has transformed into a very strong singer!” “Hahaha, XSWL, who would want to make a profit from her sister?” Divide the money!!! The first ‘stingy’ entertainer in the entertainment industry”
It can be said that after breaking away from Tang Zhenli’s influence, the eyes of all netizens have returned to the right track. Unexpectedly, the song itself, which had been ignored before, brought them such a big surprise at this moment. Immediately, the playback volume of this “Painting” on major music platforms soon exceeded hundreds of millions. As a newcomer Wu Shaoying who has just transformed into the singer field, this achievement is already amazing enough! As for the few people who learned about the situation, except for Wu Shaoying who was calm, the mood of the other three fluctuated a little, and there was a little surprise in their joy. Is the transformation so logical?
The expected popularity rose instead of falling. For a while, they didn’t know whether to say Wu Shaoying was lucky or strong enough!
Northwest Space Base,
‘Zhuangba’ project engineering building,
Chief Engineer’s Office,
Wei Pengyu looked at the thick stack of data on the table, his expression relaxed slightly, then looked up at Wang Shan who was sitting in front of him,
“I looked at the data of the second and third tests, and they are all at normal levels…”
Wang Shan heard Wei Pengyu’s implication, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and then she pushed up her glasses, and said with a slightly uncertain tone,
“General engineer Wei’s meaning is that it is ready to be officially put into use?”
In fact, after the first successful test launch during this period of time, the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project has carried out the second and third tests, especially the third test, supplemented by the orbital attitude, even has Reached a distance close to outer space.
That is to say, the technicality of the current ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project is infinitely close to maturity, and it can be put into use after preparation.
At this time, Wei Pengyu also nodded when he heard the words, after thinking for a while in his mind, he said,
“That’s right… In this way, we will make every effort to prepare for the final stage of the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project, that is, the practical application stage. Time…”
Halfway through speaking, Wei Pengyu paused for a moment, as if hesitating, and then said,
“The time is set in three months. Three months should be enough to prepare. In addition, by the way, I will notify the chief engineer Zhang in charge of the satellite project…”
Seeing Wei Pengyu’s decision, Wang Shan’s expression changed slightly, the fist in her cuff clenched slightly, and then a firm tone came.
“Okay, I’ll tell you to go on…” After saying that, he walked out of the office.
At this time, only Wei Pengyu was left in the office.
I saw him tap the table lightly with his fingers, his expression was a little inexplicable, and his heart trembled slightly.
at thisAfter decades of hard work on the project, the failure of the first test launch last year dealt a heavy blow to the old man who was already in his twilight years.
However, in less than a year, the situation was reversed in two levels. From the successful test launch some time ago to the official launch three months later, the
Although there are countless ups and downs, but so far, the results are obviously very ideal.
For a long while, Wei Pengyu thought of the young man again inexplicably in his mind, with a hint of hope in his eyes, and then muttered to himself,
“The ‘Zhuangba’ project is complete.”
He has been busy for most of his life in the aerospace field of Longguo. Originally, Wei Pengyu had the idea of ​​fighting for the motherland for the rest of his life. Even if he died, he had to die on his post.
This is his worry about the current lack of connection in the scientific research community of Longguo,
But after seeing Tang Zhenli, he had some different thoughts in his heart…
Perhaps, that young man may have already carried the banner of Longguo scientific research alone?
Long Guo, Ministry of Science and Technology,
“It seems that Wei Pengyu really can’t wait…”
Ji Chengtian looked at the application documents on his desk and muttered to himself.
In a short period of time, he was able to salvage the ‘dying’ ‘Zhuang Ba’ project and bring it back to life. It has to be said that Wei Pengyu’s ability is still very much recognized by him.
Although this is inseparable from the young man’s relationship, even he couldn’t help feeling sighed for the various difficulties overcome in the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
Now that the application for the launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket is on his desk, Ji Chengtian’s mood is also a little difficult to calm down.
After a long time, Ji Chengtian directly picked up the phone on the table, dialed and ordered.
For this official launch, the scene must be grand. Although the time is set in three months, preparations must be made now. This is an important counterattack against the bad-mouthing of the Western world!
In this launch, we must strengthen the prestige of the Dragon Kingdom, and show the group of arrogant white-skinned people, the strength of the Dragon Kingdom’s unity!
Dragon University, Planetary Engine Laboratory,
While there was a lot of uproar on the Internet, the six people in the laboratory were still indulging in the dazzling formula data.
The only conference room in the laboratory,
There were only a few people sitting in the empty room. In fact, this laboratory was built according to the scale of 20 people, so the conference room is not small, at least for six people, it seems a bit empty. .
The projector in the conference room emits a dazzling light,
In the center of the curtain in front, a prototype drawing of a device is projected. At first glance, the prototype of this device is very complicated.
In addition, there are dense lines of labels around the prototype, indicating what components, specifications, and material requirements.
Tang Zhenli looked around at everyone and said in a calm tone.
“At present, some basic data of the planetary engine are probably here. What we need next is to try to follow the standards on the drawings, understand?”
In fact, the expected data on the current drawings is only the minimum standard in Tang Zhenli’s conception. As for the material thresholds and technical difficulties, even Tang Zhenli does not know. Only when the prototype product is built can it be discovered. All kinds of problems, after all, the application of theory to practice must be lacking.
“Understood, Tang Gong!”
When the five assistants heard the words, there was a hint of joy in their eyes, and then nodded heavily, with a firm tone.
At the same time, he looked at Tang Zhenli with a little more respect. To be honest, whether it was the prototype of the previous planetary engine or this one
, They have not exerted too much force in their research, and it can even be said that they have not exerted any force at all.
It was all conceived, drawn, and set by Tang Zhenli alone to anticipate the needs. What they did was completed step by step in accordance with Tang Zhenli’s drawings in the later stage of physical research and development.
It was before, and it is now.
Then the five looked at each other and could see each other’s perseverance.
Crystal I y
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