This is the first generation of planetary engines! ! !
Time is like a tide, it will not stop for a person, nor will it speed up the process for a person.
Is it the Northwest Aerospace Base? Quietly, the time has come to June.
After more than a month, the preparations for the official launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ project have already been prepared.
Although Longguo Aerospace is not particularly familiar with the guidance of such heavy-duty spacecraft in terms of orbital attitude, with the joint efforts of experts in orbital aspects of all projects in the space base, I believe it is not difficult.
In more than a month, it will be the day of the launch. This launch is different from the previous test launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, but has a common linkage with other departments of the space base, such as the satellite research and development department, the relevant departments of the space station, etc. .
Naturally, the official Longguo released this news early to build momentum for the official launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket a month later.
This gesture is a resounding slap in the face to those in the western world who are not optimistic about Longguo Aerospace.
As soon as this news was released, as expected, it immediately attracted a lot of criticism from the media in the Western world, thinking that it was nothing more than grandstanding by Longguo Aerospace.
They believed that it was less than a year before the failure of the first test launch, and they dared to speak out about the official launch.
What’s more, some tabloids and unscrupulous media even spread rumors that Longguo’s aerospace engine was transformed from an ordinary civil aviation engine in order to attract attention, but this kind of people with a little common sense can see it as a “fake with one glance”. However, it still attracted a lot of hilarity and ridicule from people with low intelligence.
I have to say, in the treatment of the Dragon KingdomOn the issue, the Western world showed their arrogance and prejudice most vividly, in the official release of the Dragon Kingdom.
The first time the news was announced, there was a booing.
Naturally, Long Guo would not respond to such reports, as the so-called, not arguing with stupid people, that is the case.
the other side,
The main tone of the atmosphere of Longke University in June has gradually changed from green to emerald green. The campus is full of lush greenery. I have to say that Longke University has done a very good job of greening on the campus. Looking at it from a distance, it can make people feel relaxed and happy.
Inside the Planetary Engine Laboratory,
The group of people who were immersed in the research and development project could faintly perceive the passage of time only through the changes in the weather.
I don’t know if it was because Tang Zhenli’s initial standard was too low, but the test before assembly of each module basically did not encounter too many difficulties.
Therefore, the construction of the prototype of the planetary engine this time was extremely rapid. Of course, this is also inseparable from the assistance of this cutting-edge laboratory and the support of Fu Zhiyuan.
Under Fu Zhiyuan’s negotiation, Tang Zhenli didn’t need to worry about the materials and reagents in the laboratory.
With the assistance of the robotic arm, the grinding and processing of some precision equipment is naturally not a problem.
Therefore, in just over a month, this steel object with a length of five meters and a height of nearly five meters can be placed on the open field in the laboratory.
Tang Zhenli stood quietly in front of him, looking at the ‘No. 1 engine’ that had been spliced ​​together in the past two days. The last engine could not be called a planetary engine, so his expectations were transferred to the current one. .
From this engine, we can vaguely see the hope of space travel, because after all, this is specially developed by Tang Zhenli for the spaceship, and the internal specifications and configuration of the engine are completely different from the rocket engine.
If you want to use it, it can be used, but it must be overkill. In the final analysis, this thing is too extravagant to use on rockets. Of course, this is all expected. Before passing the test, no one knows whether this thing will work.
At this time, Qi Lu walked towards Tang Zhenli with a stack of documents in his hand, and said calmly.
“Tang Gong, some settings of the device have been debugged and can be put into the next stage of testing, but… Halfway through speaking, Qi Lu’s eyebrows tightened, and his face seemed a little embarrassed.
“Say! ”
Tang Zhenli didn’t look back, just replied lightly.
Qi Lu’s expression changed when he heard the words, and he glanced at Tang Zhenli unnaturally, and then continued.
“If the result is what Tang Gong expected, the power of the fan at Longke University may not be able to test the expected data. After hearing what Qi Lu said, Tang Zhenli was slightly taken aback, and his brows were raised. He really didn’t expect this.
On second thought, the last test,
The fan in the wind tunnel laboratory did end up being overloaded.
That’s kind of awkward…
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, and a light flashed in his mind.
With the connections of the dean of the Dragon Science University, it should be possible to borrow a large wind tunnel laboratory. Thinking of this, Tang Zhenli turned his head and nodded towards Qi Lu, and then said,
Got it, I’ll fix it! ”
After speaking, he walked to his office, ready to contact Fu Zhiyuan.
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
Fu Zhiyuan’s cell phone suddenly vibrated, which made him look at the material. Generally, those who knew his private number were acquaintances. Reaching out and taking out the phone from his pocket, his eyes lit up slightly when he saw the note, and then he was a little surprised and muttered subconsciously.
“Little Tang?”
Generally speaking, he and Tang Zhenli either had direct face-to-face communication or indirect contact. This was the first time Tang Zhenli took the initiative to call.
After speaking, Fu Zhiyuan pressed the answer button out of curiosity.
“Have you had any problems lately?”
After that, Tang Zhenli’s steady voice came from the other end of the phone.
“President, the planetary engine has entered the testing stage, but the fan power of the wind tunnel laboratory of Longke University…some is not enough.”
“So fast? ? ?”
Fu Zhiyuan showed a hint of surprise on his face. He knew that Tang Zhenli continued to study the planetary engine after returning from the space base. But I still didn’t expect that the process would be so fast. It was only a few months after returning from the space base, and it began to enter the testing phase? Afterwards, Fu Zhiyuan pondered for a while and said directly.
“In this way, I will apply to the above, it will take a little time”
“Okay, thank you Dean!”
After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhiyuan couldn’t calm down for a long time. The shock of the planetary engine last time was still vivid in his mind.
Now this one is still an upgraded version… Then how high should this level be! In a flash, Fu Zhiyuan made a direct call.

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