Ministry of Science and Technology, Ji Chengtian hangs up the phone, chanting words,
Xiao Tang’s experiment started again?
This is too fast
But listening to the confidence in Fu Zhiyuan’s tone on the phone, maybe he will give him a new surprise!
Immediately, he thought of the scandal that had been uploaded on the Internet recently. Originally, he never paid attention to these lace news, but he was still asking for instructions a few days ago.
“This” learned that there was such an interesting thing in Tang Zhen?, thinking at this point, I couldn’t help but laugh and murmured something.
“I didn’t expect that Xiao Tang could be related to the big star…”
However, he has always held an tolerant attitude towards this kind of thing, which is why he did not ask for the suppression of fishing reels on the Internet.
Times have changed…
One day, Tang Zhenli will stand in front of the stage on behalf of the younger generation of Longguo scientific research.And it is related to the entertainment industry, maybe it is a disguised protection for Tang Zhenli…  
A large, confidential wind tunnel laboratory near Yandu,
As the earliest wind tunnel laboratory established in Longguo, after years of expansion and renovation, it has become the wind tunnel laboratory with the best equipment and the most complete measures in Longguo.
The Long Kingdom, which focuses on the aerospace field, has turned the surrounding area into a secret research institute on the aerospace field.
At this time, in the office,
Fang Zishi, the head of the wind tunnel laboratory, received a call from Fu Zhiyuan,
“Men 7 Dean Fu, are you saying that Longke University has a project to borrow our wind tunnel laboratory?”
Fang Zishi looked a little confused and said to the other end of the phone.
As far as he knows, the wind tunnel laboratory of Dragon University of Science and Technology is not simple, and it can test all the known aerospace propulsion, but now… Is it possible that there is new research?
“Yes, I have called the relevant department for the application, it has been approved, and the procedures are complete.”
I saw Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone say.
“That’s fine, then you can choose a time to come over.”
After thinking about it for a while, Fang Zishi could only temporarily cast aside the confusion in his heart and said to Fu Zhiyuan.
After hanging up the phone, Fang Zishi blinked a little puzzled, but borrowing the wind tunnel laboratory is not a big deal, and he will know when he arrives.
On the other side, Fu Zhiyuan notified Tang Zhenli of the news immediately. As soon as it was agreed, he felt that it was not too late to transfer the ‘No. 1 engine’ of the planetary engine to which wind tunnel laboratory the next day.
However, all this needs to be arranged by Fu Zhiyuan. Of course, the necessary confidentiality must be done in place.
the next day,
In the quiet morning of the Longke University campus, there was another whistling sound from the helicopter propeller, which woke up many students who had no classes in the morning.
(biei) But they seemed to take it easy, so they silently muttered and went to sleep.
They are also very familiar with this voice.
The door of the Planetary Engine Laboratory opened wide early,
The staff who come and go perform their own duties, and there are many observation posts of the Dragon Kingdom’s secret agency.
Then I saw a crane directly lift the planetary engine smoothly, and then slowly put it down on a large carrier. The five assistants watched the loaded engine slowly leave, and then turned to Tang Zhenli who was standing side by side with Fu Zhiyuan. Fu Zhiyuan faintly noticed the gazes of the five assistants and said to Tang Zhenli.
“It’s not too late, let’s go too!”
Tang Zhenli nodded, and the group got on the plane in an orderly manner and flew towards the wind tunnel laboratory.
After Planetary Engine, Tang Zhenli and others all left,
The campus of Long University of Science and Technology also suddenly returned to silence, and the busy scene was no longer, as if nothing had happened. Even the commissioners and observation rooms of the Longguo secret agency disappeared one by one.
After a short flight of dozens of minutes, the helicopter finally arrived at a swarm of research institutes, including the large wind
Cave Lab.
In the end, the helicopter landed slowly, and Tang Zhenli, who came down for the first time, looked around curiously.
According to the distance, this should be the outskirts of Yandu, but I don’t know where it is.
Then the staff who were waiting early led a group of people all the way to the wind tunnel laboratory.
When he walked into a building, Master Fang Zi, who was waiting here, saw Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes lit up, and hurried up to meet him. “President Fu, hello!”
Fu Zhiyuan also extended his hand politely, shook hands with Fang Zishi, and then turned one hand to Tang Zhenli and said to Fang Zishi.
“Let me introduce, this is Tang Zhenli, the person in charge of this project, and his assistant is behind him.”
Fang Zishi turned his head to look at Tang Zhenli when he heard the words, and there was a hint of surprise in his heart. He obviously felt that he was too young, but he was also someone who had seen the world. Although such a young teacher was rare, it was not that he had never seen such a teacher.
He quickly adjusted his mood, stretched out his hand towards Tang Zhenli, and said.
“Fang Gong, hello!”
After a group of people greeted each other for a while, the convoy carrying the planetary engine also slowly drove into the park.
Later, with the help of the staff, the planetary engine appeared in the eyes of outsiders for the first time.
The moment Fang Zishi saw this engine, he was stunned for a moment, and finally compared with all the engines he had encountered in his life in his mind, and found that it was different.
As a well-known aerodynamics expert in Longguo, I have seen many engines and spacecraft, but I am really confused about this one.
This model… This structure is this new development? How is it a bit like something out of science fiction?
Watching the planetary engine being transported to the laboratory, he murmured in his heart.
In a trance, Tang Zhenli and Fu Zhiyuan and their group had long since returned to the laboratory with the engine.
Fang Zishi’s heart moved, driven by curiosity, and his footsteps followed…
Large fan laboratory,
At one end of the tubular building is a fan that is far larger than Longke University, and people stand in front of it like a tiny ant.
The fan blades make up for the luster of metal, exuding a unique deterrent.
In fact, even the super power of this fan ranks among the top in the world. I don’t know how many aerospace thrusters are in the extreme power of this fan.
Under the limited test ‘souls broken here’.
It can be said that there is no one in the world today that can withstand the extreme power of this fan in aerospace thrusters and engines.
in the main control room,
After Tang Zhenli and five assistants arrived, they directly took over the operation of the fan.control.
Everyone connected to the host computer with their own laptops, and then uploaded some data about the planetary engine for better verification during the test.
With the help of the staff, the outer planetary engine was also hanged on the suspension beam in the center of the wind tunnel in an orderly manner.
Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi were standing outside the door, but it wasn’t that they couldn’t go in. It was really useless for them to go in, and they might distract a few assistants.
So the two of them at this time can stand outside the door and look into the laboratory through the glass.
Not long after, the planetary engine was successfully loaded, everything was ready, and other staff also quit one after another.
All kinds of data in the main control room have also been debugged, it can be said that everything is ready!
Next, just wait for Tang Zhenli’s order, and the first test will officially start!

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