Is This What Humans Can Create? ? ?
Large wind tunnel laboratory,
Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi, who were waiting outside, looked at the few people in the main control room without blinking.
Fang Zishi was just out of curiosity, but Fu Zhiyuan had some expectations in his heart.
In the main control room, the eyes of the five assistants all focused on Tang Zhenli, waiting for his order.
Then I saw Tang Zhenli turned his head and said to them calmly,
“Now that you’re all set, let’s get started!”
As soon as the voice fell, Kang Deyun, who was in charge of adjusting the planetary engine, and Xue Ziyao, who was in charge of the fan, said at the same time.
“Planetary engine ready to run!”
“The fan is ready to start!”
The remaining Qi Lu was responsible for recording and summarizing the monitoring data, while the remaining two, Li Haoxuan and Zhong Yangde, monitored all the progress of the experiment~.
“According to the plan and in sequence, the benchmarking power of the planetary engine and the fan will remain at the first cosmic speed!
Tang Zhenli’s expression remained unchanged, his tone remained calm.
“Yes! ”
Then I saw that the planetary engine and the fan in the field moved at the same time, the tail of the planetary engine emitted a burst of blue flame, and the fan blades of the fan gradually turned on the female platform to turn the clouds.
The two opposing strands can radiate out from this tubular building, like two sharp swordsmen fighting each other, a strong duel!
Not long after, Qi Lu’s voice came,
“Tang Gong, the engine data is stable and meets the expected requirements. Compared with the last time, the time is 20 seconds faster!”
When Tang Zhenli heard the words, his face fluctuated a little, but all this was within his expectations, and immediately ordered,
“Go ahead, on schedule!”
“Yes! ”
Kang Deyun and Xue Ziyao responded at the same time, and then each increased the power of the planetary engine and the fan by another level.
In the field, the two air currents colliding with each other suddenly increased at the same time. If someone stood in the field at this time, they would feel suffocated almost instantly.
The color of the blue tail flame injected by the planetary engine became more and more obvious, and the speed of the fan blade was already invisible to the naked eye.
After a while, Qi Lu’s voice came again,
“Tang Gong, everything is stable, reaching the second cosmic speed, the time is 16 seconds faster than the last time!”
When Qi Lu’s voice fell, the other four assistants changed their expressions and showed a little joy on their faces. Judging from the current situation, it was inevitable for this engine to surpass the stage.
“Continue to increase the power!”
When Tang Zhenli heard the words, a gleam flashed in his eyes, his eyes narrowed, and his tone fluctuated for the first time.
According to the current data, this engine is obviously more powerful than that one, and the efficiency and effectiveness of the internally loaded Tomacak reactor is also obviously higher.
Outside the door, Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi widened their eyes. Although they couldn’t hear what was going on inside, looking at the faces of several assistants, it was clear that the current progress was going smoothly.
Immediately, the two of them couldn’t help but feel even more curious. Fu Zhiyuan knew that the limit speed measured by the first engine was 30.15m each.
The second left him fresh in his memory, so his curiosity at this time was a mentally prepared curiosity.
Fang Zishi was different. Without knowing Tang Zhenli’s previous deeds, he was simply curious about this engine.
Judging from his years of experience, the power of the fan in the field is obviously not low, and this strange-looking engine can withstand it, which makes him a little unbelievable.
At this time, in the main control room,
Several assistants calmed down their slightly fluctuating moods and waited for Tang Zhenli’s next step to issue orders.
“Go directly to the limit test after the third experiment!”
Tang Zhenli looked at the two technology products in the duel on the field, and a different thought surged in his heart, and his face changed immediately, and his tone was firm.
With two neat responses, the blue flames at the tail of the planetary engine became brighter and brighter, faintly thinking about the white transition, and the power of the fan was once again raised to a new level.
Even if they are in the main control room, they can feel how much air pressure is carried between the fields.
At this time, Qi Lu’s voice came,
“Achieving the third cosmic speed, the time is eight seconds faster than the last time. According to monitoring, the reaction efficiency of the reactor inside the Tomacak device has dropped by 20%.”
Speaking of this, Cai Lu had a stunned expression, with some confusion on his face, and then continued to,
“Gong Tang, do you want to continue the limit test?”
“Sell it out!”
What responded to her was Tang Zhenli’s firm voice, and the reaction efficiency dropped by 20%, which was within the range that Tang Zhenli expected, and under the high-speed reaction, the efficiency would definitely decrease.
As soon as Tang Zhenli’s voice fell, Kang Deyun and Xue Ziyao looked at each other, and then pushed the lever up slowly.
…ask for flowers…
In the field, the final confrontation between Mao and Dun, the confrontation between the engine and the fan, has just entered the real fight!At the beginning, the planetary engine was in a stalemate with the fan for a while, and the flames ejected from the tail turned directly into pure white. After a while, a piercing siren sounded in the laboratory.
Then I saw Qi Lu’s complexion changed, with a little panic in his eyes, and then he said anxiously,
“Mr. Tang, the suspension beam on the planetary engine is loose. According to the internal monitoring data, the internal reaction furnace of the Tomacak device is somewhat disordered!”
—Batang Zhenli frowned when he heard this, turned his head to look at Qi Lu who was in a hurry and asked,
“What is the current data?”
Qi Lu was taken aback when he heard the words. He didn’t expect Tang Gong to pay attention to the data at this time, but he subconsciously glanced at the screen in front of him, and then couldn’t help but exclaimed, swallowed secretly, and said in a trembling tone,
“51.9m per second, still rising…”
This is far more than the previous engine, and it is already nearly half of the speed of the theoretical fourth universe!
After hearing the words, the eyes of the other four assistants revealed surprise, which has reached the limit of human aerospace engines! ! ! Although it is only a wind tunnel test without load bearing, it is amazing enough.
In other words, today they witnessed the birth of a legendary scientific research product? ? ? ! ! !
When everyone’s hearts were surging, Tang Zhenli also had a relaxed smile on his face, which was slightly beyond his expectation, and then he said to several people.
Xue Ziyao and Kang Deyun hurriedly pulled back the lever after hearing the words, for fear that the next one would be bad and the planetary engine would not be able to bear it.
And just when everyone stopped the experiments in their hands and focused their attention on collecting data,
Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi also opened the door and walked in, both of them had a little worry on their faces.
In fact, Fang Zishi wanted to go in when he saw the red alarm lights going off in the whole laboratory. Years of work experience told him that this was a precursor to an accident.
Fortunately, Fu Zhiyuan stopped him in the end, out of trust in Tang Zhenli, he stopped Fang Zishi.
But after seeing the completion of the experiment, he still couldn’t help but quickly pushed the door open.

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