In the large wind tunnel laboratory,
As soon as Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi stepped into the main control room, they saw five assistants busy.
Tang Zhenli’s eyes were also focused on the main control computer, as if he was looking for something, his expression was extremely focused, and he didn’t notice the two of them coming in.
For a while, Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi looked at the expressions of the crowd and didn’t know whether the experiment was successful or not. But in this situation, it is not easy to ask, so they can only withdraw silently, waiting for their work to be completed.
Tang Zhenli looked at the screen on the main control computer at this time, with a dazed expression, looking at the columns of data, he didn’t know what was going on in his mind. Compared with the first planetary engine, the lower limit of this engine far exceeds the previous upper limit.
Just at a speed of more than 50 kilometers per second, the real-time speed in the atmosphere will be greatly reduced, but it is no longer a dream to go from the surface of the earth to outer space within ten “117” minutes!
However, considering the boundary effect of the wind tunnel experiment and the interference of the support, the final data should be a little lower, but according to Tang Zhenli’s estimation, the lowest value will not be much lower.
And most importantly, this first engine was built according to the minimum standard he designed. If the cost and time were not considered, the final form of this engine would probably reach a terrifying level.
In other words, the potential of this planetary engine is far more than that, perhaps when it is finally perfected, it will really be worthy of the title of planetary engine.
At this moment, after collecting the information, the five assistants walked towards Tang Zhenli with excited expressions, and the word “excitement” was written on their faces.
The image of Tang Zhenli in their hearts at this moment is already infinitely elevated!
In just over half a year, they had seen the miracle of Tang Zhenli.
It has nearly doubled from the original basis. This kind of entry is probably not as simple as eating and drinking!
“Tang Gong, these are all the data of this experiment, please have a look!”
At this time, Qi Lu held his notebook and handed it to Tang Zhenli directly.
Tang Zhenli just looked at some data for a while, and knew that it was not much different from what he expected, so he handed it back to them.
“The first experiment was considered a success, and the next step is to prepare for the construction of the final plan. Some materials may not be available in a short time, but you can wait slowly, pack up, and prepare to return!”
Hearing this, several people nodded in unison, anticipating in their hearts that before the project started, Tang Zhenli had already explained clearly to them the problem of materials.
After finishing speaking, Tang Zhenli walked out of the laboratory alone.
Unexpectedly, at the door, Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi were anxiously waiting. After seeing Tang Zhenli coming out, the eyes of the two of them lit up. Immediately, Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes showed anticipation, and then asked with a slightly uncertain tone,
“The experiment met expectations?”
Tang Zhenli nodded upon seeing this, and Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and then he hurriedly walked towards the laboratory without caring about anything else. Tang Zhenli shook his head, then continued to walk outside.
In fact, after the success of this experiment, the successful development of the planetary engine is basically a foregone conclusion. Although there may be some technical difficulties in the follow-up application, these are all expected and harmless.
This is undoubtedly one step closer to Tang Zhenli’s completion of the blueprint in his heart!
In the wind tunnel laboratory,
Fu ZhiyuanHe and Fang Zishi looked at the laptop handed over by Qi Lu and browsed the rows of data on it. Under the refraction of the bright light from the screen, their eyes kept flickering inexplicably.
After seeing the final data, the pupils of Fu Zhiyuan and Fang Zishi shrank slightly, and even Fu Zhiyuan’s right hand holding the laptop trembled slightly, as if it would slip off in an instant.
At first, he thought it was a problem with the computer in the wind tunnel laboratory, but after careful proofreading, several key data were missing.
There is no problem, only to find out that this is the case.
“Fifty-five kilometers per second???!!!!”
Fang Zishi’s eyes were fixed on the computer screen, his face twitched slightly, and even his voice was very hoarse, as if something was stuck in his throat.
The concept of fifty-five kilometers per second may not be imagined by ordinary people, but for a scholar like him who is immersed in aerodynamics.
The data in front of him was like a thunderbolt, which directly hit his sky cap, hitting the deepest part of his mind.
This is a place where the current level of human scientific research has not reached, and it is even far behind…
Looking at home and abroad, even in the western world, which is at the forefront of the aerospace field, the current fastest engine is only 37m per second.
Even if there is a core technology that will not be leaked out, he can also say responsibly that with the current strength of human beings in spaceflight, the speed limit will not exceed 50m per second, and this is the data before the boundary effect and bracket interference are discarded. .
In pure practice, it is not bad to be able to exceed 40 kilometers per second.
Although it sounds outrageous, it is indeed the case. After all, the level of theoretical scientific research of human beings has not improved for nearly a hundred years!
In practical scientific research, although many high-tech products have been produced in just a few decades, they are also based on theories a hundred years ago.
But in theory, without the promotion of a large increase, one day the ‘clean’ will be consumed!
But right now he has witnessed a miracle in the current human scientific research world!
The miracle happened before his eyes!
Seeing this scene, the five assistants looked at each other, each of them opened their mouths to say something, but hesitated to speak, and finally waved their hands helplessly and let them go.
‘Before they ordered to follow Tang Zhenli, they could not have imagined that there would be such a miracle, but after following Tang Zhenli for a long time, the psychological defense line was raised exponentially. Although they were surprised by this data, they were still far away. It was far from Fang Zishi’s gaffe.
After a while,
Fu Zhiyuan’s mood was slightly calm. After all, he had seen the data of that planetary engine back then, and his psychological endurance was quite different from Master Fang Zi’s.
“President Fu, can the laboratory save the data of this experiment?”
Fang Zishi took a deep breath. As the person in charge of this laboratory, he felt that this kind of records that surpassed the level of human scientific research must be preserved.
“Eh… you have to ask Xiao Tang…”
Fu Zhiyuan pondered for a while, Fang Zishi’s level of knowledge was sufficient, but Tang Zhenli’s consent was still needed.
“I’m going to find Teacher Tang now!”
Fang Zishi’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and his expression was a little urgent.
The research results of this project will mean that Longguo’s engine technology has been pushed from backwardness to the most cutting-edge position in one fell swoop.
Legend, this is a living legend! !

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