This engine is invincible! ! !
on the helicopter,
Tang Zhenli thought about the material problem again, his heart moved, his eyes turned to Fu Zhiyuan who was still looking at the experimental materials, and said,
“The materials used in this experiment are only the lowest expectations at the beginning, and some advanced materials in the future may need to be purchased, which are worth a lot… fl
“Oh? ”
Fu Zhiyuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then turned his head to look at Tang Zhenli, with a little surprise in his eyes, he didn’t expect this to be a semi-finished product, or the original generation?
After taking a deep breath, he thought of the importance of it, nodded, and said,
“No problem, I will do my best to apply for the follow-up material plan!”
The eyes of the five assistants who had been listening in brightened, it seems that the follow-up can be done with confidence!
On the other hand, Tang Zhenli paused, with a hint of thought in his eyes, as if he had thought of something, but he still didn’t say it in the end.
some materials…
When I returned to Long Ke University, it was already evening,
Naturally, Fu Zhiyuan returned to his office on the 18th time. From the data point of view, the research this time is a huge improvement compared to the previous one. The research results must be reported…
On the other hand, Tang Zhenli temporarily dismissed his five assistants. After working so hard for such a long time, it is time to give them
It was a holiday, and he himself returned to the apartment where he had been away for a long time.
After a long period of research, even if he has a scientific research system, but he is a flesh and blood body, he is destined to be as tired as ordinary people. director’s office,
Before Fu Zhiyuan’s butt touched the chair, he directly picked up the landline on the desk and dialed Ji Chengtian’s number, thinking about what to say later.
Long Guo, Ministry of Science and Technology,
The bell on the desk rang, and Ji Chengtian, who was about to leave get off work, paused, feeling suspicious in his heart.
Who is calling the office at this hour?
Then he moved his feet, picked up the handle, and said lightly,
“I’m Ji Chengtian!”
“Jiu 0 is me, Fu Zhiyuan…”
Unexpectedly, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, Ji Chengtian’s expression changed,
“Old Fu?”
Then I had some guesses in my heart, thinking of Fu Zhiyuan’s application yesterday, could it be… the result came out again? And the results are gratifying? As soon as you think about it, breatheStarting from the controllable nuclear fusion, this young man has never let him down… Ji Chengtian’s eyes showed a trace of expectation.
At this time, Fu Zhiyuan’s voice came from the other end of the phone,
“Ji Bu, without further ado, I have already sent the data to your mailbox, and there is also a material application plan!”
Fu Zhiyuan’s voice seemed a little excited, which raised Ji Chengtian’s expectations infinitely.
After making the phone call, Ji Chengtian didn’t care about whether he was off work or not, he turned on the computer directly, and then clicked on the flashing mailbox.
A large volume of dense data appeared in front of his eyes. Out of trust in Tang Zhenli, he did not look at the data of each specific process, but directly pulled to the bottom to see the final experimental results.
However, Rao was mentally prepared. After seeing the final result, he couldn’t help but gasped and exclaimed,
“Fifty-five kilometers per second???”
Then he seemed to think of something, quickly pulled it up, and then fixed his gaze on the overall structural diagram of the engine.
Looking at this engine that looks like a sci-fi product, Ji Chengtian felt an unspeakable shock in his heart!
“Monster, what a monster!!!”
Ji Chengtian’s expression was heavy, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he muttered to himself in an inexplicable tone.
I don’t know if it’s Tang Zhenli or the planetary engine.
For now, the engine has given him too much shock.
Suddenly, he thought that it was an aborted plan of the Dragon Kingdom a few years ago, and a glimmer of hope lit up in his eyes.
Maybe…under the premise of this engine, there will be a turning point…
the other side,
Large wind tunnel laboratory,
The person in charge’s office, although it was already late at night, the office was still brightly lit.
“It’s too strong, it’s too strong… This engine is invincible.”
Fang Zishi manipulated the scroll wheel of the mouse to keep turning, and let out an inexplicable exclamation from time to time.
After a long time, Fang Zishi rubbed his temples, trying to relieve his fatigue. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he thought of Wei Pengyu, his classmate in college.
A few days ago, the news of the official launch of Longguo’s ‘Zhuangba’ project spread, and he naturally paid attention to it.
The failure of the ‘Strong Eight’ project last year is vivid in his memory. Although he doesn’t know why the launch of ‘Strong Eight 117’ will be put on the agenda again in less than a year, but he instinctively feels that today’s engine may be very important to the ‘Strong Eight’. Eight’ project has a big change….
Thinking of this, Fang Zishi took out his mobile phone, found Wei Pengyu’s number, and dialed it directly. The call was quickly connected, and it seemed that Wei Pengyu hadn’t rested yet.
Because of the time difference between Yandu and Northwest, Yandu is still late at night, and the northwest side may just enter the night.
After the call was connected, Fang Zishi had a smile on his face and said to the other end of the phone.
“Old classmate, how are you doing?”
Wei Pengyu was also a little dazed when he received the call. He didn’t expect his old classmate, whom he hadn’t seen for a long time, to call him, and immediately responded,
“All on track…how about you?”
“Me too
Afterwards, the two were polite for a while, just when Wei Pengyu didn’t know what kind of medicine Fang Zishi sold in the gourd, Fang Zishi finally brought the topic back,
“Old Wei, I heard that you have some problems with the engine…”

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