: If you don’t stop me, I’m afraid it will be too late
Jinling Bieyuan,
The little assistants, sister Xia, and Ye Yingxin are eating breakfast around the dining table,
Suddenly, the little assistant looked at Wu Shaoying in sportswear, couldn’t help but widen his eyes, looked up and down, and said in a surprised tone.
“Sister Yingying, today is Saturday, there is no class
“I know, who said you can’t get up early on Saturday?”
Hearing the words, Wu Shaoying came over, pinched Xiao Yin’s little face, and a narrow smile appeared on his face.
Unexpectedly, the little assistant was even more surprised when he heard the words. Anyone can say this, but Wu Shaoying is absolutely not.
As the goddess of the nation, Wu Shaoying, the sister of Tianxian, actually has a shortcoming unknown to ordinary people, that is, she likes to sleep in. Whether it is going to school or work, sister Xia and her little assistant used to drag her out of bed of.
However, under the circumstances of study pressure and work pressure, I can get up.
Therefore, when Wu Shaoying said this sentence, Xiao Yin opened his mouth wide as if he knew Wu Shaoying for the first time.
“The sun came out from the west, and you actually got up on your own initiative? Don’t you want to sleep late?”
At this time, sister Xia spoke, and while speaking, she pointed her finger at the little assistant who was stupefied, and said with a little helplessness in her tone,
“How stupid, who else can keep her from sleeping in on Saturdays…”
After finishing speaking, she stared at Wu Shaoying, but Wu Shaoying didn’t seem to notice it, took a piece of pastry with a smile, took a hasty bite, and then went out from the back door of the villa.
Since she was photographed by the paparazzi last time, she has become a little nervous recently, and she looks like a paparazzi to everyone, so at this time, she seems to be extra cautious.
In the villa, after Wu Shaoying left,
Ye Yingxin became more and more anxious. After finishing her breakfast, she looked at Miss Xia and her assistant, and thought about it again and again. Finally, she couldn’t bear the torture in her heart.
Immediately turned his head and said to Sister Xia and the little assistant,
“Sister Xia, Xiao Yin, I have something to do…”
“what? ”
Hearing this, Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at Ye Yingxin at the same time, expecting her to continue asking.
“I want to say…Tang Zhenli may actually be a liar…”
“You were all deceived by her. Long Ke University only had a bachelor’s degree last year, and he just happened to enter Long Ke University’s undergraduate degree? And I suspect that he posted the fishing boat on the Internet, and he wanted to play hard to catch.”
“If you don’t stop Sister Yingying, I’m afraid it will be too late… She is getting deeper and deeper now…”
Ye Yingxin hesitated for a moment at first, but in the end she put the words in her heart in one breath.All my doubts.
Unexpectedly, Sister Xia and the little assistant looked at each other with a strange expression, and they never expected that Ye Yingxin’s brain hole would be so big
As for what Ye Yingxin said, before they witnessed it all the way, they might have believed it, but now, of course, they don’t believe it.
As the person who knows Tang Zhenli best among outsiders, he had seen the scene where Tang Zhenli was picked up by a military plane, and after a little thought, he knew
The undergraduate course of Long Ke University may have been specially set up for Tang Zhenli.
Back then, they had witnessed the scenes of the principals of Longke University and other famous schools robbing people. If everything was just acting to get Wu Shaoying into their pocket, the price would be too high…
They checked the principals of major colleges and universities back then, and they were indeed these principals.
And looking at Wu Shaoying’s state, as long as Tang Zhenli said, ‘I like you! ’ will solve everything perfectly, why spread the fishing boat?
So at this time, they also had to sigh with emotion that Ye Yingxin’s little head had such a big brain hole.
Before leaving the villa, Wu Shaoying covered her face tightly, first glanced around vigilantly, and after finding nothing abnormal, she went to Longke University as if nothing had happened…
Unexpectedly, at this time, in a hidden corner,
One paparazzi hurriedly woke up his sleeping partner, while the other paparazzi opened his eyes sleepily.
“Wake up, the emperor pays off, finally let us wait again, today is Saturday again, Wu Shaoying usually won’t go out alone, and it’s still so early, it must be to Longke University…”
Looking at the faces of these two paparazzi, they were the same as last time, and judging from their state, they must have been squatting here for a long time.
You must know that although Yandu is now in May, it is still quite cold at night when it should be cold.
Judging by their attitude, it is not an exaggeration to call them a role model in the paparazzi world.
Almost instantly, the two paparazzi immediately became excited, quickly grabbed their equipment, and followed Wu Shaoying quietly. Just following all the way, the two paparazzi suddenly found that Wu Shaoying was going in the direction they expected.
Longke University! ! !
Immediately, the two paparazzi looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in their eyes.
The last time Wu Shaoying came to Dragon Science and Technology University was for a boy, isn’t this time…
As long as the photo of Wu Shaoying and the boy is taken together, and it is the same as last time.
They couldn’t imagine how much shock it would cause once the photo was exposed!
I’m afraid Wu Shaoying will have to respond positively this time.
And besides high school classmates, it must be difficult to win everyone’s trust. May I ask which high school classmates have such a close relationship, and they are also of the opposite sex. Thinking of this, the two paparazzi’s mood fluctuated for a while, and they only felt that the pinnacle of their lives was coming again!
Then he followed Wu Shaoying more cautiously,
Whether the two can establish their position in the paparazzi world, success or failure is once again in one fell swoop!

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