Appoint Tang Zhenli as Chief Power Engineer of Zhuangba Project! ! !
Dragon University,
Because today is Saturday, there are very few pedestrians on the campus in the early morning.
Wu Shaoying came to the side of the artificial lake, and when she saw the familiar figure, her eyes lit up, and then trotted all the way towards Tang Zhenli.
In the distance, when the paparazzi saw this, his heart suddenly jumped. Isn’t this a common scene in TV dramas? He immediately said to his companion,
“Take! Take! Take! Take a quick shot, maybe you can get a photo of a hug!!!”
The other paparazzi was not in a daze, and responded repeatedly after hearing the words, and then skillfully focused the camera on the two people in the distance.
But to the disappointment of the two of them, the bridge where the female protagonist ran all the way to the male protagonist’s arms did not happen, but even so, the photos they took were shocking enough, because they recognized the boy, who was just He is the protagonist of the previous three scandals.
In addition, this time, I was photographed alone with the same boy four times. Even if Wu Shaoying didn’t explain it, she would have to explain it, otherwise it would be a little bit of a trick.
Eight Thinking of this: Xun Mingzi’s spirit became more and more excited, and he just snapped at the two people in the field.
On the other side, after Wu Shaoying and 18 Tang Zhenli connected, they looked at each other.
Both of them had tacit smiles on their faces, and then they faced the lake side by side, watching the lake surface being blown up by the breeze, they felt a sense of refreshment in their hearts at the same time.
Just like that, Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying looked at the lake quietly for a long time, breathing the fresh air, and the good mood of the day began from this moment. “Start running?”
Wu Shaoying suddenly tilted her head, looked at Tang Zhenli playfully, and said with a little joy.
Tang Zhenli tilted his head when he heard the words, then nodded and said.
After that, the two jogged along the lake, chatting while running.
“Are you on vacation now?”
Wu Shaoying suddenly asked out the doubts in her heart. You must know that she had never asked Tang Zhenli in the morning before.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli pondered for a while. Before the materials are ready, this period of time should be considered relatively free, and then replied.
“That’s right! Take a short break and adjust your thinking.”
The speaker had no intention of the listener, and Wu Shaoying’s eyes shone slightly after hearing Tang Zhenli’s answer.
The little theater in my mind suddenly started.
Do you have free time? This must not go back to supplement the knowledge in the field of scientific research, and strive for this period of time to completely win it!
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying looked at Tang Zhenli with brighter eyes.
While trotting and chatting, about half an hour later, a trace of sweat appeared on the foreheads of both of them.
The pace of running also slowed down.
Wu Shaoying was about to speak when suddenlySuddenly, Tang Zhenli’s cell phone rang, and the two subconsciously stopped, panting slightly.
When Tang Zhenli took out his mobile phone to check, he didn’t recognize the number, but he still pressed the answer button.
“Xiao Tang, I’m Ji Chengtian…”
Tang Zhenli was startled when he heard the voice on the other end of the phone, Ji Chengtian? The person in charge of the Longguo Science and Technology Department?
“Jibu?” Tang Zhenli and Ji Chengtian didn’t meet each other directly, but last time when Ji Chengtian came to Dragon University of Science and Technology, they had indirect communication and learned about some people from Fu Zhiyuan.
“I am, I believe you should be very familiar with Chief Engineer Wei of the ‘Zhuang Eight’ project. It is like this. Chief Engineer Wei wants to replace the new engine developed by you on the ‘Zhuang Eight’ launch vehicle. I don’t know what you think ?”
Tang Zhenli was taken aback for a moment, Chief Engineer Wei Pengyu?
Although I don’t know how Wei Pengyu knew about the new model of engine, I think there are various news channels in the scientific research circle of Longguo.
Many confidential scientific research products are just ordinary gadgets in the eyes of people with enough levels. It is not surprising that Wei Pengyu of the new engine can know about it.
“Okay, I can send the information to Chief Engineer Wei now!”
For his own research and development, Tang Zhenli didn’t mean to be self-cherishing. The stars and the sea are so easy to conquer.
He engages in scientific research for the sake of reputation and profit, and he is very open to such things. Science and technology have always been promoted together. If everyone cherishes themselves, the level of scientific research will only stagnate or even decline.
Only by working together can we truly make the rapid progress of science and technology.
Wu Shaoying on the side showed a trace of curiosity on his face, and looked at Tang Zhenli with a pair of big eyes blinking and blinking. This appearance looked very cute.
I don’t understand it, but it sounds great!
On the other end of the phone, Ji Chengtian was stunned when Tang Zhenli agreed so quickly. He had been arguing with some experts and scholars at work in the past, and seeing that Tang Zhenli was so happy at this time, he was a little unresponsive.
But after thinking about it quickly, this is Tang Zhenli, so it doesn’t seem so strange.
Which of the previous two controllable nuclear fusion and ‘Zhuangba’ project engines did Tang Zhenli refuse? I also admire this young man more and more in my heart. He has strong ability and good conduct, and he can hardly find any shortcomings in him.
But then it occurred to him that there was another problem. Wei Pengyu had applied for secondment of Tang Zhenli to be the chief power engineer of Zhuangba, and the information alone was not enough, so he complained secretly in his heart.
Wei Pengyu has enjoyed all the benefits, but he has to do this kind of peddling work by himself.
Youmen 7 hesitated for a moment, but Ji Chengtian still opened his mouth and said,
“Xiao Tang, it’s like this. Mr. Wei means that he wants to second you to serve as the chief power engineer. After all, it’s a newly developed engine, which needs a professional R&D team to do it. What Mr. Wei means is, Come back and support me…”
Tang Zhenli thought for a while after hearing the words, and pondered for three seconds.
“Okay, but Dean Fu’s side…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll explain it to Old Fu. If you decide, I’ll arrange the itinerary as soon as possible!”
Ji Chengtian made preparations early on, even though he hadn’t asked Tang Zhenli’s opinion before, but based on his understanding of this young man, he thought he would not refuse.
Seeing that Tang Zhenli agreed, Ji Chengtian’s tone became much more formal
“Since you agree, now I represent the Longguo Science and Technology Department, authorized by the Zhuangba Project…”
“Appoint Tang Zhenli as the Chief Power Engineer of Zhuangba Project!!!”
When Tang Zhenli heard the appointment on the other end of the phone, his expression became a little more serious, and he nodded secretly in his heart, feeling a little emotional. After a few months, it was time to leave for the space base again.

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