“3 The appointment arrives, go to the base!!
Longke University, next to the artificial lake.
After hanging up the phone, Tang Zhenli thought for a while, and then subconsciously glanced at Wu Shaoying, who was looking at him intently.
Suddenly, the two people’s eyes met, and Wu Shaoying’s eyes showed a little panic and shyness, and she directly changed the subject.
“What’s up? ”
“Yes. But you should be able to walk again.
Tang Zhenli nodded, and after thinking for a while, he said that it would be unkind to leave directly, and it would not be so fast to come to the Ministry of Science and Technology… Then the two began to walk along the artificial lake.
At this time, the commissioner of the Longguo Security Agency, who had been protecting Tang Zhenli closely, received a message at the same time.
Several people gathered together one after another, everyone was wearing black casual clothes, it looked like a gangster party, very dignified.
One of the commissioners said to the leader of the group,
“Boss, what’s going to happen later involves confidentiality, do you want to find an opportunity to distract her…”
While the commissioner was speaking, his eyes glanced at Wu Shaoying who was walking with Tang Zhenli in the distance from time to time.
“No, I’ve been with Tang Gong for so long, have you ever seen Tang Gong get along with that girl alone?”
Unexpectedly, the leading officer shook his head when he heard the words, and said so.
“Boss, you mean… this is the family??? ”
The previous commissioner’s eyes lit up, and he said with a little gossip,
“I think even if it’s not now, it’s possible in the future…
The other commissioner nodded when he heard the words, and said with certainty. As soon as the words came out, the others also nodded, obviously agreeing. I didn’t expect that the people from Longguo’s secret agency would gossip more than ordinary people.
But I can understand it when I think about it. We are all human, and everyone naturally has curiosity.
Just about to continue the discussion, unexpectedly their team leader glared at them angrily, and said with hatred,
“Shut up! During working hours, are you here to chat?”
It was said that several commissioners interviewedWith a serious expression, he hurriedly restrained his smiling face. After all, it was an anecdote during working hours, but when it was time to enter the working state, everyone was naturally unambiguous.
“Boss, what shall we do next?”
The commissioner just now also said sternly, and the action team leader changed his direction when he heard the words, pouted hard towards his team members, and gestured with his eyes,
The team members also followed the team leader’s gaze, their eyes narrowed slightly, and then they looked at each other, knowing it in their hearts.
And the direction of everyone’s eyes is the direction of the two paparazzi…
Obviously, the paparazzi who had followed Wu Shaoying had known early on.
after a while,
The two paparazzi looked at the big men who suddenly surrounded them and swallowed secretly.
The big man said,
“What are you doing, don’t mess around, it’s a society ruled by law now!”
Obviously, they thought they had been tricked by Wu Shaoying and wanted to teach them a lesson.
At this moment, the leader of the group walked towards him quickly, then took out his certificate and flashed in front of him, saying with a serious face,
“Longguo Security Bureau, your camera equipment will be temporarily handed over to us for safekeeping, and then returned to you!”
“Dragon…Dragon Country Security Bureau?”
The expressions of the two paparazzi changed slightly, and they said something in disbelief. Looking at the few big men around who didn’t seem to be easy to provoke, they only felt that their throats were dry.
After that, regardless of whether they believed it or not, several people directly confiscated their camera equipment, but they did not impose any personal restrictions on the two paparazzi.
This time, the two paparazzi believed in the sudden appearance of everyone, but they couldn’t figure it out, they were just patting the celebrity scandal, how could He Dehe let the Longguo Secrecy Bureau take action…
Is it….
Suddenly, the two paparazzi looked at each other, and the same thought appeared in their hearts at the same time.
That boy! ! !
by the artificial lake,
Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying walked slowly.
Wu Shaoying suddenly turned her head and said to Tang Zhenli.
“Why don’t you come here today, by the way, have you had breakfast yet?”
“Okay, haven’t you eaten yet?”
Tang Zhenli shook his head and said.
Wu Shaoying’s expression changed, and she wanted to propose to have breakfast together, but she just wanted to speak.
– The Taoist figure appeared directly in front of the two of them, and Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying were both slightly taken aback when they saw it.
In the end, Tang Zhenli came to his senses. Looking at this man’s aura, even though he was wearing plain clothes, he could faintly feel the iron-blooded aura on his body.
Immediately, he took two steps forward and blocked Wu Shaoying from behind, so that Wu Shaoying would not face this person’s aura.
“Hello Tang Gong, I’m from Ji Xi0”
I saw the Xiren said straightly towards Tang Ge?, but the words were normal, and his eyes suddenly glanced at Wu Shaoying, as if he had some scruples.
Although it was unintentional, that gaze still made Wu Shaoying’s heart shrink slightly, and she took a step back subconsciously.
This kind of iron-blooded soldier who may have blood on his hands is difficult for ordinary people to look directly at, let alone Wu Shaoying, a little girl.
Tang Zhenli nodded with a slight understanding in his heart. Seeing the man looking at Wu Shaoying, he also reacted and said to him immediately with a calm tone.
“It’s alright, you continued to say”
“Well, ‘this is the official letter of appointment that the Ji Ministry sent me to Tang Gong, please take a look at Tang Gong”
As he spoke, the man handed Tang Zhenli a folder and nodded to him.
“okay, I get it.”
Tang Zhenli took the folder and glanced at it. It was indeed a letter of appointment from the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo, and there was nothing wrong with it.
But after that, the expression was still a little surprised. I just said on the phone that the appointment letter will be delivered. I didn’t expect it to be delivered within an hour. I can’t admire the efficiency.
After seeing Tang Zhenli receiving the appointment letter, the man continued,
“If Tang Gong has time, please leave earlier, over there…the time is a little tight!”
Who knew that after that person finished speaking, it wasn’t Tang Zhenli who reacted the fastest, but Wu Shaoying. She saw her pretty face tightened and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.
Tang Zhenli, are you leaving again? ? ?
At the same time, Tang Zhenli was also a little surprised, so fast?
But then he nodded and replied. (get Zhao)
“Understood, I’ll go back and prepare now!”
“Okay, don’t worry, Tang Gong, we have arranged the rest of the itinerary.”
After the man finished speaking, he just left.
At this time, Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli were left behind.
After that, Tang Zhenli turned his head and said something to Wu Shaoying with a hint of apology,
“Sorry, I’m leaving now…”
Now that people from the Ministry of Science and Technology are here, Tang Zhenli can’t delay.
It can only be said that the efficiency of the Ministry of Science and Technology is truly amazing.
When Wu Shaoying heard the words, her face was a little unnatural, but it was only for a moment, she turned her head and said to Tang Zhenli with a smile.
“It doesn’t matter, after all, you are engaged in scientific research, and your business is important…”
After the two chatted for a while,
In the end, Wu Shaoying didn’t know how she said goodbye to Tang Zhenli, she just stared blankly at Tang Zhenli’s leaving back, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and her expression gradually became depressed.

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