All resources of Zhuangba’ project are tilted towards the engine!
At the Northwest Aerospace Base, the researcher was very understanding and arranged Tang Zhenli and his party in a similar dormitory. All to the highest standard, with a small ensuite.
After arriving in his room, Tang Zhenli put down his backpack and wanted to go out to have a look.
Just as he was going out, he happened to see that the researcher had not left.
When the researcher saw Tang Zhenli coming out, he hurriedly greeted him, and said in a slightly respectful tone,
“Mr. Tang, Chief Engineer Wei has instructed. After you settle down, I will take you to the ‘Zhuangba’ project engineering building. Tang Zhenli smiled when he heard the words, then nodded his head, and temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​wandering around. After a while, The five assistants put down their luggage and walked out of their dormitories. The researcher looked up and greeted them, and finally took them directly to the ‘Zhuangba’ project engineering building.
Based on Tang Zhen’s “117” theory of familiarity with the space base, and the fact that the last ID card and work permit have not been recovered, there is no need for anyone to act as a guide. kind of respect.
Although Tang Zhenli was not used to being so polite, after thinking about it, he still let them go.
‘Zhuangba’ project engineering building,
Tang Zhenli looked at the building that had been away for a few months. It didn’t change much from the last time he came, and it was still bustling.
The five assistants are somewhat like ‘curious babies’. It is the first time to come to this kind of national-level scientific research institution.
After that, under the leadership of the researcher, the group walked straight towards Wei Pengyu’s office.
Along the way, I met many acquaintances from the beginning, and they came up to say hello with joy.
“Tang Gong!”
“Tang Gong!”
A smile appeared on Tang Zhenli’s face, and he nodded in response.
His five assistants couldn’t help but stunned, they seemed to underestimate the role Tang Zhenli played in the ‘Strong Eight’ project last time. Because that kind of respect that comes from the heart is impossible to pretend.
No wonder that Tang Gong will be directly appointed as the chief power engineer this time. It seems that Tang Gong’s staff in the ‘Zhuangba’ project team is very well-known. The five assistants looked different, and they didn’t know what they were thinking.
The engineering building of the ‘Zhuangba’ project is not small. After walking for a while, and taking the elevator, we finally arrived at the office of the chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
Chief Engineer’s Office,
The knock on the door rang out, and Wei Pengyu, who was holding the material, didn’t lift his head, just said lightly,
“Come in! ”
It was naturally the researcher and Tang Zhenli who came in. Then Wei Pengyu subconsciously glanced at the person who came in, only to see his eyes light up and his expression relaxed.
Without the introduction of researcher Leng Kai at all, he just stood up and walked up to meet Tang Zhenli, even extending his hand directly.
“Tang Gong, we meet again!”
“Wei¥ worker woman”
Tang Yangli Zhao stretched out his hand and shook hands with Wei Pengyu, a smile appeared on his face and said.
For Wei Pengyu, he still has respect in his heart.
Because whether it is Wei Pengyu or Wang Shan, they are the kind of scientific research workers who have devoted almost their entire lives to the aerospace industry of Longguo, and they deserve his respect.
“Go get busy…”
After that, Wei Pengyu turned his head to signal to the researcher, and the researcher nodded when he heard the words, turned and walked out.
After Tang Zhenli entered, Qi Lu and the others looked at each other, and naturally understood that the chief engineer’s office was not accessible to ordinary people, so they stood in the corridor and waited very wisely.
After seeing the researcher come out, the five of them were moved. It seemed that Tang Gong and the chief engineer wanted to chat with the chief engineer alone.
in the office,
Wei Pengyu and Tang Zhenli sat opposite each other. In the end, Wei Pengyu asked straight to the point with a serious expression.
“Gong Tang, I won’t say more polite words. I only have one question. Can your newly developed engine be retrofitted to the ‘Zhuangba’ rocket?” Hearing this, Tang Zhenli thought for a while, then nodded with a calm tone ,
“To be honest, the original intention of my engine design was actually for space exploration and travel, and it has never changed, so the newly developed engine this time, in terms of matching coefficient, the performance of a pure launch vehicle is really overflowing… ”
Tang Zhenli didn’t explicitly say that it is overkill and underutilized, but just changed the wording, just said that the performance was overflowing. Seeing Wei Pengyu’s contemplative eyes, he continued.
“If you want to change the equipment, it is still possible, but the engine needs some changes, and even the entire power module of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle needs to be changed, and the newly developed engine can have better technology and materials. A big breakthrough…”
Wei Pengyu’s eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he obviously noticed what Tang Zhenli said.
“What Tang Gong means is that if the craftsmanship and materials are improved, this engine can be even stronger?”
“That’s right, but now we can only start from the material side, and the craftsmanship still needs time. According to my budget, all materials are compared to the first machine.
After the upgrade,The overall performance should increase by about 20%…”
Tang Zhenli nodded, thought about his expected data, and said calmly…
“Twenty percent?!”
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu froze in his heart. The previous data was amazing enough. What is the concept of an increase of 20%? ? ? Faintly, he only felt that the idea of ​​changing clothes became more and more urgent.
Isn’t it just a change?
change! Even if the ‘Zhuangba’ is torn down, he is willing to…
Of course, it’s just nonsense to dismantle it all. At least in terms of power, if you want to change it, you can change it all.
Now the strong eight of Longguo Aerospace just want to pursue, is the ultimate! ! !
With a decision in mind, he immediately said to Tang Zhenli with a serious face,
“Tang Gong, how long will it take to change…”
This question is very important. Now Longguo Aerospace has reached the cusp in the world, and the delay of two months is already the limit. If this time is exceeded, we can only make other plans.
“If the materials are complete, the total should not exceed two months. After all, only some small changes in design and replacement of materials are needed…”
When Tang Zhenli heard the words, he thought for a while in his mind. It took less than three months to go from practice to success. Of course, with the help of the scientific research system, the time was directly shortened by dozens of times.
Not to mention now, with the support of the aerospace base’s strong sophisticated equipment, two months may be more than enough, but for the sake of safety, he still said two months.
“Two months???”
Wei Pengyu’s eyes widened. He had been preparing for at least three months. Unexpectedly, Tang Zhenli only said that it would take two months, and a burst of ecstasy flooded into his heart immediately.
If it’s two months, then maybe there’s still time for a pre-launch!
“Okay, it’s not too late, we will announce the meeting immediately, and all the resources of the ‘Zhuangba’ project will be tilted towards the engine!” Excited, Wei Pengyu made the decision directly, and then prepared to set up the project, which also represented Tang Zhenli’s identity as chief power engineer . To be announced internally!

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