Mr. Wei really invited Mr. Tang over? ? ? ?
“Zhuangba” project engineering building,
conference room,
Under the notice of Wei Pengyu, all the heads of the ‘Zhuangba’ project team are meeting here.
In the end, dozens of project leaders and chief engineers of the three major modules found their seats one after another.
What was striking was that there was a young man sitting next to Wei Pengyu, and most of them knew this young man. General Manager Wei directly invited Gongba Tang to come over? 7 ? ?
Such as: I Zhenkun like this… They can’t imagine how shocking the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket after the replacement of the engine will be launched..
At the same time, Tang Zhenli also found a familiar figure and muttered in his heart. “is her? ”
I saw that the target Tang Zhenli was looking at was not someone else, but Chu Wenqian, who had rescued him in a hurry.
As a seconded energy engineer and one of the heads of the energy office, Chu Wenqian is naturally qualified to sit here.
And Chu Wenqian also saw him at this time, the two looked at each other, then nodded to each other,
It was a hello.
And Wei Pengyu, who was sitting on the summit, looked around the crowd, and after seeing everyone gathered, he directly announced that the meeting started! After the meeting started, Wei Pengyu went straight to the topic and said straight to the point.
“We have already approved the plan to replace the engine at the beginning. I believe that the one on my left, Tang Zhenli, Tang Gong, you should be familiar. After and
As the chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project after the cooperation between Long University of Science and Technology and the Ministry of Science and Technology, I now officially appoint Tang Zhenli as the driving force of the ‘Zhuangba’ project
Chief Engineer! ”
As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of warm applause from the conference room, including the original power engineer, who was also applauding. The scientific research level shown by Tang Zhenli in the front-end time is enough for the position of chief power engineer!
“The next step is the division of labor. Although it is the engine that needs to be replaced at present, the control module and the overall structure module may also need to be changed. On this point, it is mainly based on Tang Gong’s ideas…”
As the chief engineer of the project, Wei Pengyu is naturally responsible for scheduling the operation of the three major modules. At present, it is the replacement of the power module. Naturally, Tang Zhenli has a greater right to speak.
And Chu Wenqian off the court was a little surprised when she saw Tang Zhenli from the beginning.
Unexpectedly, he was the person in charge of the engine last time, but this time he changed his body and became the chief power engineer?
But before, he was the chief engineer of the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Institute. Thinking about it, he was condescending…
At this time, Wei Pengyu has begun to deploy the following project leaders.
Xiao Liu, in the future, you will be responsible for the part of the response efficiency that will be transferred by Chief Engineer Tang.
After speaking, Wei Pengyu turned his attention to Chu Wenqian again.
Xiao Chu, you are also responsible for the energy aspect…
Chu Wenqian was stunned for a while when she heard the words, feeling a little weird in her heart. She never thought that she would one day become Tang Zhenli’s subordinate…
But still nodded.
ok, Mr. Wei
I don’t know why, but there is a bit of anticipation in my heart.
Tang Zhenli, who was sitting in the front position, could not help but glance sideways when he saw this.
After some allocation, in the ‘Zhuangba’ project, Tang Zhenli’s position as chief power engineer was confirmed.
At this point, the meeting is over, and the dress-up plan officially begins!
In the next two months or so, it will be the mobilization of the ‘Zhuangba’ project team!
After the meeting, Tang Zhenli, Wei Pengyu, and Wang Shan discussed some changes in the following materials.
After that, Tang Zhenli bid farewell to the two and returned.In several laboratories of the power module.
Before the official change, I have to hold a short meeting with the heads of the power module.
a small conference room,
On the long conference table, Tang Zhenli was naturally seated in the frontmost position.
The leaders of other projects were sitting at the bottom, causing Tang Zhenli to look sideways that the project where Chu Wenqian was working was also under his jurisdiction.
The five assistants were sitting behind Tang Zhenli, but they were all sitting on informal stools, and all five were taking notes with their notebooks. Immediately, Tang Zhenli swept away the crowd and said directly.
“I believe that you all know the heavy responsibility of changing the engine, then I will not talk nonsense. I will share some information about the new engine. You are responsible for your own side. You can ask me…”
After he finished speaking, he turned his head and gave instructions to his assistants, only to see a few people get up, each came to the front of the several responsible persons, and sent some information to them.
However, when passing by Chu Wenqian, Qi Lu suddenly looked stunned. He didn’t know what to think, and his expression became a little strange.
After the materials were distributed, the meeting came to an end temporarily, and thus, the engine replacement plan of the ‘Zhuangba’ project officially began. At this time, Tang Zhenli was still discussing matters in the conference room and did not come out.
The five assistants took the first step and walked out of the conference room.
I saw Qi Lu’s eyes turned to Chu Wenqian, and shouted uncertainly at her back,
“Sister Chu?”
Chu Wenqian was stunned when she heard the words, then turned her head, looked at Qi Lu, pointed to herself, and said inexplicably.
“You know me? ”
Not only was Chu Wenqian a little confused, but the four assistants were also a little puzzled.
“It’s really you!”
Unexpectedly, Qi Lu exclaimed with joy, and then moved towards the other four who were still in a dazed state.
“She is Chu Wenqian, you don’t even know Senior Sister Legend?”
Hearing this, the eyes of the other four assistants suddenly lit up. Is this Senior Sister Chu Wenqian? The legend of Longke University in the past two years?
Out of curiosity, I couldn’t help but look at Chu Wenqian, her delicate face and the temperament of a intellectual, she was much prettier than I imagined…
“Are you from Longke University?”
At this time, Chu Wenqian also recalled the taste, dare to feel that these are his schoolmates?
“Yes, senpai!”
Qi Lu replied with some excitement, you must know that before contacting Tang Zhenli, the idol in her mind has always been this legendary senior sister. After graduating from a master’s degree, she entered the aerospace base and became the project leader in less than two years. one of the people.
This resume is terrifying, and even Fu Yuan personally praised it, saying that this woman’s future is limitless!
Of course, now there is a more scary resume next to it…
“Is Chief Engineer Tang also from Longke University?”
At this time, Chu Wenqian seemed to think of something, and asked a few people in confusion,
“Yes, yes, Senior Sister, if you strictly count the 7th class, Tang Gong is still a student at present!” Qi Lu said first, seeing how excited she was when she looked a little rude.
It would be a lie to say that he was not excited when he saw his former idol.
“reading? ”
Chu Wenqian’s expression was startled, and her expression was a little strange. She never expected Tang Zhenli to have such an important identity?
On the other side, Tang Zhenli also walked out of the conference room. Looking at the atmosphere in the room, he raised his eyebrows and showed a little confusion on his face. How did these people get together…
But when Li Haoxuan and others saw this, they immediately came up to explain.
Tang Zhenli was also slightly surprised, but did not expect Chu Wenqian to be an alumnus.
“How did you recognize me in the first place…”
Chu Wenqian was stunned for a moment, and when she heard the words, she pushed up her glasses. Naturally, she knew that Tang Zhenli was talking about the things that helped him relieve the siege at the beginning, and immediately replied.

“When you were the chief engineer of the Controlled Nuclear Fusion Device Research Institute, I went to investigate…”
Tang Zhenli’s face showed a clear look, so it was.
The other assistants were also a little surprised when they saw this. Gong Gong and Senior Sister had known each other before.
But doesn’t it seem like something important has been overlooked?
What did Senior Sister Fang Cai say, the chief engineer?
Suddenly, Li Haoxuan’s expression froze while touching his chin. He glanced at the other people, and obviously they all reacted. Chief engineer of the controllable nuclear fusion device? ? ? ! ! !
When he turned his attention to Tang Zhenli, he found that Tang Zhenli and Chu Wenqian had already walked towards the laboratory together.

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