The reason for having to succeed! ! !
Northwest Aerospace Base, ‘Zhuangba’ Project Engineering Building.
After the meeting that day, the whole ‘Zhuangba’The staff of the project team were mobilized like chicken blood. Engine Assembly Laboratory,
Tang Zhenli was standing in the field and was talking, surrounded by staff members, holding notebooks to record something, and nodding from time to time, like a primary school student listening carefully in class.
“At present, the first and most need to change is the external structure of the engine system, and the use of catalysts needs to be tested after some experiments…”
“In terms of materials, I’ve looked at them, and there shouldn’t be any major problems.
On the side outside the “&circle”, the five assistants looked at Tang Zhenli, who was chatting in the crowd, with all eyes on him.
Qi Lu looked at the dazzling man in the field, and a splendid brilliance flashed in his eyes, only to hear Li Haoxuan next to him say with a little emotion.
“If I were in the middle right now, I would definitely be nervous and I wouldn’t be able to say anything.
“How shameless you are to think of switching roles with Tang Gong”
Unexpectedly, Kang Deyun directly angered him, and the others also expressed their approval when they heard the words, and looked at Li Haoxuan with contempt.
As if to say, you are so thick-skinned!
Seeing other people’s eyes focused on him, Li Haoxuan’s face was also hot, and he was deeply embarrassed, and then said a little angrily,
“What’s the matter, can’t I target Tang Gong?”
But at this time, the voice fell, but no one responded. The rest of them just shook their heads in unison, and then gave him a strange look.
It seems that not only is thick-skinned, but also likes whimsical…
With Tang Gong as the goal, at least we must first make a scientific research result of the same weight as controllable nuclear fusion. (biei)…
At this time, Tang Zhenli on the other side glanced at the surrounding scientific research workers, and said with a slightly serious expression,
“Next, each part will carry out its own module first, if you have any questions, please come to me at any time”
“Yes, Chief Engineer Tang!”
“Okay, Chief Engineer Tang!”
Hearing this, everyone nodded in response, and then returned to their respective projects.
Seeing this, the five assistants didn’t bother to argue, and hurriedly walked towards Tang Zhenli.
“Tang Gong, what should we do next…”
As the leader of the five-person group, Qi Lu naturally spoke first.
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, and the five assistants couldn’t bring it and left it alone. He immediately made up his mind, and then said.
“In this way, Qilu, you go to monitor the control of the materials, just follow the material plans, and the remaining four will go to the various project teams to inspect. At present, they don’t know much about the newly developed engine structure. They popularize the concept, if you can solve the problem, you can solve it yourself, if you can’t solve it, come to me…”
When the words fell, a hint of joy appeared on the faces of several people. All of the people present were smart people who knew one thing at a time. They all realized that Tang Gong was giving them a chance to learn!
And it’s a great opportunity to mix up your qualifications.
“Okay, Tang Gong!”
Immediately, the five assistants responded in unison, and then dispersed.
Tang Zhenli felt a little relieved when he saw this, and then walked towards his chief engineer’s office.
The overall design link also needs to be controlled by oneself. Regarding the efficiency control of the engine, the hedging link needs to be solved by the scientific research system.
After all, he did it according to the engine of the spaceship. This engine focuses on speed. Now, when it is applied to the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle, it is still necessary to sacrifice some speed to increase the maximum thrust of the engine.
This is also the focus of the changes, and the aircraft is in the atmosphere and in space, but two very different situations. All kinds of macro and micro changes in it require him to check by himself.
As for what was said at the beginning that it is not difficult to replace the engine, this is of course for Tang Zhenli, as he has a scientific research system, each link only needs to have an idea and theoretical support to get the results directly.
Instead of directly creating and experimenting one by one, this is also the biggest reason that affects each project cycle.
Many project cycles are long because every link needs to be verified by practice, and the scientific research system greatly saves time. This is why Tang Zhenli dared to say that it can be made within two months.
Without him, it would take at least half a year for the staff of the ‘Zhuangba’ project team to go from researching the design plan to changing clothes. And this is why he promised to come to the aerospace base to lead the replacement of the engine.
He has also been paying attention to the current international situation of Longguo Aerospace.
“The postponement of the Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project has already aroused many criticisms, if the next big success cannot be achieved.
The aerospace field of Longguo may be in a downturn because of this,
Therefore, at this time, I have the ability and can contribute, and naturally I will not consider other…  


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