My Brother Is Coming!
Unconsciously, the sun hanging in the sky became more and more charming, releasing its own brilliance without any effort. The time has also come to July, and the Dragon Kingdom has ushered in summer at this time, and waves of high temperature waves are scorching people.
In the daytime streets all over the country, almost no one can be seen. Everyone seems to be avoiding the beasts, and one by one is bored at home.
Shanghai market,
Tang Ziyue is a sophomore in high school this year and is spending her last summer vacation in high school.
She only had a holiday yesterday, and today she and Chen Xinyao have returned to the ancestral home.
Needless to say, mother and daughter will spend a boring summer vacation, at least Tang Ziyue thinks so.
As an associate professor of literature at Shanghai University, Chen Xinyao naturally has summer vacations that students should have.
In the room, looking at his mother who was helping him with his homework, TangZiyue has complained more than once in her heart, why is Chen Xinyao doing something bad? She has to be a teacher and a university professor~.
One of the biggest problems with a professor mom is that the holidays are completely in sync with her, and she’s already deeply experienced the downsides of it. “Ziyue, you’ve been distracted more than once. You’re going to take the college entrance examination next year, so why don’t you feel any sense of urgency…”
Chen Xinyao obviously also noticed Tang Ziyue’s strangeness, and reached out and shook it in front of her eyes.
“Oh, I see, why didn’t my brother enjoy VIP tutoring back then?”
Tang Ziyue pursed her lips when she heard the words,
said angrily.
Damn, obviously my brother used to arrange his own time for his summer vacation!
Unexpectedly, Chen Xinyao’s eyes widened, and of course she knew Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, but when she looked at Tang Ziyue with an unhappy expression, she said,
“Further, you pay, if your current grades can catch up with your brother’s grades back then, you can go crazy wherever you like, I won’t be bothered to care about you, a professor at Shanghai University, I will give you a high school girl video Counselor, do you still have the face to dislike it?”
“Study, I learn! Anyway, my daughter is exhausted, and my son…”
Tang Ziyue just wanted to refute, but she thought that her grades were indeed a bit ordinary compared to Tang Zhenli back then, so she could only mumble in a pissed off voice.
“What did you say?! Tang Ziyue, do you have hard wings and want to learn from your brother???”
Chen Xinyao’s face twitched when she heard the words, her eyes narrowed slightly, the girl’s self-consciousness was really getting stronger and stronger, and her aura was released immediately, pressing away towards Tang Ziyue.
As the saying goes, if you don’t put on the roof for three days, if you don’t show some momentum to deter the little girl, maybe it will be the next Tang Zhenli who doesn’t have a home! Being stared at by her mother’s sharp eyes, Tang Ziyue was also a little embarrassed, knowing that Chen Xinyao was really angry.
His hands were suddenly mixed together uneasy, and he didn’t dare to look at his mother in a guilty conscience.
In desperation, it can only be temporarily subdued.
“No. No, I don’t learn from my brother…”
“Humph! ”
Chen Xinyao snorted angrily. The two brothers and sisters were carved out of the same mold. She had seen Tang Ziyue’s mentality from Tang Zhenli a few years ago.
At this time, it is not easy to grasp Tang Ziyue!
“Forget it, looking at you like this, no matter how much you teach, you won’t be able to learn. Take a break, it’s just noon, I’ll cook…”
After speaking, Chen Xinyao got up and walked downstairs, muttering while walking.
“I’m really pissed off, the two brothers and sisters have sex…”
Tang Ziyue felt relieved when she saw Chen Xinyao leave, and let out a sigh of relief.
I have to say that there is still a big difference between Chen Xinyao in a calm state and a state of full aura.
The former is a gentle and loving mother, the latter is like a strong woman, and Tang Ziyue is the only subordinate under her control. In the room, Tang Ziyue observed vigilantly and saw that Chen Xinyao had really left.
After that, she tiptoed to hold a stool, put it next to the wardrobe, and stepped on it. Then I saw her groping for something on the wardrobe, her eyes suddenly lit up, and she jumped off the stool.
“It’s done!”
Tang Ziyue looked at the gray mobile phone in her hand with a hint of pride in her eyes.
Don’t think you don’t know where you hid your phone…
Blow off the dust on the phone, plug it in directly with the charger at the bedside, and then press and hold the power button.
Although I haven’t used it for half a year, fortunately, the performance of this phone is strong enough, and finally the screen lit up.
As soon as it was turned on and connected to the Internet, dozens of messages from various applications appeared in the notification bar in an instant. Tang Ziyue was so frightened that Tang Ziyue quickly turned the phone to mute, and then glanced outside the door with a guilty conscience.
…ask for flowers…
When I found out that there was nothing wrong, I breathed a sigh of relief. I don’t know, but looking at Tang Ziyue’s appearance, some people believe that she is a thief.
This cautious gesture can only make people feel the strictness of the Tang family’s family rules.
Then Tang Ziyue started to open her long-awaited mobile phone and began to browse the new things that happened in the past six months.
Suddenly, a piece of news came into her eyes, and she was stunned subconsciously, thinking that she had read it wrong.
“A collection of Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli’s incident!”
“Tang Zhenli??? My brother???”
Driven by curiosity, she clicked on the details of this post.
And this post is nothing but an analysis of the four incidents of Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying, plus some personal information of Tang Zhenli. ….0
I thought it was a coincidence of the same name, but a few photos completely dispelled her doubts. The news on the post made Tang Ziyue stunned, the boss with a pair of almond eyes.
Wu Shaoying? ? ? Tang Zhenli? ? ? Dragon University? ? ? Special upgrade? ? ?
My brother, did you really get into Wu Shaoying? ? ? And what the hell is Longke University? ? ?
For a moment, if it wasn’t for the pictures and the truth, she really wouldn’t believe that what was said here was Tang Zhenli.
With her thoughts at this point, Tang Ziyue secretly swallowed her saliva, and hurriedly ran downstairs with her phone in her hands.
Running and shouting loudly,
“Mom, my brother, he has a good chance!”
In the kitchen, Chen Xinyao frowned subconsciously as she looked at Tang Ziyue who was rushing towards her in a hurry.
“Look at you, there’s still a little girly look, what a huh…”
Tang Ziyue was completely dazed by the shock at this time, she ignored Chen Xinyao’s rebuke, pointed one finger at the phone screen, and said anxiously,
“My brother, my brother” Chen Xinyao gave her a sideways glance, then took the phone in her hand and began to read.
I don’t know if I don’t see it, even if it was her, the moment she saw the news, her eyelids couldn’t help but open slightly, and her mouth dropped.Conscious chatter.
J roll is red. Waifu Liaolong University of Science and Technology 3”
So flattering, Chen Xinyao didn’t even react, is this talking about my son? …Long.

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