The advent of Xuanwu! ! !
“Where did this news come from?”
With a trace of joy hidden in Chen Xinyao’s eyes, she asked Tang Ziyue.
“Ah? Mom, don’t you usually brush your scarf?”
Tang Ziyue was surprised for a moment, and then asked back.
“Scarf? I don’t see much…”
When Chen Xinyao heard the words, her expression was startled, and she was a little unclear. After that, she didn’t bother, and asked her daughter directly.
“Is this news true? When did your brother go to Longke University as a major? It doesn’t make sense…”
“It must be true, is this the news from a month ago?”
Tang Ziyue nodded firmly. After being exposed for so long, the authenticity is basically 100%.
“So, your brother is in love with that female star Wu Shaoying? No wonder he sent a message a few days ago and said he couldn’t come back…”
Suddenly, Chen Xinyao’s eyes lit up. She was still thinking about Tang Zhenli’s singleness a few years ago? Unexpectedly, in less than half a year, “One Thirty Zero” gave myself such a shock.
Not only did he hook up with a girl, but in the case of Jubilee, he might be able to hold his grandson in the past two years…
At this point, Chen Xinyao’s eyes flashed with anticipation.
“Isn’t it enough to ask in person? Mom, how about we go to Longke University and see?”
Tang Ziyue nodded, thinking of Wu Shaoying she saw during the Chinese New Year, her eyes rolled around, and then she said to Chen Xinyao.
“Longke University…”
Chen Xinyao pondered for a while. In fact, she had some guesses in her heart during the Chinese New Year. Something must have happened to Tang Zhenli.
Otherwise, the attitude of the old man could not have changed so much. In this way, it is not too strange that Tang Zhenli went to Longke University inexplicably.
At this point, Chen Xinyao hesitated for a while, but the balance in her heart gradually tilted to one side.
Or, go see your future daughter-in-law?
Northwest Space Base,
In the ‘Zhuangba’ project engineering building, the office of the chief power engineer, it has been a few days since they came to the aerospace base.
Tang Zhenli rested his head on the seat and looked like he was closing his eyes to rest his mind. In fact, with the support of the scientific research system, the simulation experiment section was opened in his mind.
The precise data of the two items are continuously obtained through the calculation of the scientific research system.
At this time, the modification of Tang Zhenli’s design plan has come to the end. As long as the data obtained by the final scientific research system is within the expected range, it means that the design modification plan is feasible.
In fact, the launch vehicle is not next to the space shuttle or spacecraft for space travel at all. Not only is the structure very different, but even the environment and level of use are also very different.
The spacecraft used for space travel needs to travel in space, and the launch vehicle only needs to be responsible for carrying satellites or space station equipment to the outer periphery of the atmosphere, close to outer space.
You know, a spacecraft flying in the atmosphere is completely different from a spacecraft flying in outer space.
There is air resistance in the atmosphere, and the speed will be slower than in a vacuum, which also causes the structure of the engine to be different.
One is to fly in a vacuum, and the other only needs to fly in the atmosphere.
Generally speaking, today’s human space shuttles are loaded with two distinct vehicles, propelled by ordinary rocket boosters in the atmosphere, and will activate another set of propulsion devices when entering space.
Tang Zhenli’s newly developed engine can be regarded as the device activated in space.
What needs to be changed now is how to transform this engine into an aerospace engine used in the atmosphere. Of course, it would be best if it can be used for two purposes.
After a long time, Tang Zhenli opened his eyes, and his eyebrows revealed a little tiredness. Although there was the assistance of the scientific research system, it was still extremely exhausting to carry out this kind of simulation experiment.
But Rao was so, but there was still a light flashing in his eyes, and then he muttered to himself.
“According to this kind of expected data, there should be no problem, but let’s try to be perfect.”
Speaking, Tang Zhenli rubbed his hands subconsciously, then picked up the electronic pen on the desk, and began to draw the new design changes in his mind on the hand-painted board.
In less than an hour, a completely different model of the new engine appeared on the computer screen.
It looks a bit similar to the previous ‘Zhuangba’ engine, which is much more rounded.
To say that the original engine was a beast that dared to compete for the sky, the sharp-edged aura was coming.
Then this modified engine looks like the Xuanwu of Yongzhen Mountains and Rivers, and a strong but unappealing sense of power is visible to the naked eye.
“Why don’t you call it Xuanwu?”
Tang Zhenli murmured in a low voice, thinking of the terrifyingly terrifying load-carrying force and propulsive force, it was already enough to make it qualified for the title of Xuanwu, which is respected by power among the four great mythical beasts.
It can be said that all the speed advantages of the newly developed engine are under Tang Zhenli’s refurbishment, and all the skill points are in the power.
Quantitatively, the speed can only be said to remain normal.
This heavy sense of mechanical power can be felt even through the prototype on the drawing board at this time…
Tang Zhenli adjusted his state for a while, and finally began to perfect the modified Xuanwu engine one by one.
Unsurprisingly, the actual communication of the new design will begin tomorrow, and the actual construction will begin in a few days.
—- —r—
younger brother-,
Under Tang Zhenli’s notice,
‘Strong Eight’ project all aboutThe project leaders of the power module gathered in the conference room,

Sitting first was naturally Tang Zhenli, and beside him sat five assistants, just like last time, taking notes of the meeting with notebooks.
At this moment, the spiritual outlook of the five people has undergone a slight change visible to the naked eye. Compared with before, they have a more mature atmosphere. The person in charge of other projects looked at Tang Zhenli with admiration in their eyes. Some information about the new engine before
They’ve all seen it.
Except for the recently invented controllable nuclear fusion device, I did not expect Chief Engineer Tang to be able to apply some contemporary theoretical foundations to this extent
All kinds of ingenious ideas have reached the point of a powerful and unconstrained style.
Chu Wenqian, who was sitting at the bottom, also had a little reverence in her eyes. Tang Zhenli left from the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices, and
Afterwards, he returned to Longke University and started studying in the field of aerospace from scratch.
This kind of spirit is not something ordinary people can have,

If a normal person made such a big contribution, he would have been clamoring for fame and fortune…
And more importantly, in less than a year from scratch, his accomplishments in aerospace engines have reached such a level
Not to mention that the application of the tokamak device is more than one level higher than today’s controllable nuclear fusion device research institute. Even the basic structure of some aerospace foundations is also very solid.
Although it seems that the structure of the new engine is ingenious on the surface, but after a little thought, you can know that these are some extensions made on the basis of theory.
But this kind of extension is something that very people can think of.
Chu Wenqian’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked at Tang Zhenli. At the same time, a different emotion lingered in her heart, and she couldn’t get rid of it… Then Tang Zhenli looked around the crowd, with the same expression as usual, and nodded secretly, and then said nothing. Without hesitation, speak directly.
“Everyone is here, then, the meeting on the design plan will officially begin!”

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