Time can defeat beauty, but Tianjiao! !
At this moment in the assembly workshop, except for some experts and scholars, almost all the scientific researchers working at the grassroots level are gathered here.
With hundreds of people and numerous components of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle, the scene was a bit noisy for a while.
The chief engineers of the four major modules are also present.
In addition to the fixed three major modules of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, in the final stage, since the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle is designed to carry satellites and space stations.
So at this time, the satellite department of the space base also sent an expert and scholar as the chief engineer of the load module of the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
Generally, the chief engineer of the load module is not arranged until after the test firing, but now ‘strong eight’Due to the special circumstances of the project, it can only be handled on a special basis at this time.
However, this time it is just the replacement of the engine, the control module and the structural module have not changed much, and the load module is basically not moved, so today is generally a form of come and go.
Today’s focus is mainly on the replacement of the engine!
In other words, the biggest burden is on Tang Zhenli’s side.
Not long after the arrival of the Xuanwu engine, Tang Zhenli followed closely. After seeing several chief engineers, he moved.
“General Manager Liu> General Manager Peng”
Tang Yi pointedly said hello to the two middle-aged scientific research scholars from the buyer side, but there was a man in his thirties who he didn’t know.
After he exited, the man looked at him with a hint of surprise in his eyes.
“Master Tang.”
〃 Chief Engineer Tang
Chief Engineer Liu, who was in charge of the Gu Junyan module, and Chief Engineer Peng, who was in charge of the control module, heard the sound and quickly turned their heads to look. Immediately, their eyes brightened and they said hello.
For this young man of the same level as themselves, Chief Engineer Liu and Chief Engineer Peng have long been convinced, and they did not dare to underestimate him because of their age.
In terms of leadership ability and academic ability, Tang Zhenli is not inferior to the two of them.
At this time, seeing Tang Zhenli turn his head to look at the person next to him, his expression was a little puzzled, and the two of them also reacted at the same time.
“Well, why did you forget to introduce it to Chief Engineer Tang, this is Chief Engineer Li, the chief engineer of the load module, and was temporarily seconded by the satellite department.

〃 Mr. Li is good. ”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli knew it in his heart. It seemed that the chief divisions of the four major modules of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project had all arrived, and then he said hello. 〃 Chief Engineer Tang, hello! ”
Chief Engineer Li looked at Tang Zhenli for a while,
The heart is gradually turbulent.
also responded,
It can be said that the name of Tang Zhenli has been heard of almost the entire Northwest Aerospace Base, but maybe only the staff of the ‘Zhuangba’ project are familiar with it.
a dagger
Before that, it was not that he had not heard about the young chief engineer Tang of the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project, but now that he met for the first time, he knew that he had overestimated Tang Zhenli’s age.
It seems that this Chief Engineer Tang is definitely not as simple as he imagined…
After Tang Zhenli arrived, the assembly of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project also officially started.
The grass-roots staff of the three modules present were busy in this nearly tens of thousands of square assembly workshops.
At such a commemorative juncture, the film crew of Longguo CCTV will naturally not be idle. All the four teams that were split up before are here. When they captured Zhai Shi Bingbing Sigao, they identified Tang Chen Li, even if they could not interview. , she will also frame Tang Zhenli’s work scene. He kept instructing two photographers to capture Tang Zhenli alone.
Perhaps these photos cannot be made public now, or even in the future, but she still wants to record every moment of Tang Zhenli’s work.
A slightly green face with a calm expression, in its beautiful moment.
This scene with obvious contrast is like a picture scroll,
fixed in the genus
Since the previous modification plans were done according to the purpose of engine replacement, the work task that falls on the power module is the heaviest at this time.
The pressure on the power module is the greatest, it is Tang Zhenli, the chief power engineer.
Because he not only has to coordinate with the various interfaces and circuit assembly of the Xuanwu engine, but also take into account the control of the structural module and the control module.
Although the previous modification drawings and plans have been distributed, there are always some deviations from the actual project, so at this time, as the perfecter of the modified design plan, he will stand up.
At this time, like a firefighter, he was running through many projects, large and small, of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project.
Not long after, even Tang Zhenli had large beads of sweat oozing out on his forehead, but he didn’t even notice it, and was still wandering among the various projects.
far away,
“Find an angle, shoot…”
Wang Bingbing looked at Tang Zhenli who was still running, and hurriedly ordered the photographer beside him. Almost instantly, the photographer took dozens of close-ups of the tired and sweaty Tang Zhenli in the distance.
Yu Duoshi, the photo was taken, Wang Bingbing hurriedly stepped forward to take a look, almost instantly, her eyes were hazy.
in the screen,
Tang Zhenli’s hair was already wet with sweat. In order to prevent the sweat from dripping on the data drawings, and the annotations on the drawings were not too big, to see the text and formulas on the drawings clearly, he had to look closely.
So at this time, he is raising his head, holding the drawing up, and looking at it from the bottom up. The movements look very awkward, like those ancient scholars who pretend to study hard on TV. It can even be said that there are some funny, a little more vivid. Nor does it qualify as a chief engineer.
But it was this photo that made Wang Bingbing have a strange feeling in his heart.
Faintly, she understood why Tang Zhenli was able to be the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project so quickly.
Talent is important, but more important is the persistence and the attitude of facing difficulties.
In the ‘Strong Eight’ project, she has heard people’s comments about Tang Zhenli’s age more than once.
But at this time, some other thoughts lingered in her heart.
The chief engineer in his early twenties can certainly make people admire (well), but in her opinion, from Tang Zhenli, people need to admire more than just age.
In Tang Zhenli, she saw the epitome of the older generation of scientific researchers in textbooks.
Looking back at the aerospace industry of Longguo, it has grown from nothing, from weak to strong, from following to parallel, and even leading in some fields. It is changing from a aerospace power to a aerospace power.The country is moving forward.
— Overcoming obstacles again and again, creating history again and again, there are no miracles in it, what is just the perseverance of generations of astronauts
the spirit of!
Time can defeat a beautiful woman, and a genius can be defeated, but what cannot be erased by time is the spirit and beliefs passed down from generation to generation. Tang Zhenli… Claw.
Wang Bingbing stared blankly at Tang Zhenli for a long time, and finally a smile could not help but be drawn on the corner of his mouth.
The world is so big, perhaps it is because of this kind of people that it becomes more exciting!

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