Announcement, launch date! The whole country is looking forward to it! !
The assembly workshop of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle,
In the next period of time, all the grassroots personnel of the ‘Zhuang Eight’ project team were busy in the assembly workshop of the ‘Zhuang Eight’ launch vehicle assembly. After the small parts of each module are assembled, the final overall assembly begins.
On the ladder with a maximum height of 70 meters, people are constantly shuttling on it. Since the rocket must always be kept in a vertical state, it must be assembled gradually from bottom to top.
From bottom to top, there are power module, control module and load module, and the structure module is the process module responsible for assembling the three modules together.
Therefore, the order of assembly naturally starts from the engine and booster, and then to the top load module.
Under Tang Zhenli’s control, no major problems have been found in the current assembly process.
Some minor problems were also quickly resolved. It can be said that the current ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project is developing towards the bright side.
As Tang Zhenli expected, the final assembly plus the first round of macro inspection took exactly one week.
In the end, the main color of the formed rocket body is still blue and white, coupled with the bright red flag, the ‘Zhuanghachi’ carrier rocket 130 arrows stood quietly in the assembly workshop.
Compared with before, the original engine is gone, replaced by the two-style basaltic engine, which is as thick as two boulders under the rocket body of the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle.
What’s even more cool is that when the paint is applied to the Xuanwu engine, it has been changed to pure black, with a hint of metallic luster around it. The stout body and dark paint give the whole “Zhuangba” launch vehicle a cold and heavy sense of power.
Next to the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle is the “umbilical tower” that maintains its verticality, that is, the rocket’s movable launch platform, which is one of the tools for preparing to transport the rocket to the launch site in the future.
Starting from the vertical assembly and testing workshop, it “carries” its rocket movable launch platform, which can ensure that the rocket remains vertical from the completion of assembly to launch.
However, the function of the movable platform is not just as simple as transporting rockets. With it, the rocket can be transferred directly and all connections remain unchanged. After arriving at the launch area, it can be refueled and launched directly, shortening the test time in the launch area.
Each rocket launch platform (biei) is custom-made according to the rocket’s own conditions, and because the engine replacement of the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle is too sudden, there is no time to re-customize a new rocket launch platform.
Therefore, the platform at this time is modified from the original one, and the original engine is higher than the basalt engine, so at this time, there is an overhead of tens of centimeters at the bottom of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle.
But these will not affect the final rocket launch, and the problem will naturally disappear when it is sent to the launch pad.
The moment after the assembly was completed, the hundreds of people present were silent, all of them looked at this highly anticipated ‘Zhuang Eight’ launch vehicle with serious eyes!
Looking at the “Zhuangba” carrier rocket in front of him, Tang Zhenli felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. It is an honor to be able to promote the progress of Longguo Aerospace.
His five assistants were also excited at this time, they never thought that one day they would be able to participate in and complete a national-level scientific research project!
On the other side, Chu Wenqian also looked at the improved ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket, and an unspeakable emotion emerged in her heart, prompting her to look at Tang Zhenli.
Although there are still several stages of program debugging and circuit inspection, for Tang Zhenli, he has completed all his work.
Before that, she could never have imagined that within two months, everything from design to costume change could be completed!
“Assembly completed…”
Chu Wenqian muttered something in a low voice, and for the first time realized the huge gap between herself and Tang Zhenli…
In the middle of the field, a group of staff members are still using this wordless emotion to express their inner excitement.
The silence of hundreds of people, and in front of them is the huge ‘Zhuang Hachi’ launch vehicle.
This picture is naturally not missed by the professional Longguo CCTV film crew. Needless to say, each photographer found the best angle for the characters in the picture and the “strong” TV. Eight’ launch vehicles do the best work.
On the third day after assembly,
Most of the scientific research staff ushered in a short rest,
On this day, Wei Pengyu’s sonorous and forceful voice resounded through the entire ‘Zhuangba’ project building on the radio.
“Comrades! Before this, I want to say that you have worked hard. After nearly a year of hard work and decades of persistence, ‘Zhuang Hachi is about to be sent to the launch pad again, and the next step is to test our The time has come, and now I announce that all the personnel of the ‘Zhuangba’ project team will hold an emergency meeting in the auditorium to make a final summary and agree on the final launch time…”
Wei Pengyu’s words hit everyone’s heartstrings like raindrops, igniting the flames in the hearts of everyone in the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
Almost as soon as Wei Pengyu’s voice fell,The people everywhere didn’t care about rest, so they all walked towards the auditorium.
I didn’t expect the launch of ‘Zhuang Ba’ so fast. After thinking about it, I can understand that the ‘Zhuang Ba’ has already been postponed, and at this time, the sooner the better.
Not long after, some quickly arrived in the auditorium.
The auditorium of the project building is generally used for large-scale events, such as the annual meeting, and this mobilization meeting.
The auditorium of the ‘Zhuangba’ project building is not small enough to accommodate a thousand people, so it is enough for the core backbone of the ‘Zhuangba’ project to hold meetings.
In the next ten minutes, waves of people poured into the auditorium one after another.
in the auditorium,
The layout inside is very simple. If you have to say it, it has the atmosphere of the most difficult years decades ago.
Apart from surface and overall stable repairs, the layout of the interior has remained largely unchanged over the decades.
Except for one big feature, there are basically no other advantages.
At this time, at the very front of the auditorium, there are six positions for the leaders. Needless to say, these positions are naturally the chief teachers of each module, as well as the chief and deputy chief teachers of the project.
It can be said that this is the highest-level meeting of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project.
From the project chief engineer to ordinary researchers and even interns, they are all in the auditorium.
There is no other reason, just because today’s discussion is the date of the launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket!

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