All of them are Xinghai!
In the conference room of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience!
Since then, the launch date of ‘Souba’ has been directly determined.
It is set on September 15th, they are going to come back from Nirvana! tell the world…
After the negotiation, the meeting ended, and everyone left the venue one after another for final debugging and preparation.
Finally, after everyone left the stage, the four chief instructors of the ‘Zhuangba’ transportation project got up and left, and went to their posts again! And Wei Pengyu and Wang Shan also walked towards their office.
Looking at the back of Tang Zhenli slowly leaving in the distance, Wei Pengyu’s eyes flickered slightly, and he didn’t know what he was thinking…
Soon after, the official account of Longguo Aerospace was officially announced, ‘Zhuangba “130”‘ will be officially launched on the evening of September 15th, and the whole process will be broadcast live!
A piece of news as simple as Jing* has aroused heated discussions among the vast number of aerospace enthusiasts.
Because September 15 happened to be the day when ‘Zhuang Ba’ failed last year.
And now, Longguo Aerospace, which has returned strongly, has chosen the date to be September 15th!
The powerful self-confidence contained in this can be felt even by ordinary people.
A day specially chosen by Longguo Aerospace! !
In an instant, another wave after wave of small waves was triggered on the Internet, attracting the carnival of aerospace enthusiasts in the Dragon Kingdom.
“September 15th, this day doesn’t need to be explained, everyone who understands understands!”
“From the darkness to the new life, this means yes! This confidence really makes me look at it! ! ! ”
“This strong confidence, I have begun to look forward to the performance of the eighth master…”
“Don’t worry, it’s impossible to choose this date without complete certainty, I’ve been waiting for us to step on the face of foreign countries.
Jinling Bieyuan, in the room,
“September 15th? ‘Strong Eight’ launch?”
Wu Shaoying was lying on the bed, her delicate snow-white legs swaying playfully. At this moment, there was a hint of joy on her face, her eyes were looking at the phone with bright eyes, her appearance was bright and moving.
Does that mean that in half a month, he will be back?
Thinking of this, Wu Shaoying rolled happily on the bed, like a happy rabbit, she was overjoyed.
Immediately, he directly followed the official account of Longguo Aerospace with his own account, so that he could get the news as soon as possible.
In case, I can see him when the live broadcast is launched…
With such thoughts in mind, Wu Shaoying’s eyes lit up slightly.
Northwest Space Base,
The six chief masters of the ‘Zhuangba’ project gathered together to conduct a comprehensive inspection of all aspects and a closing meeting.
This is not the first time this kind of meeting has been held recently. Basically, the six chief masters of the ‘Strong Eight’ project will meet each other every three days. At this last critical juncture, communication between various modules is essential.
“General engineer Wei, the satellites to be carried for this launch are already on their way…”
At this time, Li Lesheng, the chief engineer of the load module, who had rarely spoken before, reported to Wei Pengyu.
“Okay, after that, you can proceedThe next step is debugging, so today’s meeting will end here…” Wei Pengyu nodded when he heard the words, paused for a while, and then said.
that afternoon,
This time, the satellites required to be loaded by ‘Zhuang Eight’ reached the project building of ‘Zhuang Eight’.
After reinstalling the engine, because ‘Zhuanghachi’ theoretically has a geosynchronous transfer orbit carrying capacity of nearly 150 tons, it is much higher than the initial expectation.
So naturally, there are many more tasks than the original design intention. In addition to the previous carrier spacecraft, deep space exploration, space station construction, manned moon landing and the establishment of a lunar base have also been added.
It’s just that it’s still the first flight. Out of safety, the aerospace base finally decided to use a heavy-duty satellite as the payload of the ‘Strong Eight’ according to the original plan.
Even so, the weight of this heavy-duty artificial satellite was more than 20 tons, and it was a new type of satellite that had never been launched before.
The load module is also the last module of the ‘Zhuangba’ project. After completion, it will be transported to the main launch site through the active launch platform…
So at this moment in the vertical assembly and testing workshop, the six master masters of the ‘Zhuangba’ project also rarely fit together.
Naturally, the Longguo CCTV film crew, which has been active all along, would not let this scene go, and just shot it.
The six chief teachers fit together, even if the photos cannot be published 100%, the meaning is extraordinary. In particular, there is a very special young man among the six people.
After a busy afternoon, the staff seconded from the satellite department finally put the satellite into the empty cabin of the payload module. Since then, the process of ‘Zhuanghachi’ in the vertical assembly and testing workshop has also been completed here.
At this time, the door of the vertical assembly and testing workshop with a height of 70 meters is open. Just wait for the final commissioning of ‘Zhuang Hachi’, and you can leave for the last stop of ‘Zhuang Hachi’ on the earth – the launch site at any time!
After that, it can only be seen in the distant sea of ​​stars!
After the gate was opened, wisps of setting sun shot in through the gate, shining on the six chief teachers and many staff members, making them look like little golden men.
“One year later, we will be standing in that place again…”
Under the setting sun, Wei Pengyu faced the setting sun, looked at the boundless sky, and said with a feeling of sigh and emotion.
“Yeah, it’s time to start…”
Wang Shan stood sideways, also looking up at the sky.
Several other chief teachers, including Tang Zhenli, also seemed to be infected at this moment, their eyes were slightly burning, and they looked up.
As far as the eye can see, they are all stars!
For a moment, the dazzling sunlight and thick sky seemed unable to stop their belief in going to the sea of ​​stars!
That piece of starry sky is what they pursue, what they really yearn for, and only exploring the unknown is the driving force for them to move forward. The cosmic starry sky, the vast sea of ​​stars.
And which scientist doesn’t yearn for it? What they want is to let themselves know more and more completely.

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