The real backbone of the Dragon Kingdom! !
When the staff of the major modules are in full swing for the final debugging.
In the name of the ‘Zhuangba’ project team, Wei Pengyu invited expert groups from the other three bases in Longguo to observe.
After all, ‘Zhuangba’ has been developed and changed all the way, and it seems to have become the benchmark project of Longguo Aerospace.
In terms of emotion and reason, those Longguo astronauts who are also struggling on the front line should feel the joy of it.
Since the date of ‘Zhuang Hachi’ was announced a few days ago.
Longguo Main Station also temporarily added a program during the prime time at night
“The Persistence and Efforts of Longguo Researcher! 》
Once this program was aired, it received wide acclaim. In a short period of time, not only Longguo aerospace enthusiasts, but even ordinary netizens also fell in love with this popular program!
Astronautics has ushered in the spring and autumn, and the starship and rocket ship has been launched again and again, the project has been tackled again and again, and miracles have been created again and again, and finally created its own brilliance!
It can be said that this program covers the entire development history of Longguo Aerospace, and even the failures and lessons in it are reported one by one, which made the eyes of many Longguo netizens wet.
In Jinling Bieyuan, Wu Shaoying rushed back to her villa after class, and left a sentence in the living room,
“It’s too late, it’s too late”
Then he choked and ran up to the room on the second floor.
Sister Xia, who was looking at it, looked at her blankly, and subconsciously asked Ye Yingxin who was beside her,
“Yingxin, what’s wrong with Yingying recently? Every day after class, I’m in a hurry
“I don’t know…” Ye Yingxin was also a little confused, shaking her head and replied.
At this time, the little assistant raised his hand, trying to attract the attention of the two of them, and then said.
“I know, Sister Yingying has fallen in love with a show recently, do you follow it every night when you come back?”
“programme? ”
Sister Xia and Ye Yingxin looked at each other and could see the puzzlement in each other’s eyes. What program is so attractive?
“That’s right, it’s the craftsman of a big country that was recently broadcast on the headquarter, about our country’s astronauts, haven’t you watched it?” Seeing that the two were puzzled, the little assistant continued.
Hearing this, Ye Yingxin didn’t think much about it, she thought it was Wu Shaoying’s latest hobby, but Miss Xia muttered something in her heart.
Then subconsciously glanced upstairs, his eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes were thoughtful.
Yingying would never have been interested in this before, could it be… Tang Zhenli? !
the other side,
After Wu Shaoying returned to the room, she skillfully turned on the TV in the room, tuned to the main station of Longguo, and then sat on the small sofa, brushing her scarf with her mobile phone while kicking her calf,While waiting for the show to air.
When the familiar prelude sounded, Wu Shaoying’s attention instantly shifted to the TV.
Today’s last episode of Great Power Craftsman, the previous preview of this episode is about the ‘Zhuangba’ project from its establishment to its official delivery to space today
It is precisely this that Wu Shaoying is most concerned about, because the boy she likes is currently in this project.
After the end of the opening song, the program started from the establishment of the ‘Zhuangba’ project decades ago, and then after 20 years of theoretical progress and basic experiments, until the official start ten years ago!
The various processes of the ‘Zhuangba’ project are presented to the audience in this documentary-like way.
“Looking back on the decades of ‘Zhuangba’, from zero exploration, to the beginning of practice, to last year’s failure, suffering, tears, joy, many things that we can’t describe continue to happen…”
“Last year, Zhuang Ba encountered an unprecedented crisis, almost wasted decades of hard work, and even the order of the project was in jeopardy…”
“Today, a year later, Zhuangba is back, showing us the indomitable spirit and tenacity of the aerospace people of Longguo…”
u H
At the end, accompanied by the end credits: pay tribute to the great Longguo astronauts! This show also ushered in its final flowery moment.
“So…is this what he’s fighting for?”
After the show ended, Wu Shaoying clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were a little lost, and then she muttered to herself subconsciously.
Before that, she had no idea that there would be a job that would take a lifetime!
The 30-year history of the ‘Strong Eight’ project has been described in this episode of less than an hour!
But whoever has thought about it carefully, a short narration in it may cover the efforts of countless people for a year or even several years.
Wu Shaoying was stunned for a long time, her mind was slightly confused. She had hoped that Tang Zhenli would come back soon, but now she felt a little ashamed when she thought about it.
Compared with such major events that benefit the country and the people, personal love is so insignificant.
With a little melancholy, Wu Shaoying picked up the phone and decided what to do…
After the last episode of the program was broadcast, a wave of fishing reels was immediately set off on the Internet. The ‘Zhuangba’ project is not only limited to the scientific research circle, but it has spread to the entire Internet before you know it.
Compared to this, Wu Shaoying’s previous scandalous fishing reels have become very insignificant.
– Within a short time, there were voices cheering for ‘Zhuangba’ on the Internet.
“Come on!” Although Soba didn’t know about it before, I still want to cheer for you from the bottom of my heart!”
“What a shit show, the one on the big night tricked Lao Tzu out of tears!!!”
“The 50-meter-long… big cucumber, cut it open for the friendly army to taste!!!”
“Although, this is the real backbone of our Dragon Kingdom!”
u H
And as the saying goes, where there is light, there must be darkness. When netizens are at the same pace, there are still some people who do not falsely control their ignorant remarks. “Everyone pays so much attention to what a ‘Zhuang Ba’ does, as if there is no food without a ‘Zhuang Ba’! Childish…”
Needless to say, for this kind of demented remarks, netizens did not sting the other side of their restraint.
Soon, this comment was annihilated in the abuse of a lot of netizens, and basically 130 ancestors with names and surnames were greeted by netizens. At this time, Wu Shaoying reposted and liked a scarf about the ‘Zhuangba’ project, which also caused heated discussions among a small number of netizens.
“Salute Longguo Aerospace, pay tribute to Longguo astronauts, come on ‘Zhuangba’! To you who are chasing your dreams…”
In addition to the forwarding, her comment was added, and it was obvious that she wanted to support ‘Zouba’ in this way.
This is not only because of Tang Zhenli, but also with her heartfelt blessings to Longguo Aerospace!
Today’s mountains and rivers are unharmed, prosperous and strong, because of these people’s persistence in it, in contrast to these indomitable pioneers. How insignificant to be a little star!
However, there are always people who criticize and examine it with the narrowest maliciousness.
Below the reposted bib comment, in addition to the common blessings of many fans, there are also some extreme netizens who doubt Wu Shaoying’s popularity. “Isn’t it hot, I really have you… Goddess of white lotus!”
“Aren’t you tired of pretending to be innocent every day? Now the official popularity is rubbing off???”
But she doesn’t care about all of this. The prejudice in people’s hearts is a big mountain, and people who don’t like you will try their best to change their minds.
She only knew that she really wanted to cheer for Tang Zhenli and Longguo Aerospace, and that was enough!
Yu I begging
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