Decades of hard work, the live broadcast starts!
Northwest Space Base Airport,
There are still more than two days before the launch of the ‘Zhuangba’. After flying for nearly ten hours, Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue slowly got out of the chartered plane of the aerospace base. Afterwards, there were many Lu Lu who came to watch the ceremony as the family members of the staff. Continued to get off the plane.
“Is this the space base?”
Tang Ziyue was the most excited, his eyes kept turning, looking up and down inside the space base.
Immediately thinking of something, she turned her head and asked Chen Xinyao.
“what are we going to do now? go to grandpa?”
Hearing this, Chen Xinyao also showed a slight thoughtful look on her face, obviously she didn’t expect it either.
At this time, the intern researcher specially arranged by the aerospace base to receive the family members spoke, holding a loudspeaker, and said to the family members.
“Everyone, be quiet. Next, our base will arrange accommodation for you. In the two days before the official launch, you can go to the launch tower to have a closer look at the ‘Zhuang’ 130″8 launch vehicle, but Do not carry any electronic equipment, so as not to interfere with the work and debugging of the staff!”
In fact, Wei Pengyu originally prohibited anyone except the staff from approaching within one kilometer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle
But later, as more and more experts, scholars and aerospace enthusiasts came to observe, he could only lift this restriction. He could observe the ‘Zhuang Eight’ launch vehicle at close range, but he could not carry any electronic equipment or metal equipment.
And several security checks have been set up, but even so, it still can’t stop the enthusiasm of many aerospace enthusiasts.
Therefore, there are many aerospace enthusiasts and experts and scholars who come to observe under the launch tower of Zhuanghachi.
After the intern researcher finished speaking, he took a group of dozens of people to the family building that was uniformly allocated by the aerospace base. After the arrangements were made, they were allowed to move freely.
Chen Xinyao and Tang Ziyue’s mother and daughter naturally lived in the same place.
After everything was arranged, Tang Ziyue first clamored to go to the launch tower to take a closer look at the ‘Zhuang Ba’ launch vehicle.
“Mom, let’s go! Come back and clean up…”
Looking at Chen Xinyao who was tidying up the room, Tang Ziyue felt anxious in his heart, and then he couldn’t help saying.
Seeing this, Chen Xinyao felt helpless against Tang Ziyue, and gave her an annoyed look.
“Okay, okay, I’m going to kill you!”
Then they got up and walked out of the room with Tang Ziyue. The mother and daughter almost didn’t even have to ask for directions, because basically the flow of people was heading for the launch tower in the distance.
Since it is five kilometers away from the space base, it is too far to go down the launch tower.
Therefore, the space base has specially arranged special vehicles to travel between the launch tower and the space base, but only family members with invitation letters or experts and scholars with temporary work permits can travel by car.
Ordinary aerospace enthusiasts do not have this kind of treatment, and can only go there on foot or by driving their own cars. As family members, Tang Ziyue and Chen Xinyao successfully boarded the bus after presenting the previous invitation letter.
After getting in the car, Tang Ziyue became much more excited, looking through the car window at the ‘Zhuang Baji’ standing on the launch tower in the distance.
Even Chen Xinyao, with a slight strangeness on her dignified face, looked towards the Gobi outside the window. It was her first time visiting such a place.
I’m not curious, it must be fake…
The four-kilometer journey is not long or short. Within ten minutes, the bus arrived at the security check that needs to be one kilometer away from the launch tower.
Here, except that the staff’s special car can enter without security check, they need to get off the car and pass the security check before proceeding on foot.
The launch site, under the launch tower of the ‘Zhuanghachi’ launch vehicle,
In addition to the staff on the ladder, there are many wandering aerospace enthusiasts and experts and scholars who come to observe.
Both Fu Zhiyuan and Professor Liu had a temporary work permit for the aerospace base hanging on their chests.
At this moment, they are watching the full body of the ‘Zhuanghachi’ launch vehicle closely with their eyes wide open.
Compared with the far-off picture on TV, only after close contact will you know how big this thing is. Looking from bottom to top, plus the tower, the entire ‘Zhuangba’ arrow body is nearly seven Ten meters, almost as high as a twenty-story building.
It is almost the pinnacle of technological products that humans can manufacture today!
“Sure enough, although the changes are great, the engine can still see some of the original appearance of Xiao Tang…”
Fu Zhiyuan looked at the black-painted basalt engine on the base, and couldn’t help but sighed to Professor Liu.
Hearing this, Professor Liu also nodded silently, thinking that his own students were involved in this, the more he watched ‘Zhuang Ba’, the more satisfied he felt. Dean, thank you…”
Suddenly, Professor Liu’s heart moved, and he said to Fu Zhiyuan.
“Thank you for what?”
Fu ZhiYuan Yuan turned his head and glanced at Professor Liu suspiciously, suddenly came to his senses, and then smiled slightly, his eyes shifted to ‘Zhuang Ba’ again, and he said in a calm tone…
“The burden of scientific research in Longguo will be lifted sooner or later by today’s young people. If we can help, we old guys will naturally help…” Professor Liu nodded silently when he heard the words, looking at the person in front of him. ‘Zhuangba’, sighed in my heart,
Young people today are amazing…
In the distance, hundreds of meters away from the ‘Zhuangba’, there are many Longguo CCTV staff skillfully fiddling with the equipment.
In the propaganda plan submitted by the propaganda department before, it was clearly stated that the live broadcast would be started forty-eight hours before the launch, which is why this scene was created.
At this time, there were also many aerospace enthusiasts and ordinary netizens who were unable to come and squatted in front of the TV, ready to watch the real-time synchronized webcast.
After seeing the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle appearing on the Longguo CCTV network platform, many aerospace enthusiasts could not help but exclaim.
Compared with the previous photos, this real-time picture is much better. Although for the sake of confidentiality, the specific structure of ‘Zhuangba’ cannot be clearly seen, but for netizens, if they can see a far distance, they may Satisfied.
Immediately, many Longguo netizens came to the ‘Zhuangba’ live broadcast room on the Longguo CCTV network platform, and the popularity of the live broadcast room reached tens of millions in an instant. It can be said that the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle has aroused the expectations of many netizens.
At the same time, the Longguo Science and Technology Department, the Office of the Chief,
On Ji Chengtian’s computer, the screen displayed at this time is also the live broadcast screen in the ‘Zhuangba’ carrying rack.
Ji Chengtian couldn’t help but feel a little sigh in his heart when he looked at this rocket that had gathered the efforts of the Longguo Astronauts for decades.
After many setbacks and hardships, ‘Zhuangba’ finally came to this place!
As Ji Chengtian, who also came from aerospace, seeing such a scene, even he can’t help but feel a little inexplicable.
At the same time, there is some vague expectation and nervousness.
If the launch is successful, this will not only be a milestone event in the history of Longguo Aerospace, but also a world-class Longguo Aerospace!
It not only broke the aerospace monopoly, but also changed Longguo from a aerospace power to a aerospace power in the international community!
At the same time, the national self-confidence in the Dragon Kingdom is also a big increase. I used to tell them that what others can do, we can too!
And now to tell them that we can not only make it, but we can make it better!


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