The efforts of three generations only look at the present! ! !
Northwest Space Base,
‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle launch tower,
Tang Zhenli was on the ladder of the bottom engine, holding a measuring instrument terminal similar to a tablet computer in his hand, watching the feedback on it.
Some of the data that came, were constantly compared in my mind with the controllable range previously calculated by the scientific research system.
At this time, his face looked a little yellow, and his skin was not as delicate and rough as before. Not only that, but there were also some cracks on his lips.
Chang is the result of being exposed to the wind and the sun on this day, making Tang Zhenli look a few years older for no reason.
Not only him, but also the staff around him, the environment of the Gobi Desert is like this.
This is also the reason why the space base was originally selected here. There are nearly 300 days a year when the weather is clear and suitable for spacecraft launch. It’s good weather for a spacecraft launch, but not necessarily for people.
On the other hand, even though Tang Ziyue and Chen 18 Xinyao only hiked for one kilometer, under the special care of the Gobi’s scorching sunshine, the mother and daughter could not help oozing sweat from their backs.
Fortunately, they finally arrived under the pylon of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket.
“It’s huge!”
Looking at Zhuang Ba from the bottom up, Tang Ziyue’s almond eyes opened slightly, and she couldn’t help but let out a sigh. “indeed so
Chen Xinyao was also a little shocked in her heart at this time, and responded subconsciously in her mouth.
That is…
Suddenly, Tang Ziyue’s eyelids jumped and she saw a familiar back, and then a trace of doubt appeared on her pretty face, and she felt a little bit of self-doubt in her heart.
Why does the back on the ladder look like his brother?
Then Tang Ziyue shook her head, Tang Zhenli should be at Longke University at this time, even if he came to the aerospace base, he couldn’t be on the ladder, that’s where the staff work..
After letting go of the doubts in his heart, he began to look carefully at ‘Zhuangba’.
It is hard for her to imagine how this big guy was sent into space…
With this thought in mind, Tang Ziyue dragged Chen Xinyao around the ‘Zhuang Ba’ and looked around.
At this moment, a burst of broadcast sound came from the entire launch site.
“Attention to all space enthusiasts, family members, and experts and scholars, please leave the launch site in an orderly manner. ‘Zhuangba’ will enter the final debugging process. Repeat it again, everyone in space…”
After the voice in the broadcast fell, many people present were stunned for a while, and then found that a staff member had already guided them to start evacuation.
“What! We’ve only been here for less than an hour?”
Tang Ziyue muttered unhappily, and Chen Xinyao also showed a trace of regret on her face at this time, but the notice had already come down.
Even if they were a little reluctant, everyone could only line up and leave in an orderly manner.
In fact, according to common sense, they should be able to stay for a while, but after all, this is ‘Zhuangba’, which covers the new engine technology. At this time, it is time to debug the engine.
In this sensitive period, in order to be on the safe side, I still choose to come to observe first.The crowd withdraws.
In less than ten minutes, with the assistance of the staff, there was already a lot of people waiting under the tower. Only the working groups in Longguo Aerospace uniforms were still busy climbing up and down the ladders. The staff of the power module.
Two measuring instruments are connected to the basalt engine below. Through the measuring instruments, one by one precise data is presented in front of each researcher.
Tang Zhenli was also there. At this time, he was at the bottom of the engine, looking at the black nozzle of the Xuanwu engine, as if he was thinking about something, and the five assistants were also on standby behind him, waiting for Tang Zhenli’s orders.
In this way, in the numerous monitoring and debugging of the project, the time passed silently.
In the real-time live broadcast, the staff on the ladder in the distance were busy all night.
It was not until the early morning of the next day that the staff of the power module returned to their dormitory tiredly.
In the afternoon, there is still more than a day before the launch of ‘Zhuangba’,
The dormitory next to the ‘Zhuangba’ project building,
After the rest, Tang Zhenli’s mental state was obviously much better. After a wash, Tang Zhenli went directly to the ‘Zhuangba’ project building… Before the official launch, there was a final meeting.
a conference room,
In addition to the many leaders of large and small projects, the six chief engineers of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project also sat at the top.
In fact, the meeting to set up a command team before each launch is a practice, which can be regarded as a pre-war mobilization of Longguo Aerospace. Wei Pengyu looked around, his expression changed slightly, then he cleared his throat and said solemnly.
“Comrades, this is likely to be the last meeting before liftoff, and I won’t say much else. The theme of this meeting is to set up a ‘Zhuangba’ launch command group, which consists of the chief divisions of the four modules. As the commander, Chief Division Wang and I served as the deputy commander and commander 147 respectively,
As for the part you are responsible for, before the launch, report the situation to the chief division of the four modules you belong to, and then we will lead the launch of ‘Zhuang Ba’ in the main control room…”
At the end, Wei Pengyu glanced sharply at everyone in the conference room and said with a serious expression.
“It is true that we failed last year, we do not deny it, we do not evade it, but the next moment is when we hand in a new answer sheet, can we be worthy of our ancestors, can we make Longguo’s waist in the aerospace field really hard? , let’s see if the roar of ‘Zhuangba’ can resound through the whole world!!!”
“Three generations of hard work, only look at the present!!!”
At the end of the speech, Wei Pengyu thumped the conference table heavily, with determination in his eyes.
It seems that the difficulties and obstacles encountered in the past few decades will dissipate like smoke under this iron fist!
As soon as the voice fell, a person in the conference room showed determination to sink the boat.
Even Tang Zhenli had a slight edge in his eyes.
The launch of ‘Zhuangba’ this time is not only the battle of Longguo Aerospace’s name, but also the battle of Longguo Aerospace’s prestige!

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