No one sleeps tonight! ! !
The general control room of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project,
Even though it was approaching late at night, the staff inside did not look tired at all.
Still staring intently at the electronic screen ahead, waiting for the track control team to complete the track adjustment.
And the Longguo netizens watching the live broadcast are also waiting for the moment of success, and at the moment when they don’t get the news of the success of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, I’m afraid they won’t have a 0 drop
Time passed like this for two seconds, and the staff of the orbit control team headed by Tang HeguangThe staff did not dare to slack off at all, calculating the latest trajectory of the satellite non-stop.
Everyone is constantly calculating and operating in front of their computers.
At this time, the heavy-duty satellite carried by the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle is put into orbit through a transitional transfer orbit. When it is transferred to the apogee of the orbit, it slowly adjusts its speed and attitude “147” to make it enter the geosynchronous orbit.
This requires the use of formulas such as the universal substitution formula and Kepler’s second law for a large number of conversions and verifications.
It can be said that in the satellite project, the orbit attitude adjustment may not be the most difficult technical work, but it must be the most computationally intensive work.
;Jin at the moment it seems that the time it takes is much longer than sending the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket into orbit.
Just like that, I don’t know how long it has passed.
Suddenly, on the electronic screen in front of the main control room, two simulated motion trajectories gradually intersect and merge, and in the real-time screen, the solar panels of the heavy satellite are also gradually opened.
At this moment, all the staff members of the ‘Zhuanghachi’ project team know.
‘Zhuang Hachi’ succeeded! ! !
It’s just that Wei Pengyu hasn’t officially announced yet, so he can only hold back the excitement in his heart and look at each other.
Looking at the shining satellite in the sky in the picture, Wei Pengyu felt a little choking in his throat, and finally forced himself to say in a calm voice,
“The posture adjustment is completed, and the ‘Zhuanghachi’ project has come to an end…”
Then Wei Pengyu turned his head, showing a relieved smile, and said to everyone.
“Comrades, we succeeded…”
If you listen carefully, you will find that his tone is slightly trembling.
Hearing this, the atmosphere in the venue was suffocated at first, and there was a moment of silence.
Afterwards, everyone stood up, with happy smiles on their faces, clapping continuously, and refused to stop until the palms turned red in the end.
Wang Shan on the side took off her glasses with slightly trembling hands, a relieved smile appeared on her face, and then rubbed her red eye circles. The achievements of Longguo Aerospace for decades have been verified in a few days! In the observation room, when Wei Pengyu announced the official success of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project, all the family members, experts and scholars in the room immediately stood up and burst into applause.
As the family members of the staff, or the scientific researchers who are active in the front line of other aerospace bases, they can fully empathize and feel that this belongs to Longguo Aerospace and the joy of Longguo aerospace people.
Fu Zhiyuan and Professor Liu also stood up, clapped their hands and looked at the picture on the screen over and over again, with a hint of admiration in their eyes.
It is really not easy for Longguo Aerospace to get to this point!
Tang Ziyue and Chen Xinyao on the other side also showed a little shock on their faces.
This experience, I am afraid they will never forget it in their lifetime. Witnessing an event that can be listed in textbooks, this kind of shock is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!
Jinling Bieyuan,
Different from the elation of the other three women, Wu Shaoying’s mood at this time is a bit complicated.
A wisp of inexplicable melancholy circulated in her mind.
It stands to reason that the ‘Zhuangba’ project was a success, and Tang Zhenli should be back. At this time, Wu Shaoying felt a little lucky and joyful.
But she felt an instinctive sense of guilt for the two emotions emerging in her heart!
She always feels that she is one of those hateful heroines who influence the judgment of the protagonist in TV dramas, and the meaning of existence is only to delay the protagonist…
Rao was too much mentally prepared before, but at this moment, she couldn’t help but feel confused…
At this moment, a question inexplicably popped up in her mind.
For Tang Zhenli, whether the relationship between me and him is good or bad…
At this time, Longguo netizens who had been watching the live broadcast room saw this, and the barrage responded enthusiastically.
“Did you make it? ”
“It worked! We made it!”
I knew it would be a success! ”
Netizens talked a lot, obviously sharing the joy of victory. How could they not be happy at such a moment?
The main control room of the ‘Zhuangba’ project,
The applause in the room was endless, and it seemed that it would never stop.
At this time, among the many staff members, there was a girl in the uniform of Longguo Aerospace, whose expression was particularly moving. After Wei Pengyu announced the success of the experiment, she stood up and applauded like her colleagues, with a gratified smile on her face.
But smiling, her eye sockets suddenly turned red, almost instantly, a strand of unspeakable tears flowed down her face.
What is contained in these tears may only be understood by the real Dragon Kingdom astronauts!
The grievances and sorrows of all kinds of failures that I have experienced before are all contained in these hot and crystal clear tears!
At this time, the Longguo CCTV live broadcast room was full of congratulations, and the camera happened to freeze at this moment of transformation.
In an instant, the wind direction of the barrage gradually changed, and netizens discussed heatedly.
“When celebrating the current glorious success, we must not forget the painstaking efforts and hard work of the Longguo Aerospace people who have struggled for thousands of days and nights behind the scenes. For the sake of sacrifice, they dare to change the sun and the moon into a new sky! Longguo Aerospace brings Our expectations, let’s move on!”
“One hundred years of aerospace, the original intention has not changed! Salute to all the aerospace workers who are struggling in the front line! We have seen your efforts, please believe that Longguo Aerospace will always be our pride!”
“The mountains and rivers are safe and sound. In the past, we relied on the ancestors who had unyielding spirit and dared to contribute! The country is rich and the people are strong, but now we rely on these national backbones who are carrying the burden for us!!!”
“Let the hardships of these decades pass away with these tears!”
“Salute! Dragon Kingdom Aerospace! Salute! The most beautiful Dragon Kingdom aerospace people!!”
“Salute! Dragon Kingdom Aerospace! Salute! The most beautiful Dragon Kingdom aerospace people!!”
almostIn an instant, the barrage filled the screen.
While enjoying success, the hard work behind it is even more admirable.
The future will prove that in the history of Longguo spaceflight, the Zhuangba’ carrier rocket is not the end, on the contrary, it will carry the ardent hope of all Longguo people to explore the unknown for the first time and move forward in the endless galaxy!
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