The ‘Heavenly Court’ research project, the beginning of the Dragon Kingdom’s ascension!
Long Guo, the compound of the Ministry of Science and Technology,
Longguo Aerospace is celebrating the success of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle.
Next to a large conference room with a high level of confidentiality, the tight guards patrolling outside clearly indicated that a major meeting was being held inside. At the same time, there is also a radio signal monitoring vehicle on the side of the road, monitoring whether there is any signal outgoing or inputting, and being alert to any possibility of leakage. At this time, in the huge conference room,
Except for the dozens of summit seats in the front row,
There are also hundreds of seats below, which is not so much a conference room as it is a conference hall.
Although there are hundreds of seats, every seat between the venues is rarely full of people at this time.
Taking a closer look at the seats of the leaders, the leaders were the bigwigs and giants of some institutions of the Longguo scientific research department represented by Ji Chengtian. In addition, there were two gray-haired old men who looked very humble.
In fact, many academicians of the Dragon Academy of Sciences were even sitting off the field.
Including the Department of Mathematical Physics, the Department of Life Sciences, and the Department of Earth Sciences, there are more than 300 people in total.
The two old men on the summit stage are the two deans of the current Dragon Academy of Sciences. Originally, as the dean of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, Fu Zhiyuan was named the third-in-command of the Dragon Academy of Sciences. Seat, but he is now at the Northwest Aerospace Base and will not be able to come back for a while.
It can be said that if any one person in the room pulls it out, it can make Longguo academia or scientific research tremble so much.
But now even if it’s late at night, Ji Chengtian still gathers everyone here.
Not only for confidentiality reasons, in fact, Ji Chengtian hopes to discuss the following issues as soon as possible.
All present were intellectuals, and there was no need for Ji Chengtian to make it clear that there were not many noisy voices in the conference room.
In the end, Ji Chengtian glanced at the room roughly, then moved the microphone in front of him to his mouth and said slowly.
“Everyone, I know that calling this meeting late at night made you a little confused, but what I want to say is that what you will come into contact with next will be the development direction of the Dragon Kingdom in the next twenty or even one hundred years. Even, it will shock the world!”
As Ji Chengtian spoke slowly, the expressions of all the academicians began to become solemn.
If the No. 1 person in the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo can say such words, the subject to be discussed at this meeting must be extraordinary.
As far as the scientific research level of the Dragon Kingdom is now, although it has exceeded the world average level, it is still a lot worse than the western world led by the United States.
Even though we have tried our best to catch up, and even surpassed in some aspects, in terms of the overall scientific research level, we are still a little behind.
Nie Ru’s military, or scientific research achievements in space exploration, are far worse.
So this is why the senior officials of Longguo place such high hopes on the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project.
Because the success of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket means that Longguo has followed in their footsteps in space exploration, and even with the help of Tang Zhenli, it has slightly surpassed the Western world in terms of power.
Of course, in front of the ordinary people of Longguo, they just think that Longguo Aerospace is just catching up with the western world, but the real situation is that we have already overtaken on a curve.
Not only that, the controllable nuclear fusion device previously developed by Tang Zhenli is undoubtedly one of the great conditions for promoting the scientific research progress of Longguo.
With controllable nuclear fusion technology, many previously unimaginable projects can already be put on the desk.
It is destined to lead to a big change in the scientific research community in Longguo!
Before the controlled nuclear fusion was announced to the public, this vacuum period was undoubtedly an opportunity for Longguo scientific research to catch up with the Western world in all aspects. So at this time, when they heard Ji Chengtian’s words, all the academicians of the Longguo Academy of Sciences had a vague guess in their hearts.
There may be a deeper reason behind what Ji Bu just said.
In the center of the summit, Ji Chengtian looked at the reaction in the conference room, his eyes fixed slightly, and then continued.
“I believe that you have already received the news of the success of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle, but I’m afraid you still don’t know that the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project is equipped with mature controllable nuclear fusion technology, and in this field, We can say that in the next 20 years, there will be no chance for foreign countries to catch up with us!!!”
The voice fell, and there was still a voice of discussion in the conference room, because what Ji Chengtian said, even within the Dragon Kingdom, has not been made public.

“Ji, has the controllable nuclear fusion technology really been used to such an extent? Wasn’t this only developed last year?” At this time, the academician finally raised his hand and asked with unbearable doubts.
In fact, the success of the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion devices has been regarded as an open secret among academicians. After all, many academicians have disciples or friends who are responsible for the research and development of controllable nuclear fusion projects.
So at this time, the academicians are not surprised about the controllable nuclear fusion technology. On the contrary, since last year, many academicians have been to the research institute of the controllable nuclear fusion device on the outskirts of Yandu.

Ji Chengtian nodded towards the academician who asked the question, and then explained.
“Yes, the successful launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project has proved that our application of controllable nuclear fusion is gradually becomingcooked, so
…Ji Chengtian said halfway through, his tone paused slightly, and then there was a resolute flash in his eyes, and he continued speaking with a hint of sharpness in his tone.
“So, after discussions from the top and bottom of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it is believed that the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan, which was stranded 20 years ago, can be officially started! ! ! ”
Hearing that, except for a few slightly younger academicians who were unknown, I saw that many academicians in the room lost their composure, and their faces showed incredible expressions at the same time.
The ‘Heavenly Court’ plan that died before the project was approved? ? ?
Twenty years ago, this was a project that caused a sensation in the entire Dragon Academy. At that time, it was hailed as a symbolic plan for the Dragon Kingdom to surpass the Western world in one fell swoop.
It is the old dean of the Dragon Academy of Sciences who proposed the ‘Tianting 3 Ten Plans’. The ultimate purpose is to break through the quagmire of technological blockades in the Western world and walk out of the road of self-innovation of Longguo’s scientific research.
Unfortunately, after detailed discussions and meetings, the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan, which was hailed as impossible, was aborted when there were most of the technical difficulties.
And now listening to Ji Bu’s meaning, ‘Heavenly Court, the plan is about to restart? ? ?
In their thoughts, they finally understood what Ji Chengtian said before.
Perhaps the beginning of the Dragon Kingdom’s ascension to glory began with the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan!

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