The beginning of Nirvana, the phoenix is ​​flying!
In the conference room, all the academicians looked at Ji Chengtian expectantly, expecting him to continue talking.
But Ji Chengtian just nodded to Li Wei who was sitting beside him.
Li Wei understood, turned his head, got up and walked towards the main control computer under the summit. In a meeting with such a high level of confidentiality, several bigwigs did not bring their own secretaries.
Therefore, at this time, only Li Wei, Ji Chengtian’s deputy and one of the heads of the Ministry of Science and Technology, can do the work.
Not long after, as the central big screen in the conference room lights up, all the projects currently covered by the ‘Heavenly Court’ project appear on it. Ji Chengtian turned his head and glanced at the central big screen, then turned around, picked up the microphone in front of him, and continued.
“Before this, we have discussed the feasibility of some of the projects currently listed in the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan internally, and now we are going to carry out a detailed discussion. Next, I will explain the specific details for you one by one. Small projects, any academician who has suggestions can come up with them, and we will allocate some projects later to jointly help the implementation of the ‘Tianting’ plan!”
After Ji Chengtian finished speaking, there was no objection off the court, and he continued to speak immediately.
“The first stage of the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan, that is, our ‘Phoenix’ large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform! Under the circumstance that the controllable nuclear fusion technology can be maturely used today, the ‘helicopter carrier’ will no longer be a fantasy !”
Unexpectedly, Ji Chengtian started as a king bomber, which shocked many academicians.
Large-scale aerospace strategic aircraft carrier platform? ? ?
Is this really something we can consider R&D now? ? ?
All present are academicians of the Longguo Academy of Sciences, even if they are not academicians in the professional field, they know that once this large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform
What does it mean to be developed.
This is not just a matter of one country, but the progress of the entire human civilization, representing a turning point from terrestrial civilization to space civilization.
Under the current international situation, it can also be said that if any country takes the lead in moving towards space civilization, there is no doubt that this country will become the common respect of all human countries!
When Ji Chengtian on the stage saw the reactions of the academicians, he had already expected it in his heart. In fact, before that, he could not believe that the Dragon Kingdom had the opportunity to be the first country to enter the space civilization.
If the large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform is really successfully developed and put into use.
Not only can it be an important node or transit point in space exploration, but also in terms of military deterrence, it is a sword of Damocles hanging in the sky, deterring any ill-contrived youngsters!
For the academicians who are over 500 years old, if they can see this scene in their lifetime, it would be a death without regrets!
If they can participate in the research and development…they can’t imagine how excited they are.
With their thoughts at this point, many academicians’ breathing suddenly became rapid, and they all looked at Ji Chengtian in the center with bright eyes.
Although they are not only academicians from the Department of Mathematical Physics, but also academicians from the Department of Life Science and Earth Sciences, but this does not prevent them from having great ups and downs.
Extraterrestrial life, and extraterrestrial unknown materials, are what they want to yearn for.
Ji Chengtian’s eyes were calm, and he seemed to feel the urgency of many academicians, and then continued.
“At present, the ‘Phoenix’ large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform has been gradually improved on a theoretical basis, that is to say, what is most needed at present is a general design plan, which not only includes the ‘Phoenix’ large-scale aerospace strategic carrier aircraft Platform, which also covers aerospace aircraft, drones, extraterrestrial mech exploration devices, etc.…”
“That is to say, although the current technical theory does not constitute a problem, the solutions from zero to some need to be polished. After all, in this regard, all countries in the world today have only a vague concept and no experience. Therefore, How to visualize the concept of an air carrier and give estimated data parameters is the top priority that needs to be overcome now!”
At the end, Ji Chengtian’s eyes froze slightly, and then he said in a serious tone.
“This project is never to be mentioned, but it is absolutely unprecedented! Because it means that the Dragon Kingdom is about to squeeze the Western world from the dominance of the scientific research world! The firstOnce stood at the forefront of human scientific research, carrying the mission of exploration, but…”
All the academicians present became more excited the more they listened, and wished to immediately devote themselves to this project that did not exist for the time being. At this time, Ji Chengtian paused for a while, and then poured a basin of cold water.
However, this also means that the difficulties we are facing are unprecedented, because what we are doing now is a project that is a hundred times more difficult than the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project. We have no experience to learn from, no, nothing. No! ”
To say that the previous ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project was a start from scratch in the scientific research community, then the ‘Phoenix’ air carrier, the first phase of the ‘Tianting’ project, was a real start from scratch.
In another sense, aside from the vast ‘Heavenly Court’ plan, as long as the Dragon Kingdom completes its first phase of the ‘Phoenix’ plan, it is enough to represent that the scientific research field of the Dragon Kingdom has begun to stand at the pinnacle of human beings!
“Based on the current stage limitations of the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan, I will not explain the follow-up plan to you for the time being. Finally, I believe that many of you have come from the hard times at the beginning. I will not say much about the inspirational words. Gentlemen, for this purpose, let us encourage each other.”
The words fell, and applause gathered in the audience in an instant (Did Zhao). Even many old academicians couldn’t hide their excitement. Ji Chengtian looked at the state off the field with a calm expression, and nodded with satisfaction.
With such morale, why is the Dragon Kingdom unhappy!
In a trance, a benevolent face appeared in Ji Chengtian’s mind.
He thought of the old dean who proposed the ‘Heavenly Court’ plan in his twilight years, a backbone of Longguo who had truly come out of difficulties and obstacles, a scholar who had worked hard for Longguo scientific research all his life, and the founder of Longguo Aerospace!
At the same time, he is also regarded as a mentor by him!
Looking at the warm state in the field, his eyes became more and more fiery, and he couldn’t help but murmur in his heart.
“When the ‘Phoenix’ nirvana, the vision you expect, teacher, is coming!”

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