Need for work? ? ?
“Brother, you have kept us a secret!”
At this moment, Tang Ziyue, who was on the side, spoke, and looked at Tang Zhenli in a daze.
Even Chen Xinyao’s eyes revealed a hint of questioning, as if she was blaming him for not speaking earlier.
u 彳何^5 ”
Although he knew that there was going to be a showdown, but even so, feeling the double scrutiny of the two women, Tang Zhenli’s scalp couldn’t help but tingle slightly, so he could only find an excuse to prevaricate.
“It’s all here…”
At this moment, an old voice came, needless to say, Tang Heguang has arrived.
At this time, the old man and Wan Wende were looking at the three of them with a smile on their faces, with a look of satisfaction and satisfaction on their faces.
“Grandpa, Grandpa Wan…”
“Dad, Uncle Wan
Tang Zhenli and Tang Ziyue saluted together, and Chen Xin “one four seven” Yao also smiled and gestured to the two old men.
Apparently, the Tang family was no stranger to Wan Wende.
Tang Heguang and Wan Wende nodded again and again, the wrinkles on their old faces stretched out.
On the other side, Chu Wenqian’s eyelids twitched, her beautiful eyes were slightly startled, and the faces of several assistants also showed a little surprise.
“Tang Gong is Professor Tang’s grandson?!”
For Tang Heguang, as a few people who participated in the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project, they are obviously no strangers. Even if they don’t know each other, they have heard of it vaguely.
Unexpectedly, the ‘Zhuangba’ project turned out to be a grandpa and grandson!
It’s hard not to be surprised, I have to say.
“No wonder…”
At this time, Chu Wenqian murmured to herself that when she followed Wan Wende to the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices for investigation, she found that Wan Wende looked at Tang Zhenli as if he were looking at a junior.
Thinking about it now, it turns out that there is still such a relationship.
“reasonWhat about Tetsu? Why didn’t you see him? ”
At this time, Wan Wende looked behind Tang Zhenli and others, and then asked curiously.
“Uncle Wan, Li Zhe has something to do and didn’t come.
An apologetic smile appeared on Chen Xinyao’s face.
As everyone knows, Tang Heguang, who heard the words, suddenly turned pale.
No reason! It really makes no sense!
Thinking about it, two strands of anger poured into my heart, and then I walked to the corner without a word, and took out my mobile phone…
Wan Wende was stunned when he saw it, how could he not know the thoughts of his old friend, this was obviously dissatisfaction with Tang Lizhe.
Later, I remembered the embarrassment of being caught by Tang Heguang when I was training my grandson…
Old Tang, you also have today…
Shanghai stock market,
Tang Lizhe returned to his empty home. Although it had been a day since the launch of ‘Zhuang Ba’, he still felt empty in his mind.
If you want to ask him what his state of mind is at this time, it is regret, in short, very regret.
Just then, his cell phone rang suddenly.
“dad? ”
Tang Lizhe was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized that the old man came to Xing Shi to ask his guilt!
His expression suddenly became tense. Looking at the vibrating mobile phone, he was in a dilemma for a while, whether to answer it, or not to answer it.
In the end, Tang Lizhe was ruthless and pressed the answer button. There was no other way. Answering the phone might be a scolding.
“Hey, Dad…”
“Tang Lizhe, you are such a big fan. The invitation from my son and Laozi will not come without saying a word. This project was completed by our grandfather and grandson together. We invited the whole family to come to watch the ceremony. Move you, the great god…”
Listening to Tang Heguang’s words with a gun and a stick on the other end of the phone, Tang Lizhe only felt the urge to cry but no tears.
After that, the old man said more and more vigorously, and he almost scolded his face to cover his face, but because of the majesty of the old man and his own guilty conscience, Tang Lizhe did not dare to refute a word until the end.
Even if he is over forty years old, despite his aura in the workplace, in front of the old man, he can only be a man with his tail tucked.
In the final analysis, Tang Lizhe did not live up to the old man’s expectations, and even his mother did so… In addition, he really regretted it at this time, and he did not dare to disobey the old man in his heart, so he could only bow his head and admit his counsel.
‘Zhuangba’ project building, auditorium.
Seeing that the old man was eager to eat his cell phone, Tang Zhenli chose to leave silently with the group, leaving only Wan Wende watching the fun.
“Tang Gong, do you want to attend the press conference tomorrow?”
At this time, Qi Lu turned his head and asked Tang Zhenli…
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli patted the little hand that was pulling his work card around his neck, gave Tang Ziyue a warning look, pondered for a while, and then said.
“Probably not, I will officially resign when the ‘Zhuangba’ project is completed…”
“Ah, so you’re really here for a summer job, bro?”
Without waiting for Qi Lu to respond, Tang Ziyue widened her almond eyes and said in a surprised tone.
Tang Zhenli was stunned for a moment, thought for a while, and a smile appeared on his face.
“It’s not unreasonable to say that…”
The five assistants and Chu Wenqian were silent for a moment.
Tang Gong, who can joke like this, seems to be not used to it.
“If nothing else, we should be going back tomorrow…”
“tomorrow? ”
Chen Xinyao turned her head sideways and couldn’t help asking.
“Yes, there are things, I have to go back and improve…”
Hearing that, Chen Xinyao’s mood was a little complicated, and an inexplicable emotion swept away from her heart.
In fact, she had this feeling when she learned Tang Zhenli’s identity.
Quietly, the young eagle has grown up, no longer needs the protection of his family, and has learned to fly towards his goal. Mother and son were connected, Tang Zhenli seemed to have noticed Chen Xinyao’s strangeness, and took hold of his mother’s hand, signaling her to relax.
Tang Ziyue also felt the inexplicable mood lingering here, and it was rare that it was not funny.
On the other hand, Qi Lu, who was observing from the other side, twitched his eyelids and glanced at several of his classmates, his eyes lit up slightly.
Tang Gong said that there is something perfect, isn’t that…
At this moment, Chu Wenqian frowned slightly, her beautiful eyes revealing a bit of unspeakable melancholy, and she didn’t know what she was thinking. The first morning,
On the occasion of the press conference for the preparation of the ‘Zhuangba: Yunxian Rocket Project’.
Because of the early report to Wei Pengyu, Tang Zhenli and several assistants took a low-key flight back to Longke University.
In addition to the Tang family, Chu Wenqian was also among them.
Shortly after Tang Zhenli left, Tang Ziyue and Chen Xinyao also boarded the return flight.

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