Tang Zhenli? ? ? Are these two the same person? ? ?
After the successful launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle.
Those Western media in foreign countries were suddenly misfired, and even within one day of the successful launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
Including the most powerful DDC ridiculed before, it is rare that there is no news article about the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle.
You must know that the previous DDC kept dozens of news records a day slandering the ‘Zhuang Ba’ project, from which one can imagine how much of a blow and shock the successful launch of the ‘Zhuang Ba’ was to them.
But this was only a misunderstanding for one day. On the second day after the successful launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket, the ridicule and slander of various Western media turned into doubts.
At this time, pure slander and ridicule are no longer effective. Only by questioning can we overturn all the achievements of the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
And the question of this question is obviously low-minded and ridiculous.
“Longguo’s launch live broadcast pre-cut? Expose the true side of Longguo Aerospace! ”
“Failure is less than a year away from success? The authenticity of the ‘Zhuangba’ project remains to be seen! ? ? ”
U 99
In the face of this kind of remarks from the outside world, generally speaking, Longguo Aerospace does not take it seriously, and those who are clear are self-clearing. 18 But in order to appease the emotions of the people of Longguo, the originally prepared press conference will be opened as usual… Northwest Aerospace Base, Administration Building.
– Generally speaking, after a rocket at the space base is successfully launched, there will be a special press conference. Originally, the meaning of the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket was different, so this conference was even more grand.
Except for Tang Zhenli, the six chief engineers of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project are all present.
In fact, this is also an illusion used by the Dragon Kingdom officials to confuse foreign countries.
As the saying goes, the shorter the news, the bigger the matter. This is already an open secret in Long Kingdom. Foreign media know that Long Kingdom has always been adhering to the fact that the bigger the matter, the more low-key it is.
Therefore, it was deliberately made so grand at this time, just to confuse the public.
In terms of what is false and what is true, what is true and what is false, the Dragon Kingdom is the ancestor of all of them.
Therefore, when the five chief engineers sat together at the press conference of the aerospace industry, not only the foreign media who watched the live broadcast, but also the domestic media at the scene were confused.
In the past aerospace press conferences, at most one chief engineer was dispatched, but now there are five people here, basically all here.
what’s going on? ? ?
And what Long Guo wanted was this effect, Wei Pengyu smiled secretly in his heart, and immediately announced the start of the press conference.
At this time, the chief teachers of the other three modules were also a little puzzled. This is the beginning? What about Chief Tang?
However, seeing the expression on General Manager Wei’s face, it was slightly clear in his heart.
It seems that Chief Engineer Tang should not come this time…
Afterwards, after Wei Pengyu finished his routine opening remarks, he began to disclose to the media some things that were not very secret, but had indeed been innovatively used in ‘Zhuangba’.
“In terms of orbit, we used the latest Binet equation algorithm, which gave us a 3% speed improvement and a 0.2% accuracy improvement in the final orbit handover”
Finally, after Wei Pengyu said everything he could say, he started the question-and-answer session of the media interview.
“Chief Engineer Wei, I would like to ask you, what specific significance does the successful launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle have for the development of Longguo’s aerospace…”
At this time, a reporter from Sunshine Daily took the lead to ask questions.
Hearing this, Wei Pengyu also smiled slightly and replied immediately.
“In the application of heavy-duty launch vehicles, Longguo has zero in this field in the past, but this time the launch of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle is a process from zero to one. Has the ability to carry heavy satellites and space stations
While Wei Pengyu was talking, the reporter from Sunshine Daily nodded and took notes from time to time. After all, he was a reporter from a first-class news media in Longguo, and his professionalism was very good.
“Okay, thank you Chief Engineer Wei for clearing our doubts…”
After that, the reporter from the Headquarters Daily asked questions.
“Excuse me, Chief Engineer Wei, how far are we from the top level in terms of launch vehicles that have just started in our country, or how long are we from catching up to the top level…”
The reporter’s voice fell, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly suffocated. This issue is too sensitive. Many people looked at Wei Pengyu carefully, but found that Wei Pengyu was still looking as usual. A hint of a smile.
“Face the gap, there’s nothing to hide, if there is a gap, it must be there, after all, we are just starting, there is a gap, this is normal!”
On this question, Wei Pengyu obviously cannot answer truthfully, and can only answer in this half-concealed form.
Of course, he didn’t lie, of course there is a gap, it’s just the gap between beings and us, not the gap between us and others.
However, it is obviously impossible to dare to think in this regard. In the field of launch vehicles, it has surpassed all countries and reached the top of the world. Who would dare to think about this?
If you have to say it, DDC dare not make it like this!
After answering this question, another reporter came forward.
“Chief Engineer Wei, does the young Chief Master Tang when ‘Zhuangba’ was launched mean that Longguo Aerospace is very willing to recruit young people? And can you reveal the specific identity of Chief Master Tang for us…”
Wei Pengyu 147’s expression changed when he heard the words, and he obviously expected this issue.
“Of course, as long as you are a talented young man, Longguo Aerospace will give you ample opportunities for you to perform. It was like this before, and it will be like this in the future. As for Tang Zhenli, Master Tang, I can’t tell you anything else, I can only tell you. Yes, he is a very good young man!”
At the end, Wei Pengyu showed a confident smile on his face.
“Tang Zhenli?”
The hearts of all reporters at the scene moved
How come you’ve heard this name before?
It seems that the boy who was having a scandal with Wu Shaoying was also named this name…
As a professional reporter of major newspapers, the sensitivity is obviously very keen.
For a moment, he seemed to realize something, and his expression changed slightly.
Is it….
Are these two the same person? ? ?
At this time, the netizens in Longguo who were watching the live broadcast also had a sense of doubt in their hearts.
This name is so familiar!
No wonder they feel this way.
You must know that Wu Shaoying and Tang Zhenli’s revelations some time ago occupied the headlines for a whole month.
Even people who don’t pay attention to the entertainment industry will feel familiar with the name Tang Zhenli.
For a while, netizens were talking about…
Black I*
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