Wu Shaoying’s Tension and Loss!
Jinling Bieyuan,
Wu Shaoying, Ye Yingxin and the three little assistants were surrounded by them, their eyes focused on Wu Shaoying in the middle at the same time, or in other words, her phone screen and Tang Zhenli’s chatting background.
It can be seen that under Ye Yingxin’s ‘teaching’, Wu Shaoying decided to start testing Tang Zhenli by chatting.
“No, no, sister Yingying, you are too straightforward, you should be more subtle…”
Ye Yingxin turned into a dog-headed strategist at this time, and together with the little assistant, made suggestions for Wu Shaoying.
“Oh, I’ll change it again…”
And Wu Yiying seemed to be desperately ill and went to the doctor, and she actually obeyed the words of these two ‘military teachers’ who had never even held the boy’s hand.
Sister Xia, who was watching, couldn’t help but caress her forehead, feeling a little speechless.
“Is this okay? ”
After finishing the change, Wu Shaoying turned her head to the two dog-headed military advisors and asked nervously.
“Should…nothing to ask “147” questions”
Ye Yingxin nodded solemnly and replied.
“Then I posted…”
Wu Shaoying looked relieved, then pressed the send button, and then the three of them nervously waited for Tang Zhenli’s reply.
Long University of Science and Technology, teachers’ apartment,
Wu Shaoying: “Have you watched the news recently?”
“Um? ”
Seeing the news from Wu Shaoying, Tang Zhenli’s eyes flashed with confusion.
For a long time, Tang Zhenli didn’t even want to understand what this plain and unreasonable remark meant.
“It can’t be wrong…”
Tang Zhenli whispered something, and then shook his head secretly.
After waiting for a long time, Wu Shaoying did not see any explanation. Seeing this, Tang Zhenli could only reply silently.
Tang Zhenli: “?”
the other side,
“Ah, what does this question mark mean?”
Wu Shaoying turned her head towards the two of them, a little anxious on her pretty face.
Seeing this, Ye Yingxin’s eyes flashed a little bit of confusion, but she covered it up very well, and it just disappeared in a flash.
Then he coughed twice, his face changed, and he seemed to be thinking thoughtfully and said to Wu Shaoying.
“Well… Well, I think he shouldn’t watch the news, so… Now you just ask him if he’s back? It’s better to see him in person when he’s back.”
“Well, I think it makes sense
The little assistant also nodded again and again, with a look of approval.
Wu Shaoying felt a little weird in her heart, but she did it anyway.
Wu Shaoying: “Are you still at the space base? You still haven’t fulfilled the promise you owed me last time? (playful face)” After a while, Tang Zhenli’s reply arrived.
Tang Zhenli: “I just arrived at Longke University last night… Do you want to run now? I have time in the last few days.”
Wu Shaoying: “So soon? The same place tomorrow morning?”
Tang Zhenli: “No problem (gesture)”
‘Hand! ”
Seeing Tang Zhenli’s reply, the assistant immediately shouted, then turned to Wu Shaoying and Ye Yingxin and said.
“Our Ren Ke is really a master of love! We’ve got the future brother-in-law on an appointment!”
And Wu Shaoying and Ye Yingxin also nodded happily.
Sister Xia, who was watching the whole process, finally couldn’t bear it any longer. She tried her best to control her expression and not let herself laugh out loud. “Sister Yingying, let’s go, we will give you some advice, ‘Tomorrow’s battle’! You must be well prepared!” Finally, the assistant pulled Ye Yingxin and Wu Shaoying confidently and ran upstairs. .
As soon as the three girls left, Sister Xia finally didn’t have to bear it any longer. Suddenly, there was giggling from the living room.
Sister Xia looked at the three people in the living room who were getting ready to go. She suspected that she was dazzled, so she couldn’t help rubbing her eyes.
I saw Ye Yingxin and the little assistant looking serious, and said to Wu Shaoying in sportswear,
“Sister Yingying, just as we said, if he knows, don’t be afraid, just confess directly, if you don’t know, don’t mention it!”
“Remember, success or failure comes again!”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying nodded heavily, her fists clenched tightly, her pretty face also tensed, and her whole body revealed a tense posture. “If he knows, how about pretending he doesn’t?”
At this time, Sister Xia spoke appropriately.
When the words fell, the atmosphere in the field suddenly froze, and the expressions of the three people were frozen on their faces.
Seeing the resentful eyes of the two women and Wu Shaoying’s pale face, Sister Xia could not help but shrink her head, knowing that she had said something wrong, and then added.
“I’m joking, how could our professor Tang be such a person?”
“Yes, yes, the future brother-in-law can’t be such a person, Sister Yingying, don’t worry!”
Ye Yingxin’s complexion also changed, and she even agreed.
“Well, then I’m leaving…”
Wu Shaoying finally nodded, her face still a little nervous…
Perhaps, today is the day of the showdown with Tang Zhenli, which makes Wu Shaoying unable to not be nervous. Then, under the hopeful gaze of Ye Yingxin and the little assistant, Wu Shaoying walked out of the villa.. Longke University, beside the artificial lake,
Although Yandu in mid-to-late September is not too hot,
But definitely not comfortable. From the new novel network disk resource library https://wwa.lanzoui.com/b010pzc9i
The group is updated daily to release novels
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
This book is the first release of Jiumu, the transfer group 838198238
Fortunately, it was morning, and from time to time there would still be gusts of cool wind blowing by the lake.
At this time, Tang Zhenli, dressed in casual clothes, sat upright on the stone bench, planning the next step in his mind.
Just as he was in a trance, the fragrance of jasmine flowers poured into his nostrils. He looked up subconsciously, and Wu Shaoying’s sweet smiling eyebrows appeared in front of him, which made his eyes light up, and a flash of surprise flashed.
There is no doubt that Wu Shaoying is very beautiful. This kind of beauty is not limited to the facial features. More importantly, her whole body exudes a fairy spirit, that kind of otherworldly charm that all men will be fascinated by.
“Good morning!”
Wu Shaoying said hello to Tang Zhenli in a brisk tone, and then a pair of beautiful eyes stared at Tang Zhenli inexplicably, as if she wanted to talk to Tang Zhenli.
what did you see on his face.
“Good morning!”
Hearing this, a smile appeared on Tang Zhenli’s face, and then he stood up.
Afterwards, the two continued to chat as usual while jogging around the lake.
“By the way, what did you mean by the news you asked me yesterday?”
At this time, Tang Zhenli suddenly thought of the thoughtless words yesterday night, and asked curiously.
“No. Nothing, I want to ask you what kind of news you usually watch…”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying’s heart suddenly jumped, her eyes turned to Tang Zhenli, and she said nervously.
“Oh~ is that so? I usually read news about scientific research, similar to natural journals…”
Tang Zhenli didn’t find anything, and answered honestly.
“Oh~ you… do you usually read news from the entertainment industry?”
There was a relaxed look on Wu Shaoying’s face, but after a while, she felt inexplicably a little lost, and then she asked a little reluctantly.
“I don’t really see it, I know you’re a big star, or I didn’t know it until this time last year.”
Tang Zhenli shook his head, and then said to Wu Shaoying with a smile.
“Oh fine
Not wondering if he didn’t get the expected answer, Wu Shaoying’s expression was a little down.

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