The next research direction! ! !
The time to get together is always short. After the run, Tang Zhenli took Wu Shaoying to experience the breakfast at the Longke University cafeteria.
The two are separated.
By the time Wu Shaoying returned to the villa, the sun was already high.
There was only Sister Xia in the living room, and Ye Yingxin and Xiao Yin went back to sleep because they woke up too early.
After seeing Wu Shaoying returning a little lost, there was a trace of worry in Sister Xia’s heart, and she immediately asked with concern.
“How’s it going, Yingying?”
“Meng also doesn’t know, he doesn’t seem to know anything about the Internet…” Wu Shaoying said with a complicated expression on her face at this time, looking at Sister Xia.
“Don’t think so much, relax, don’t worry about gains and losses, think about it carefully, it’s not a bad thing!”
Seeing Wu Shaoying’s expression, Sister Xia knew that Xiao Jiu Jiu was in her heart and could only comfort her like this.
“But he has asked me out for a run these days, which should be a good thing.
When she turned her head, she wondered if Sister Xia’s consolation had an effect, or if Wu Shaoying was an optimist from the beginning, and her expression immediately appeared – Si Xin was happy and said with a smile.
Sister Xia sighed softly and wanted to say something, but she opened her mouth and hesitated, so she could only feel a little emotion in her heart.
Tang Zhenli obviously has time these days, so he doesn’t make an appointment to go shopping, watch movies or something.
This silly girl is still concerned about running in the early morning…
However, seeing Wu 18 Shaoying’s happy appearance at this time, she also gave up the idea of ​​speaking.
In the days that followed, Wu Shaoying turned from a slacker into a hard-working woodpecker. Even if there were classes during the day, she could get up early. Not only is he not tired, but he seems to be enjoying it.
far away,
“This photo is really good…”
Two paparazzi were lurking in the tree in the distance, and one of them sighed to himself.
Then he seemed to have thought of something, and looked around nervously.
The last time I was really scared, this time the two never dared to be so blatant.
So at this time, the two of them were even more careful. After finding that there was nothing unusual around them, their hearts were slightly relieved.
“Tsk tsk…wealth and danger seek…”
“The photos taken in the past few days are all the focus people today…”
“Hey, I’ll post it when I go back, it’s another wave of enthusiasm…”
– As soon as the accomplice next to him finished speaking, he took a picture.
“You pig brain, now this little couple is so popular, won’t they be overwhelmed by the tide…”
“Then what do you mean….after the storm has calmed down?”
His accomplice heard the words and thought, and immediately realized it.
“That’s natural. Only when the popularity calms down will our news be exclusive and the benefit ratio will be the greatest…”
Just when the two were complacent, they did not know that at their far point, someone was also eyeing him.
“Boss, do you want to…”
The team member who protected Tang Zhenli said to the team leader,
“No hurry… Now the rules are relaxed a little bit, wait
Unexpectedly, the team leader shook his head slightly, and looked at the paparazzi on the tree with narrowed eyes, wondering what he was thinking…
Planetary Engine Laboratory,
The laboratory, which has been uninhabited for a long time, welcomes its owner again today.
Looking at the familiar furnishings around him, Tang Zhenli felt a little relieved, but there was some anxiety that followed.
If it is to develop four power modules, I am afraid that this laboratory is not enough.
“correct,Find the dean! ”
Suddenly, Tang Zhenli’s heart moved, and then he felt the pressure relieved.
Just as he was preparing to organize the words in his mind, the five assistants who received the news early also came together.
But what surprised Tang Zhenli was that he felt that the eyes of the five assistants were a little strange.
Especially the four boys, when they saw Tang Zhenli in their eyes, they were a little shocked.
“Tang Gong, how are you feeling recently…”
Li Haoxuan winked at Tang Zhenli and said with a somewhat ambiguous expression.
Just because Tang Zhenli doesn’t go online doesn’t mean they don’t go online. Now there is so much trouble between Tang Zhenli and Wu Shaoying on the Internet.
I had no time to look at my mobile phone when I was in the space base before, but now I know all the news when I return to Longke University.
Originally, several people thought that Tang Zhenli on the Internet and their Tang Gong had the same name.
But this doubt only lasted for a moment, and it was confirmed by various real hammers on the Internet today.
And the final truth made them a little impressed by Tang Zhenli. To say that they were only impressed by Tang Zhenli’s scientific research achievements before, but now they are sincerely admiring him.
While coming up with such a major project, he can still take care of the girls, and he is also the fairy sister Wu Shaoying… tsk tsk!
Not only did the four male assistants get jealous, but even Qi Lu was surprised for a long time.
And that’s why the four boys looked at Tang Zhenli with ambiguous eyes. If they wanted to come, they would be better off after a long absence. The young couple has been away for a long time, and they can’t sing every night these days?
However, Tang Zhenli was puzzled by this gesture, but before he could speak, Qi Lu righteously accused the four boys with inexplicable expressions.
“I think you guys are floating. The manuscripts to be reserved for the previous ‘Zhuangba’ project will take a lot of time…”
Qi Lu’s coercive eyes swept across the four of them, causing goose bumps behind them.
This woman is not easy to mess with…
When even hurriedly waved at the box deer, no one dared to speak.
Finally, Qi Lu turned to look at Tang Zhenli with a serious expression.
“Gong Tang, they didn’t mean it, don’t listen to their nonsense…”
Although Tang Zhenli felt a little inexplicable, he nodded calmly.
In fact, as long as it is not in the field of scientific research, he has always been interested in other aspects. Even if it may be related to himself, he is not interested in asking.
After that, Tang Zhenli walked directly towards the conference room and said as he walked.
“Conference room, I want to tell you about the next scientific research direction…”
Hearing this, the five assistants looked at each other, their eyes lighted slightly, and they could see the joy in each other’s eyes.
Is Tang Gong here again?
Excited, he followed Tang Zhenli and walked towards meeting room 147.
After a while, six people gathered in the conference room.
Tang Zhenli sat in the first seat, looking down at the tablet in his hand with a focused expression.
Seeing this, the five assistants did not dare to disturb their hearts even though their hearts were fluctuating.
After a while, Tang Zhenli first pushed the tablet in his hand to Qi Lu, who was sitting under him, and then said,
“Qi Lu will read it first, then go down one by one, don’t talk while watching it, and if you have any ideas after reading it, feel free to bring it up.

When the five assistants heard the words, their hearts tightened, and they secretly said, here we come!
Afterwards, Qi Lu took over the tablet, with some anticipation and a little nervousness in his heart.
The first thing that catches the eye are four engines with different appearances, no, they should be power modules.
Because there are many interface labels on the outside of the engine, not only limited to the engine itself.
As he continued to watch it, Qi Lu’s expression gradually became solemn, and then his brows were furrowed. Finally, after reading it, he glanced at Tang Zhenli in shock.
Sometimes, Qi Lu really wants to study life sciences, break open Tang Zhenli’s brain, and study how it grows. Is there something more in it?
Qi Lu’s demeanor was naturally appreciated by the other four.
“Come on, Mrs. Lu, it’s my turn
Kang Deyun, who was sitting on the side of Qi Lu, whispered anxiously, the curiosity and excitement on his face were beyond words.
Seeing this, Qi Lu also slowly pushed the tablet towards him…

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