Holy plan! !
Planetary Engine Laboratory,
In the conference room, after everyone circulated Tang Zhenli’s tablet, his mood was even longer than before. Through this plan, they can see that they are growing, and Tang Gong is also growing.
This proposal is more detailed than previous planetary engine proposals, and it will not be as straight-forward as it used to be. It covers each performance of the power module with a unique interpretation.
Tang Gong’s attainment in the field of power has become more and more profound…
“How is it, do you have any ideas of your own?”
After seeing that everyone had read it, Tang Zhenli looked around the crowd, and then said.
Everyone: “.”
– Silence, Gong Tang, you can still watch us as always…
“do not have it? ”
Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.
At this time, Li Haoxuan raised his hands weakly and asked immediately.
“Etanggong, what is the target area of ​​this plan…”
“space exploration! ”
No need to test straight, Tang Zhenli said firmly.
This time everyone showed a clear and enlightened look, no wonder. The expected data of these power modules are outrageous and scary..
“Gong Tang, when will this plan be approved?
Qi Lu raised his hand and asked curiously.
“This plan currently requires a lot of manpower in my expectation, so I will report it to the dean. After the project is qualitative, it is possible to know the specific time for the establishment of the project. Let’s see the dean’s arrangement at that time!”
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, the dean still needs to communicate.
“By the way, does this package have an official name?
After that, Qi Lu spoke again, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.
“Yes, the Four Saints Plan!”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli nodded. He had already expected it when he proposed the model of the Xuanwu engine.
At that time, he already had a preliminary plan in his mind.
“Four Saints!!!!”
The five assistants whispered, this name is quite domineering.
However, if you think about it carefully, the expected data of the four major power modules that have been seen before.
This name is quite in line with the characteristics of these four power modules.
Qinglong, it should be the power module with ultra-high endurance, which has the highest continuous output among the Four Saints!
White Tiger, it should be that the body is smaller than the other three power modules, the whole body is full of sharp breath, although the expected data is inferior to the other three power modules.
But only this power module specifically indicates that it can enter the overclocking state. The data is also biased towards overclocking power, commonly known as burst power.
Once it breaks out, the expected data will be much more terrifying than the other three power modules. Unfortunately, it can only enter the overclocking state for a short time.
state, but even so, it can be said to be the most explosive among the Four Sages!
Suzaku, it should be that the fuselage has a streamlined appearance. From the estimated data, it can be seen that it has an ultra-high cruising speed in the predetermined data, which is the most maneuverable among the Four Saints!
Xuanwu is naturally the engine that was previously used in the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project. According to this, Xuanwu should be the first to be developed. If there is a follow-up improvement, the two engines that are loaded on the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project. Taiwan should be regarded as the Xuanwu type I, and its characteristic is naturally strong driving force, which is the most dynamic among the four saints!
From Xuanwu’s point of view, Tang Gong’s idea of ​​the Four Saints Project should be just a recent idea…
With their thoughts at this point, several assistants could not help but secretly take a few breaths.
If this is the case, in a short period of time, Tang Gong has perfected the Four Saints plan to such an extent, then it is too scary!
However, the emotions in everyone’s hearts soon calmed down. Although they felt that they should be shocked at this time, it was difficult for them to feel shocked.
If I had to say it, it would be numbness!
Anyway, the strength of designing ‘robot cats’, they already have some insight.
Thus, the meeting ended smoothly without any comments.
After Tang Zhenli gave an order, the five assistants went back to prepare. It is conceivable that the task of completing the Four Saints Project is definitely more arduous than the previous projects.
And Tang Xili didn’t walk towards his teacher’s apartment after walking to the lab, but went straight to the administration building…
Different from the previous projects, there are many aspects that need to be negotiated with the dean in the Four Saints Plan, including laboratory aspects, manpower aspects, etc.
After thinking again and again, Tang Zhenli decided to communicate with the dean face to face.
director’s office,
Fu Zhiyuan was considering how to arrange Tang Zhenli. Since he was given the title of professor, he naturally had to give him the status and power that matched the professor.
But again and again, Fu Zhiyuan still had no clue, and immediately fell into a tangle.
Is it to let Xiao Tang arrange it himself? Or arrange it yourself? ”
Just as he was muttering to himself, there was a sudden knock on the door of the office.
“dong dong dong”
“Come in…”
Fu Zhiyuan was slightly taken aback, who would it be this early in the morning?
Then the office door was pushed open, and Tang Zhenli walked in slowly. “Little Tang? Come, come, sit…”
Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes lit up when he saw Tang Zhenli,
I don’t know if this counts as saying that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will arrive.
“President, there is something I want to discuss with you.
Tang Zhenli nodded slightly and then said.
“You said…even”
Fu Zhiyuan seemed very refreshing, and he waved his hand directly, making Tang Zhenli feel at ease.
Thinking of the past, Xiao Tang who can put forward conditions is a good Xiao Tang!
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli didn’t hesitate, he unlocked his tablet and handed it to Fu Zhiyuan. Surprised, Fu Zhiyuan took the tablet, and after focusing his eyes on the tablet, his heart jumped.
“The Four Saints Plan?!”
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