Heavenly Court! !
Holy! ! !
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
Fu Zhiyuan was looking at the tablet in his hand meaningfully at this time. Tang Zhenli didn’t speak when he saw this, and waited silently for Fu Zhiyuan. The atmosphere in the field was very quiet.
However, the contrast between the quiet atmosphere is obvious, and it is Fu Zhiyuan’s heart that has already set off a storm.
Four Saints Plan…Power Module…Detailed division of performance usage…
In the end, Fu Zhiyuan glanced at Tang Zhenli with a calm expression from time to time.
This young man…the idea is really endless…
Power modules suitable for all aspects of the space field, I really dare to think…
Among them, speed, battery life, overclocking, and driving force are all covered.
It is conceivable how complicated deduction and calculation this plan has gone through.
And more importantly, if it’s just an idea, that’s all, the problem is that the data has already been estimated, that is to say…
The Four Sages plan has already been scrutinized by Tang Zhenli as a whole, and looking at it this way, it is indeed a bit terrifying…
It has only been a few days since he returned from the ‘Strong Eight’ project. To say that the Four Saints Project was a temporary initiative by Tang Zhenli, he would not believe it.
Could it be that he was already thinking about it in his mind while taking care of ‘Zhuangba’? ? ?
Suddenly, Fu Zhi 147 is far away from Qi Lu.With such an idea, he was more interested in Tang Zhenli’s brain composition than the Four Saints Project.
“Headmaster, how are you?
Aware of Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes, Tang Zhenli raised his eyelids, and then said.
“Very well, you still have specific ideas and requirements. Even if you put them forward, the Dragon Branch Conference will fully cooperate…” Fu Zhiyuan resisted the turbulence in his heart and said calmly to Tang Zhenli.
Needless to say, Fu Zhiyuan can also guess it. According to Tang Zhenli’s temperament, if there is no important matter, he will definitely not come to discuss with him.
“Since the dean said so, then I will make it clear…”
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli’s eyes lit up slightly, and he knew that the dean was a helpful person. Anyway, he had never touched a nail on the dean.
“Compared to the previous project with a single engine, the task of the Four Saints Project must be much more arduous. In addition, in terms of venue and manpower… According to the current situation, it is still far from enough…”
Seeing this, Fu Zhiyuan’s face revealed a hint of enlightenment, and his face turned serious. According to the scale of the Four Saints Plan, what Xiao Tang said was not unreasonable.
I began to think in my mind,
By the way, wasn’t I just thinking about how to give Tang Zhenli the treatment that matches the professor?
Perhaps, just to take this opportunity?
As for the venue, please discuss with the Ministry of Science and Technology, and then talk about it…
With his thoughts at this point, Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes gradually solidified, and then he said to Tang Zhenli,
“Xiao Tang, you don’t have to worry about the venue. I’ll see how to solve it… As for the manpower, I’m more inclined to give the opportunity to our students from Longke University. What do you think?”
“Students of Longke University…”
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, frowned slightly, and then said,
“Dean, it’s not that I don’t want to give the students of Dragon University a chance, it’s just that the four-sage plan covers a wide range, and the promotion of the project may be insufficient in the follow-up… My idea is to choose from the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices. People, this is more advantageous, and you can fight, mature researcher…”
However, seeing Fu Zhiyuan’s frowning expression, Tang Zhenli pondered for a moment and continued,
“But as a professor at Dragon University, naturally, we should give our students a chance, half and half…”
Hearing this, Fu Zhiyuan’s knitted brows gradually stretched out, and he nodded with a smile on his face.
“Okay, that’s the decision, don’t worry about other things, I will try my best to win for you, but the venue may take a little more time, you have to be mentally prepared…”
It has to be said that after the tempering of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project, Tang Zhenli’s progress in dealing with people is obvious.
“Okay, Dean!”
Tang Zhenli also had a smile on his face when he heard this, and then nodded.
After that, the two discussed the Four Saints plan for a while, and the meeting did not end until Tang Zhenli and Fu Zhiyuan bid farewell.
After Tang Zhenli left, Fu Zhiyuan was still fascinated by the plan of the Four Saints that was still copied to his computer, and couldn’t help but let out a sigh in his heart.
It means that there are talented people from Yamashiro, and they have been leading the way for hundreds of years!
Before they knew it, most of the scientific researchers in Longguo who had experienced those hard times had already returned to Xinghai, and only the ‘young people’ of the old era were still lingering on.
“Blue is out of blue.”
At this time, Jingyuan’s face was serious, her eyelids were drooping, she kept flipping through the various projects of the Four Saints Project, big and small, and muttered in a low voice.
Anyway, today’s young people, he is getting more and more incomprehensible, but this is also a good thing… isn’t it?
Suddenly, a light flashed in Fu Zhiyuan’s mind, as if he had thought of something, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he patted his head. “Heavenly Court Plan!”
How can I forget about this shit! I
Although Bianzhiyuan did not participate in the grand meeting of Yi], as a large scientific research institution, Ji Chengtian sent him the minutes of that meeting.
Fu Zhiyuan also learned that the Ministry of Science and Technology wanted to restart the ‘Heavenly Court Project’.

To be honest, before seeing the Four Saints Project, he was not very optimistic about the restart of the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, although now the Dragon State has a controllable nuclear fusion device
This killer copper, but the problems involved are too broad and comprehensive, and it will definitely take time to solve it.
However, after seeing Tang Zhenli’s Four Saints Plan, Fu Zhiyuan regained his confidence in the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’.
Just what the Four Sages plan covers can already solve the power problem of the ‘Heavenly Court Plan’.
At this point, Fu Zhiyuan can’t help but be amazed, this is too coincidental…
He knew that it was impossible for Tang Zhenli to know about the ‘Heavenly Plan’, but now these Four Sages plans, the more and more they looked like they were tailor-made for the ‘Heavenly Plan’?
“Heavenly Court, Four Saints…”
Looking at the Four Saints Plan in front of him, Fu Zhiyuan’s mind also became active. .

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