: Town Square! !
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
After thinking over and over again, Fu Zhiyuan decided to tell Ji Chengtian about the Four Saints plan as soon as possible.
It may take a long time just for the venue, so if you can hurry up at this time, you must hurry up. So, Fu Zhiyuan picked up the landline phone on the desk and dialed the phone of the office of the head of the science and technology department.
But after waiting for a long time, it was not Ji Chengtian who answered the phone, but his confidential secretary.
“President Fu, the Ji department is currently in a meeting. Don’t worry, I will notify him after the meeting! I will call you back when the time comes!”
Fu Zhiyuan sighed slightly in his heart, and could only wait for Ji Chengtian’s call.But after waiting for a long time, Ji Chengtian’s call still didn’t arrive, Fu Zhiyuan couldn’t help feeling a little impatient at this moment, and then murmured in a low voice.
“It’s going to be open…it’s been too long-…”
Seeing that there was no response for the time being, Fu Zhiyuan couldn’t bear the desire to confide in his patience for a while, so he simply called Professor Liu directly afterwards.
How can I say that Professor Liu is half of himself, and several of his students work under Xiao Tang…
“Hey, old Liu, come to my office and show you a baby
Not long after, Professor Liu opened the door of the office with anticipation…
Seeing this, Fu Zhiyuan quickly got up and said to Professor Liu.
“P Complete Reverse”
Fu Zhiyuan then directly turned his computer screen in one direction, and then showed him the plan of the Four Sages. Now, there are some things that should be touched by him.
It would be too much if my students didn’t know what they were doing…
“The Four Saints Project???”
After browsing through the Four Sacred Plans, Professor Liu couldn’t help but let out an exclamation. As an expert in fluid dynamics, he was naturally familiar with this kind of propulsion device.
“Is this the project Mr. Tang will do next?”
Surprised, Professor Liu suddenly realized that since Fu Zhiyuan was able to show him this seemingly confidential project, and it was space-oriented, this must be the next project that Tang Zhenli will develop.
It seems that I have once again gained the glory of the students.
But after thinking about it, he became a little excited again. If this is the case, doesn’t it mean that his five students can participate in another big project?
Even if he only has a rough understanding, he also knows that the power system project that covers various performances as one, need not think too much, if it is successful, it will definitely be more powerful than the ‘Zhuangba’ project.
As the teacher of Qi Lu and others, how could Professor Liu not be excited.
“Okay, what do you think…”
Fu Zhiyuan nodded and said.
“Dean…you think highly of me…”
Hearing this, Professor Liu was taken aback, then shook his head with a wry smile, and continued,
“The academic level of chief engineer Tang is now top-notch in Longguo…I am not qualified to give opinions, so don’t let me down.” After the success of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, Tang Zhenli’s academic level has basically been recognized by everyone up.
In the field of scientific research and aerospace in Longguo, who dares to say that his attainments in propulsion devices are higher than Tang Zhenli?
So now what Professor Liu said is not without basis.
Unexpectedly, Fu Zhiyuan laughed, his expression was very happy.
In his heart, he has long regarded Tang Zhenli as his junior, and praising Tang Zhenli is tantamount to praising him.
Just as I was about to speak, my phone rang…
Longguo, Ministry of Science and Technology, in the huge meeting room,
Listening to the noisy arguments lingering in the arena, Ji Chengtian only felt a little headache.
Since the “Tianting Project” was put forward, under the dealings of the Ministry of Science and Technology and various high-level officials of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, after several days of negotiations and discussions, the general design plan, material responsibility, theoretical part and many other projects of the “Tianting Project” Make a staffing assignment one by one.
As academicians of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, there are naturally not a few research institutes under his command.
But in terms of motivation, no matter how we discuss it, we can’t discuss it.
In fact, this project in terms of power is too big, it is the “Phoenix” large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform, and the power modules covered in it are already
However, it is big enough, not to mention the follow-up projects.
Therefore, each academician wants to plan a piece of research and development for themselves, in addition to participating in the research and development of the power module, they can have access to the confidential controllable core.

In addition to changing technology, this is a historic revolutionary technology in terms of meaning alone!
Just ask which scientific researcher does not want to participate in it.
This also led to the direct dismemberment of the power module. You are responsible for one piece, and I am responsible for one piece. It is still arguing until now!
Finally, Ji Chengtian couldn’t bear the bustling atmosphere of the venue anymore, and walked outside directly under his chest tightness. He felt that he should continue to relieve himself, otherwise the mental torture would be too great.
Pushing open the door of the conference room and breathing in the fresh air, Ji Chengtian felt much refreshed.
Unexpectedly, at this time, the confidential secretary who had been waiting outside the door for a long time came up in an instant, and said to Ji Chengtian with a little urgency on his face.
“Jibu, I’ve been waiting for you, just now the Fuyuan of Longke University called you…”
After the confidential secretary finished talking about the matter, Ji Chengtian was stunned for a moment and muttered.
“Fu Zhiyuan? Take my phone…”
The latter sentence was addressed to the confidential secretary.
Hearing this, the confidential secretary also respectfully put Ji Chengtian’s meeting time on the mobile phone he kept.
On the other side, Fu Zhiyuan looked at the phone number on his mobile phone, and when he saw the note, the corner of his eye twitched, it could be regarded as coming, and then he gave Professor Liu a slight signal with his eyes, and then pressed the answer button.
Professor Liu also nodded in understanding, and remained silent.
He only heard Fu Zhiyuan talking towards the phone, going straight to the point.
“Hey, Lao Ji, I have a project here, and I want the Ministry of Science and Technology to approve it.
“Tang Zhenli’s?”
Hearing this, Ji Chengtian asked back, and it’s no wonder that he immediately thought of Tang Zhenli.
The project that allowed the dean of Longke University to call for approval in person, the first two projects were Tang Zhenli’s projects…
“how do you know? ”
Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows, was taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise.
…ask for flowers…
“You can call yourself, but I still can’t figure it out? You continue to talk…” Ji Chengtian raised his eyebrows, his heart was slightly disturbed, and then he responded. This young man…not for a momentstop.
But judging from his expression at this time, it is obvious that he is happy to see this. It is a good thing that young people are motivated!
“Old Ji, Tang Zhenli’s Four Sages Project… Oh, you may not know the situation of the Four Sages Project. Let me briefly say that it is to study engines with different functions, speed, battery life, and explosion for various purposes… …”
Afterwards, Fu Zhiyuan briefly described to Ji Chengtian the application fields and special features of the Four Sages Project.
Hearing Fu Zhiyuan’s description, Ji Chengtian’s heart was shaken, but then he felt more and more wrong, why did it sound like it was tailor-made for the ‘Heavenly Court Project’? ? ?
“You mean this is a systematic solution? A project covering speed, battery life and other aspects?”
In the end, Ji Chengtian finally couldn’t bear the doubts in his heart, and asked Fu Zhiyuan on the other end of the phone.
“Of course… I’ll send you the plan first, and you’ll find out after you have a look at it.
Fu Zhiyuan’s tone was very firm.
Seeing Fu Zhiyuan’s response, Ji Chengtian’s breathing became disordered for a few seconds, and for a while, he couldn’t find the words to express his feelings. Is this the right time to give pillows when you are sleepy?
– After reading this, Ji Chengtian turned around and walked towards his office while making a phone call.
He wants to see with his own eyes what the so-called Four Saints plan is like.
Although he already had great trust in Tang Zhenli, out of caution, he still did not believe in such a coincidence.
Not long after, Ji Chengtian looked at the email on his computer and clicked it expectantly.
Then the goal was the four power modules of the Four Saints Project, and Ji Chengtian’s eyes brightened slightly.
But the more he looked, the faster Ji Chengtian’s breathing became. If he didn’t believe it was a coincidence before, he believes it now… This is the first phase of the “Phoenix” large-scale air and space strategy of the Four Saints Project and the “Tianting Project”. The matching degree of the machine platform is 100%!
It is worth mentioning that even the application of the four power modules covered in the “Tianting Project” and the Four Saints Project can meet the operation needs of most of the equipment.
Tang Zhenli’s face appeared in Ji Chengtian’s mind, and now, the materialism he believed in was slightly shaken.
Is all of this really such a coincidence?
After pondering for a long while, Ji Chengtian shook his head slightly, and then he choked out a sentence,
“Four Saints?? Heavenly Court?? Four Saints Town Heavenly Court??…”
His eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly copied the plan of the Four Saints.
As far as his personal opinion is concerned, he feels that even the supply of power demand for the ‘Tianting Project’ can be completely handed over to Tang Zhenli.
But after all, Longguo’s scientific research community is not his monopoly.
Before that, he needs to show those academicians who are still arguing…
What is a real genius!

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