Return to the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion! !
The next day, the Institute of Controllable Fusion Devices.
Located in the southern suburb of Yandu, it is an unnamed valley about 30 kilometers away from the city center.
In the institute,
Looking at Mr. Fan, who was dressed more formally than before, the staff in the research institute felt a little doubt in their hearts.
And Fan Hongbo didn’t hide it, Dang even told them the news of Tang Zhenli’s return to the research institute.
Immediately, everyone became restless. Even at work, they couldn’t help but chat a few words, with a look of anticipation on their faces.
“Mr. Tang is coming back??””
“I didn’t expect that the power module of ‘Zhuangba’ would still be shot by Mr. Tang…”
“Speaking of which, ‘Zhuang Hachi’ was launched not long ago? Why did it come back so soon?”
“It’s not that you don’t know Mr. Tang’s temperament. He is originally an indifferent temperament. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have retreated unscathed when the research institute was successful…”
” makes sense
Seeing that everyone was trying to catch fish, Fan Hongbo didn’t stop him. Even Tang Zhenli’s popularity in the institute was hard to beat even for him.
“Also, Xiao Liu, you two will meet Mr. Tang with me later…”
At this time, Fan Hongbo spoke, and said to the two girls in the distance, they were both young people.
It stands to reason that there are only a small number of young people in the institute, let alone two.
What’s even more surprising is that the two girls looked like they were still twins, about twenty-three or fourteen years old, and they looked pretty. At this time, the two sisters were looking at a precision instrument and discussing something. The people are out of place.
However, looking at the expressions of the staff in the room, it seems that they are used to the existence of the two of them.
When the two sisters heard Fan Hongbo’s call, they quickly put down their work and walked towards him.
Although I don’t know who the chief engineer Tang they are talking about is, but he must be a very powerful person…
It is really enviable to be able to greet Mr. Tang in person without noticing the envious eyes of the surrounding staff.
But envy is envy, and there is nothing else strange in my heart.
In fact, the twin sisters took them by surprise when they temporarily parachuted into the research institute two days ago.
There was also a faint discussion behind the crowd, wondering if it was the younger generation of the big boss who came here to mix up his seniority…
But looking at Mr. Fan’s appearance, he couldn’t see the clue.
Now that Chief Engineer Tang is back, it’s a good time to see if the twin sisters are related households.
After all, except for Mr. Tang, they have not seen anyone who can work in the research institute at such a young age…
On the other hand, early in the morning, Tang Zhenli and five assistants boarded the car to the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Device under the arrangement of Fu Zhiyuan.
Different from Tang Zhenli’s calmness and indifference, the mood of the five assistants was extraordinarily

Excited, although they are no strangers to controllable nuclear fusion technology, but this time they went to the research and development place of controllable nuclear fusion technology
In other words, this is where Tang Gong became famous back then! ! It is said that this time it is to transfer some manpower to supplement the Four Saints plan
The convoy drove to the outskirts of Yandu, followed by a series of twists and turns, and after several rounds of checkpoints at the military garrison, it finally came to a stretch of buildings.
As soon as he got off the car, Tang Zhenli felt that the place had changed a lot compared to when he left. The newly built buildings alone made the whole place

Several assistants also got out of the car curiously, scanning the entire research institute up and down.
But before the group of people took a closer look, a few people walked up to them.
“Tang Gong, welcome home!!!”
The leader was none other than Fan Hongbo who succeeded Tang Zhenli after he stepped down as chief engineer.
It can be seen that Fan Hongbo obviously got the news early, so it was such a coincidence that he waited here to be greeted.
And the twin sisters who followed after seeing Tang Zhenli also looked slightly horrified. They didn’t expect that Mr. Tang, who was often heard by the staff of the research institute these days, looked younger than them!
No… Why does Mr. Tang look so familiar? And the more you look at it, the more familiar it is…
Almost instantly, the two sisters came to their senses.
This is obviously Tang Zhenli, the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project that exploded some time ago! ! !
Fortunately, they didn’t recognize them at first glance, almost instantly, the eyes of the two sisters became hot, and the two pairs of beautiful eyes were sizing up Tang Zhenli’s body.
Seeing Tang Zhenli at such a close distance, I became more and more excited
This is a character who has been regarded as an idol by the sisters since he was born!
Damn it, I didn’t recognize the idol at first sight!
It never occurred to them that Mr. Tang, whom everyone talked about, was their idol!
All of a sudden, they thought of Mr. Tang, the most popular among the people in the past few days. His beautiful eyes widened and his face was full of disbelief… At this time, how could the sisters not respond?come over…
It turns out… Chief Engineer Tang was also the chief engineer of the first Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices! ! !
In other words, the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project and the first chief engineer of the research institute are actually the same person!
At this point in their thoughts, no matter how calm they were, they still couldn’t help but focus their eyes on Tang Zhenli… This is a legendary figure… and now he is living in front of his eyes…
“Fan Gong is too polite…”
Here, Tang Zhenli, who heard the words, smiled, extended his hand and shook hands with Fan Hongbo kindly, and then subconsciously glanced at the twin sisters, with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but it was only a trace of surprise. I didn’t take it to heart for a while.
“Before this, we have been notified that Tang Gong was able to think of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Device Research Institute for the first time, and I was quite touched.

Fan Hongbo smiled on his face, looked at Tang Zhenli with some relief in his eyes, and continued.
Afterwards, the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and entered the research institute together under the leadership of Fan Hongbo and the other three.
Tang Zhenli turned his head and signaled his five assistants to follow.
Along the way, the two sisters kept looking at Tang Zhenli and his party.
After coming to the institute for a few days, it was the first time for them to see such a young team…
After the completion of the large-scale tomacak device, the staff of the institute continued to cultivate the controllable nuclear fusion technology based on Tang Zhenli’s previous theory, and strived to open up the technology level earlier, so that the controllable nuclear fusion technology could be controlled earlier. Nuclear fusion turned to civilian use, and openly.
Approaching the research institute, Tang Zhenli was quite familiar with it, and the five assistants looked like curious babies, looking around. They couldn’t be more excited about the research and development site of controlled nuclear fusion.
You must know that the projects they are currently in contact with with Tang Zhenli are all related to controllable nuclear fusion technology…
Tang Zhenli didn’t stop him when he saw this, but secretly laughed in his heart. Young people are more curious, it’s inevitable. Little did he know that he forgot for a moment that he was also a young man, and younger than them.
Afterwards, the group followed Fan Hongbo all the way to the large workshop where the tokamak was assembled.
The workshop is still busy, and the scientific researchers are walking around in the workshop. Counting carefully, the number of people in the workshop is definitely not less than one hundred. Judging from the situation, the controllable nuclear fusion strong device Most of the staff of the institute are here…
At this time, a group of people were in a corridor above the workshop, and they could have an overview of the entire workshop.
“Mr. Tang, how are you going to select people next?”
Fan Hongbo turned his head and said to Tang Zhenli.
“A few of my assistants went down to talk about…”
Tang Zhenli pondered for a while, and said what he had planned on the road before.
“That’s fine too…”
Hearing this, Fan Hongbo also nodded, and said to the two sisters,
“Xiao Liu, you two should cooperate with Mr. Tang’s assistant…”
The two sisters, whose eyes had been fixed on Tang Zhenli, responded quickly after hearing the words.
– Tang Zhenli beside him also gave Qi Lu and the others a look.
Afterwards, the two sisters took the lead, followed by Qi Lu and others, walking towards the bottom of the workshop…
Fan Hongbo and Tang Zhenli watched from afar.
And the abnormality above was naturally discovered by everyone in the field, and someone said it immediately.
“Is that Mr. Tang?” Di? Come so fast? ? ” “Is it really Mr. Tang?” ”
U 99
And this sound seems to be contagious, many people’s eyes are attracted, and the following sounds are one after another. It looks very excited, and it’s no wonder the staff are so excited.
The current Tang Zhenli is completely like an idol in the research institute.
May I ask who doesn’t know Tang Zhenli in the entire research institute? This is the chief engineer who led them all the way to complete the research and development of the Tomacak device, and was also the first chief engineer of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Device Research Institute. It’s hard not to remember!
When the controllable nuclear fusion technology is announced in the future, it is not an exaggeration to call it the father of controllable nuclear fusion.
Coupled with the current chief engineer of the “Zhuangba” launch vehicle power that has become popular on the Internet, no one in the whole country can say that he is young and promising, and the backbone of the country.
But everyone knew it well, they didn’t go up straight (De Wang Hao), but watched Qi Lu and others who came down. Seeing this, Qi Lu directly opened his mouth and said as planned,
“Hi everyone, I’m Qi Lu, the assistant of Mr. Tang. The purpose of our visit today is to invite you to participate in Mr. Tang’s next project.”
After listening to Qi Lu’s words, he only spoke halfway, and was interrupted by everyone.
“I go!”
“I’ll go too. Mr. Tang missed it when he was in the research institute, and now he must not miss it…”
“Me too…”
Almost instantly, there were voices one after another in the field.
Seeing this scene, Fan Hongbo couldn’t help but secretly smiled wryly, but there was nothing strange in his heart.
he knows very well
Even though he is now the chief engineer of the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices, but in terms of reputation,
In terms of potential, it is definitely still far away
Not as good as this young man’s.
To put it bluntly, Tang Zhenli can be called the founder of this research institute. No matter how the controllable nuclear fusion technology develops in the future, the name Tang Zhenli will not escape in the end, because he is the ancestor of the successful research and development and application. !
In addition, Fan Hongbo is not a person who cares about these things. If he cared, he would not have come to serve as Tang Zhenli’s deputy at the beginning, so he only had a faint emotion in his heart.
There is no other young man like Tang Zhenli in the entire Dragon Kingdom!

IfAlmost instantly, there were voices one after another in the field.
Fan Hongbo above saw this scene and couldn’t help but smile bitterly, but there was not much difference in his heart.
He knew very well that even though he was the chief engineer of the Research Institute of Controlled Nuclear Fusion Devices, in terms of prestige and potential, he would still be far away.
Far better than this young man.
To put it bluntly,
Tang Zhenli can be called the founder of this institute,
No matter how controllable nuclear fusion technology develops in the future,
In the end, the name Tang Zhenli cannot escape, because others are the ancestors of successful research and development and application!
In addition, Fan Hongbo is not someone who cares about these things. If he cared, he would not have come to be Tang Zhenli’s deputy, so he only had a vague emotion in his heart.
For a young man like Tang Zhenli, the entire Dragon Kingdom could not find another!

Tang Zhenli raised his eyebrows and groaned in confusion, obviously not knowing why Fan Hongbo made this decision.
The two sisters on the side suddenly heard the words of General Manager Fan, and were a little stunned for a while.
In fact, Fan Hongbo had this idea before Tang Zhenli came, and that was the reason why he had asked the two sisters to meet Tang Zhenli with him.
Because of the twins’ identities, only he knows in the entire institute.
The two sisters are young geniuses who have just been recruited into the research institute. Although both of them have just graduated from Huaqing University, they don’t know if it is God’s favor.
During their college years, the achievements of the two in the field of nuclear energy can be described as terrifying, especially in the collision trajectory of atomic nuclei, which can be called an authority.
It sounds incredible, but it’s true.
Long Guo has never lacked talents, but it just happened that Tang Zhenli’s light had covered them all up!
Before Tang Zhenli successfully developed controllable nuclear fusion, the two sisters, but within Longguo Scientific Research, were always considered to be the most likely to survive in their lifetime.

The researchers who developed controllable nuclear fusion in 2018!
As such a genius, Fan Hongbo obviously felt that it was a bit of a waste to put it in the research institute.
“Liu and Liu were specially recruited, and their research strength is extremely strong…
Fan Hongbo said directly.
Hearing this, Tang Zhenli also nodded, a flash of clarity flashed in his eyes, those who can make special moves are naturally capable! Fan Hongbo could speak in person. It seems that the twin sisters are not that simple. Maybe they can bring him a surprise.
The five assistants on the side obviously knew more, and when they looked at the two sisters, they felt like they had heard it before.
And the pair of sisters Hua heard the joy, and the joy on their faces was undisguised.
With such deep attainments in the field of nuclear energy, only two sisters can be convinced at the same time.
One is the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project, and the other is the developer of controllable nuclear fusion!
But now it seems that these two are the same person! It’s all Tang Zhenli!
Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that I can study and research with Tang Zhenli.
How can the mood of the two sisters at this moment be summed up in one excitement…
After that, Tang Zhenli didn’t stay for a long time again. After chatting with (biei) Fan Hongbo for a while, he set off on his return journey… At this time, the people who were recommended before, plus the two sisters, made a total of twenty-three people.
The twenty-three people will go to Tang Zhenli to report after completing the handover procedures in a few days.
At this point, the matter of the Controllable Nuclear Fusion Device Research Institute has come to an end.
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
Compared with the cleanliness of the office in the past, the current office can be described as extremely noisy.
More than 20 first-level professors from Longke University who had received the news before gathered together, making Fu Zhiyuan’s office a mess.
Now the matter of Tang Zhenli has been reported back to Longke University early. It can be said that from the professors to the students, everyone knows that the original specially recruited undergraduate student turned out to be the chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project. The few assistants who were brought down below even brought the water up and the boat to the top.
At the beginning, how many people laughed at the graduate students for attacking the undergraduates, and now there are many who regret it and even their bowels are green!
For this reason, Professor Liu, who was often snickered by the professors in the past, has now become the envy of many professors.
So much so that Professor Liu, who is now proud of himself, is a lot tougher when he walks in Longke University.
As soon as the news was received at this time, more than 20 first-level professors from Longke University hurriedly rushed over, leaving those second-, third-, and even fourth-level professors with regrets.
You must know that the last time the dean asked Tang Zhenli to select assistants, but the professors in the whole school asked them one by one, but no one answered them at that time.
But now that Tang Zhenli’s status has risen, these second- and third-level professors are not even qualified to participate, which is beyond regret!
“Dean, don’t you know that the students under our command are all elites! ! Not to mention the academic level, even the consciousness is very high, hard-working, not a problem.. ”
At this time, a professor was talking rhetorically and was talking to Fu Zhiyuan continuously.
But looking at Fu Zhiyuan’s impatient expression at this time, he knew that it was not the first time he heard such words.
Looking around the anxious professors, Fu Zhiyuan showed a hint of happiness in his heart.
This old guy is fine? At the beginning, no matter how I asked, I couldn’t get a student to be Tang Zhenli’s assistant, but now I’m rushing ducks to the shelves…
Immediately, I sneered in my heart,
“Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi! ! ! Don’t bully… old age and poor…”

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