Crazy Dragon University professors! !
In the office of Longke University,
“Dean, we students, you know, several times a year.A sci paper, but also in the field of materials, can definitely help a lot
I ”

At this time, although the professor at the export did not know the specific project of Tang Zhenli, no matter what the project was, it was related to the field of materials, so he said this at this time.
“Shout, just the few students under your hands, three melons and two dates, can you produce sci papers without your help?
After the professor finished speaking, someone immediately became unhappy, who has few elite students under his command, – immediately retorted.
“That’s better than the few Buddhist students under your command who want to come – right!”
“What did you say? ”
Immediately, the already noisy office became even more noisy.
At this time, the old god Fu Zhiyuan was sitting in his office chair, closing his eyes and resting, turning a deaf ear to the bustling atmosphere in the venue.
Just as the atmosphere in the room was noisy, an untimely voice came over.
“What are you yelling about, is yelling useful? Why don’t you guys fight? Maybe it’s useful…”
Hearing this, more than 20 eyes looked directly at the source of the sound, and even Fu Zhiyuan opened his eyes and looked at it with interest. It wasn’t anyone else who spoke, it was Professor Liu, who was now much admired.
“Old Liu, what are you doing here, you won’t bring the new recruits this year?”
At this time, a professor opened his mouth and said, now everyone knows that several students of Professor Liu’s previous two years are now under Tang Zhenli’s hands, so this year they will
Summoned a few students
And the newly recruited Fengsheng is definitely not qualified to participate in this project.
“Why, the five students under Mr. Tang are all mine, why can’t I check on Mr. Tang?”
Professor Liu said calmly, causing the other professors to change their expressions, showing a complicated look on their faces.
hateful! Is this Versailles?
They couldn’t refute this kind of Versailles!
The five students are really under Tang Zhenli, and they are said to be regarded as confidants…
As the saying goes, a lie never hurts, the truth is a knife!
The current professors are like being stabbed in the heart for no reason, and the expression on their faces at this moment is more uncomfortable than constipation.
Seeing the more than 20 professors present being speechless by his own words, Professor Liu felt a sense of relief in his heart. What was the strength of secretly laughing at me from behind?
But the surface looks as usual, and he continued,
“In my opinion, it’s better to be practical if you fight back and forth like this. Let’s just be more practical. Now the funds of Longke University are also tight… Your research funds next year…”
At the end, Professor Liu rubbed his two fingers with obvious intentions.
Hearing this, all the professors were stunned for a moment, and instantly felt that their pockets were tight, and they also understood what Professor Liu meant.
This is clearly meant to pay for it!
Fu Zhiyuan’s eyes lit up, who had been sitting on the office chair, this is a good idea!
There are a lot of scientific research funds in the hands of these old guys. They are issued every year and they have not been used up before. One person has at least tens of millions. It just happened that Xiao Tang spent a lot of research funds recently. This is a good opportunity. . . .
At this point, I also nodded towards the professors, and immediately said,
“I think it’s ok, places are limited, first come first served…”
Seeing that the dean has spoken, and the professors are still doing it, some professors immediately opened their mouths.
“100,000, one quota, next year my research funding can be reduced by 100,000…” Before he could finish speaking, Professor Liu interrupted him directly and said.
“One hundred thousand, how about sending beggars? According to you, I want one million less…”
“What’s the use of it? Just your undergraduate graduates who have just been promoted to theory courses and haven’t taken a few days? Do you have this qualification?” .
“No qualifications? Good! Then I simply don’t want the research funding next year, I want all the places…”
Professor Liu was unmoved and continued.
“you! ”
“you! ”
When even a professor said in shock, this old thief is too shameless, he is trying to force his students into it!
But they also know that if Professor Liu really does this, then there is still a great possibility.
At this time, Fu Zhiyuan opened his mouth with a sullen look on his face, and he finally couldn’t bear it any longer.
“Old Liu, it’s too much… Let’s talk about it first. Before, Professor Tang only gave us about 20 places in Longke University, and the rest are researchers at the research institute…”
Fu Zhiyuan did not explicitly say that it was the Institute of Controllable Nuclear Fusion Devices, but many professors were still excited.
The dean opened his mouth, and it was true. In this way, if he participated in Tang Zhenli’s project, wouldn’t it mean that their students had the same status as researchers in those research institutes?
…for flowers….
Immediately, in addition to those professors who were really unrelated to their fields, other professors who were closely related to the aerospace project rushed to say, “Five million less funding next year, five places!”
“Three million less funding next year, three places!”
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In a short time, the more than 20 places were all divided up by the professors, and Fu Zhiyuan was also indirectly credited with more than 20 million, although
Compared with the previous 500 million, it is not much, but at least the mosquito legs are meat no matter how small they are.
Finally, before leaving, Fu Zhiyuan meaningfully reminded the professors,
“I hope you will cherish this opportunity. After the project is approved, if there is something wrong with the students of Longke University, it will not only lose your face, you must be elite…”
Hearing this, the professors all nodded their heads with serious expressions on their faces.
They naturally knew what the dean meant, that is, they wanted to send the most elite and best students under their hands, and they thought so.
Through previous experiences, they already have psychological expectations, although they do not knowWhat is this specific project, but it must not be smaller than the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project!
If so, that’s enough!
After the professors left one after another, only Fu Zhiyuan was left in the dean’s office. No, there was also Professor Liu.
Fu Zhiyuan looked out the door subconsciously, and then said to Professor Liu with a smile.
“Old Liu, your trick is really high!”
Hearing this, Professor Liu waved his hand, shook his head slightly, and said.
“I have worked with them for so many years, I don’t know what kind of urine they have, they are all like ghosts!”
Yes, in Fangcai, Fu Zhiyuan and Professor Liu directed and acted in a big play, successfully resolving a never-ending debate. You know, these professors’ lip service is no less than their academic attainments…
If Fu Zhiyuan mentioned the one million quota, they would definitely find a way to unite so that Fu Zhiyuan would not take advantage. But Professor Liu is different. He has a special status now, and this request is just right.
This trick is wonderful, it not only saves time for debate, but also gains a sum of money, the best of both worlds!

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