Art Exhibition? Tech show?
Long University of Science and Technology, in a laboratory,
“I paid a lot of money to win this opportunity for you, you have to work harder for me!”
A professor looked at a few students who had high hopes for him, his face was cautious, and there was a flash of pain from time to time. One million places! There is no such thing as slaughtering pigs!
The students in front of him also nodded solemnly, with excitement in their eyes.
Tang Zhenli, or in other words, the name of Chief Engineer Tang is still unknown at Dragon University of Science and Technology.
As a special enrollment undergraduate student at a young age, he served as the chief power engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ project. With this resume alone, I don’t know how many experts and scholars have surpassed Long Guo.
And the five assistants who first followed Tang Zhenli’s status naturally rose.
The status is far beyond their ordinary students.
At this time, I have the opportunity to participate in the project developed by Chief Engineer Tang, and it is naturally difficult to calm down.
“Go back and prepare well… This project is not small…” “One Six Three”
Immediately, the professor couldn’t help but exhort him.
Several students heard the words for a while, and then said goodbye to him one after another.
Finally, after there was no one in the room, the professor showed a bitter look, and muttered bitterly at the corner of his mouth,
“The days to come… I’m afraid it will be difficult…”
I’m afraid it’s going to be tight…
After all, sending some people out would cost too much research funding.
Long University of Science and Technology, Dean’s Office,
Fu Zhiyuan and Professor Liu sat opposite each other with a cup of tea in front of them.
At this time, Professor Liu smiled and said to the dean.
“Speaking of which, I had to thank the dean before…”
“Little Things”
The two old foxes looked at each other tacitly, and the smiles on the corners of their mouths became more and more obvious.
Of course, Fu Zhiyuan knew what Professor Liu was talking about. At first, he almost put a knife on Professor Liu’s neck. Fortunately, in the end, Tang Zhenli was strong enough to earn his face.
At this time, the two were thinking about it, and naturally another feeling of impermanence lingered in their hearts.
Not to mention Professor Liu, even Fu Zhiyuan, who personally recruited Tang Zhenli to Longke University, didn’t expect it.
In just one year, Tang Zhenli was able to make such a great achievement!
So much so that the current Longke University has set off a wave of enthusiasm to join the wave of scientific research.
He is in his twenties, famous all over the country, the chief engineer of the ‘Zhuangba’ launch vehicle project… With all kinds of auras, just thinking about it is enough to make one’s blood boil. This is simply the script of the Son of Destiny!
At the same time, a science and technology exhibition held in Yancheng Science and Technology Museum is also in full swing.
For this reason, the official account of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo personally issued a document to make a highly valuable publicity for this science and technology exhibition.
Essentially, this time the focus is on the ‘Heavenly Court Project’, so it is in the promotional article.
A lot of the first stage of the ‘Heavenly Plan’, that is, the initial plan model of the ‘Phoenix’ large-scale aerospace strategic aircraft platform, has been and is expected to be revealed.
Equipped with a series of exclusive equipment such as the ‘Bao Peng’ space fighter!
As soon as the news came out, it was first seen by some ordinary netizens, who inexplicably expressed emotion.
“Huh? Our science and technology department actually made a platform for a science and technology exhibition?” “It’s interesting…”
But it’s just emotion, not much attention.
But not long after, the news gradually spread to the ears of various aerospace enthusiasts.
For a time, the news was like a magnet, attracting many aerospace enthusiasts.
You know, the Ministry of Science and Technology has never given a platform to any science and technology exhibition.
Then something big is going to happen!
And after reading the whole post about the ‘Heavenly Court Project’ issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology, they couldn’t sit still!
“Isn’t this an air carrier???”
“Really or not! The ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket has just been launched, and the air carrier has just come out??”
“It should be a concept map, it should be a long time away from success…”
“The Ministry of Science and Technology stands on the platform in person, I think maybe the project has already started!!!”
“Impossible, with the current level of the Dragon Kingdom aerospace engine, it has just caught up with foreign countries. The power system and anti-gravity system used in such a large space carrier cannot be developed so quickly. I want to say, the theoretical direction Maybe it’s not perfect yet…”
“Yeah, the controllable nuclear fusion technology has not been researched yet, I think there are some of these…”
“If this can be made in my lifetime, kill me to celebrate Longguo Aerospace (funny)”
“Need notThe ‘Heavenly Court Project’ means that the ‘Phoenix’ has come true. We can proudly say that we have stood on the top of the world! ! ”
“It seems that the Ministry of Science and Technology has also established a war and ignorance bureau! (dog head)”
I have to say that even the aerospace enthusiasts of Longguo, although they are very confident in Longguo Aerospace, do not believe that this thing can be built in a short time.
Note that when they say a short period of time, that’s at least ten years!
This is not to blame for the aerospace enthusiasts of the Dragon Kingdom,
After all, the progress of science and technology can be unpopular, but it must not be evil!
When the ‘Zhuangba’ carrier rocket was just launched, thinking about developing an air carrier?
If this is said, TV dramas would not dare to act like this!
Although they don’t have confidence in the ‘Phoenix’, the aerospace enthusiasts in Yandu can’t help but feel itchy, which does not prevent them from wanting to go to the science and technology exhibition – Observation
° And the foreign media who have just stopped for a few days, seeing that the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo actually took out the sky carrier as a gimmick, how can they bear the ridicule and disdain in their hearts, and their hearts have already bloomed at this time.
At the level of Longguo Aerospace, they just touched their buttocks, and now they are delusional about researching sci-fi products…
I don’t dare to do things like this. To put it bluntly, this is no longer an illusion, it can already be classified as an illusion.
In this regard, how can they control their ridicule and sarcasm.
All kinds of yin and yang news came one after another.
“Longguo’s scientific research is in a bottleneck! Science fiction products use gimmicks?”
“You want to fly as soon as you learn to walk? What a high-level scientific research of Longguo!”
“Longguo scientific research talent fault, using gimmicks to induce young people to join scientific research!”
Under this general environment, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Longguo did not respond, so why bother with such a newspaper that can write untrue opinions.
But no matter what, Yandu Science and Technology Exhibition is spread through various channels.
Immediately, many interested Longguo aerospace enthusiasts set off to go there. After all, no matter what, this is also the beautiful vision of Longguo people, isn’t it?
Jinling Bieyuan, inside the villa,
“Yingying, Yingxin, hurry up, the art exhibition starts at two o’clock, you can’t enter after night…”
〃I’m coming ”
Hearing this, Wu Shaoying and Ye Yingxin came together. The two girls were of the same age. At the same time, they both had the breath of young and beautiful girls.
Seeing this, even Sister Xia’s eyes flashed with surprise.
After everything was ready, a group of four boarded the familiar black commercial vehicle.
During this trip, they were invited to an art exhibition held by the Longguo Drama Academy. This art exhibition covers exhibitions in various fields of music, drama, TV series, and film. The address is selected to be held in Yancheng Art Museum.
The black commercial vehicle has been driving for an unknown time, and after passing a corner, it finally stopped slowly on the side of the road.
“Here, get out of the car…”
Xiaozhu Leng looked very excited, and was the first to open the car door and walked out.
“Brother Liu, just wait for us here…”
Sister Xia finally got out of the car and spoke to the driver before parting.
After getting off the bus, the four women looked at their surroundings one after another. Then he walked straight towards the gate of the art gallery.

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